Hey healers, if you are going to play

A healer then do your damn job, i am sick of lucio’s running off on their own leaving me and the team i am taking for die, or DPS on moiras, or mercys that only use pistol, i work damn hard playing Zarya and i am getting sick of it (thank god for mic mute button cause you dont want to hear what i am calling you) so if they are not doing their job i wont do mine and will just W and shoot, no stopping, bubbles or peeling


A) not going to reach your intended crowd with this post

B) in my experience, most blatantly terrible healers are people filling the role who don’t normally heal. It’s acompletely different mindset, and dps in particular don’t always do well switching gears (same can be said about many healer mains filling dps).

So, hopefully typing this up made you feel better, as it’s not going to accomplish much else. =p


These posts really aren’t very constructive. Yeah, some healers are bad. But so are dps. And tanks.

The people on the forums aren’t the audience you’re looking for.


Just wait till 2-2-2 is forced. It’s going to be glorious.


Other then ana and maybe Bap healers are not hard to play, hell i used to play healer climbed to gold as a support, fell back to high silver because playing Zarya, but damn watching silver supports there are alot of DPS on supports in silver

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It gets a little harder to play all the supports later on because you have half the enemy team trying to hunt you down.


Which is one of the two average ranks of Overwatch?


Hey rest of the team, if you could not run into the enemy bastion( or the entire enemy team), then proceed to complain the healers suck which then leads to us 100% losing the game, that would be great thanks.


I dont run into a bastion thank you i just peektoget charge off him

Well hey, a lot of us also do our jobs too!

I think the people you’re complaining about aren’t likely to also be the kind of player to read the forums.


Reddit lucio best lucio and you just need to keep up lol

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That last part is most likely exactly what a lot of them are doing, so can I call you a hypocrite?

Don’t answer that. Yes, yes I can.



Count your blessings you actually have healers

These posts calling out supports/support mains

I’d love for them to start posting threads about carrying and other roles shortcomings I’d be so content

Every suicide charging Rein or feeding McCree lmao


Funny thing is i know how to play a support i am a support main learning Zarya now at high silver, so yes i know that a support should be healing like 85% of the time, DPSing only to mop up low health enemies (unless moira but still you should be using heal orbs more then damage)

lucios and healers run off on their own now because they are officially flanking dps characters now… dont you know ?

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Ya and the many more nasty things i call them (mic off)

It’s going to be just an optional mode, right?

This sounds like it’s coming from someone who never plays support. There’s a typical expectation that kind of person has for supports: they’ll always be available to heal me no matter where i am and what is happening; if my hp is dropping, someone better be healing it already. But those expectations are unrealistic, and you only realize that when you play support.

Fun fact: A lot of the time they’re struggling to get line of sight on a critically injured teammate, and by the time they finally do, the teammate dies. Not only that but now you’ve technically wasted time getting to them, and could have been healing someone else, and now They’re injured; and while you’re healing them, someone else dies. That happens ALL THE TIME, and there’s very little you can do about it.

You have to accept the fact that a healer can’t be healing everyone all the time. There are gaps. There are situational changes, there is line of sight, there is point of view (you don’t have 2 eyes at the back of your head) there is incoming danger forcing you to run one direction over another and ditching one or more teammates in the process, there’s all kinds of situations. And yes, sometimes you have to judge that it’s better to dps at a particular moment in time instead of healing. A lucio booping off 2 people is a lot more advantageous than healing his teammates who are going to take longer to kill those 2 ppl (and possibly die in the meantime). A mercy pulling out her pistol to finish off a turret or anything really can be a lot more advantageous than not doing that, if the situation calls for it and you pull it off in the interest of time.

You people make it seem like there are supports out there who literally only dps. They have 0 healing done, and they always ignore their teammates so they could just dps. Really? I have seen exactly 0 people like that.


I just said the only time a healer should DPS is to kill low health enemies, and if you dont believe i am a support main check my profile look at past seasons, mainly supports

well i don’t fully agree with you about that. i think there can be a lot of situations that call for you to do damage rather than healing. Look at zen and his entire playstyle. Look at Ana and her bionade, and the kill potential that creates. Look at moira’s ability to counter genji like nobody else can. Look at lucio boops. And those are all just the obvious examples. The other 99% of them are less cut and dry and require a bit of judgement of “is it worth it? hmm” and those are sometimes a gamble, but they shouldn’t be ruled out completely just because it looked like the support wasn’t doing their job for a few seconds. HOW DARE THEY?!?!?!!111

I think the moral of this story is that dps/tank players should have the situational awareness to see if they have a healer nearby so they could fight in that position; and if not then take cover, use health packs and stall as much time as they can before their healers (or other teammates) can actually help. Blaming one team role or another won’t help you improve. And btw all this can be sorted with a quick voice chat message…