Hey healers, if you are going to play

These are dps main that are forced to fill. If you ask them to heal when you have gold heal as brigs they will switch to dps.

Nope wasn’t me then .

It was illios for me.

Sounded like me though.

way to be the bigger child and throw a tantrum

You all need to stop making fun of me I am trying to get boop clips for my montage on Reddit.

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I’m sick of DPS not getting kills and if I am in QP, you’re on your own now.

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I’m sure you’re right, but I’m confident in guessing that’s a very small minority of cases.

Btw, the category is support not healer, and certainly not heal-bot.

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Right and that time your not healing someone is losing health and possibly dieputting you down a player, when i played support healing was always #1 priority most games that 95% of what i did, do everything i can to keep everyone alive

Not going to do your job? that makes you a scumbag and just as bad as the healers who aren’t healing.

think about that.

Well if they want to lose so bad why should i have to twice as hard to carry dead weight, sorry i dont carry people

Keyword being “alive”. Not at 100% hp every second of the match. Not when you have biotic nade, or damage-boost beam, boops, damage orb, discord orb, or a burst rifle.

If healers cant keep their team alive in a team fight then they are terrible and shouldnt play healer in comp at there rank till they know how to play one at their rank i am sick of people playing in comp heroes they barely play or have never played, cause no they have put our team at agiant disadvantage and that tilts me bad

The efficacy of healing is dependent on a number of factors ranging from team positioning and coordination to the ability to take down enemy targets. Dismissing support players simply because they “can’t keep their team alive” is a short-sighted and self-defeating action that frequently does not get to the heart of the matter.

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Lol, someone has to die in a teamfight. Teamfights don’t last forever (even in Goats vs Goats). Does that mean the supports weren’t doing their job?

72 replies and 6 likes, thats gotta hurt. A lot of bad info in there, and just approached the situation poorly.

Well damn I guess devs shouldn’t have given us that speed nerf and wallride boost because it is almost impossible to stick with the team unless I’m standing still leaking brain matter onto the payload.

Well, you’re wrong.

I’m going to continue to shoot at shields to help my dps. I’m going to continue to spin circles around tanks punching them in the back of the head and watching them die. I’m going to continue to skate around to the side and boop the enemies off my team. I’m going to continue being good at what I do, and you can suck it up.

Go ahead, keep trying to play passively see how far it gets you.