Hey healers, if you are going to play

As other people have said, and I’m going to now. The people reading the forums are likely not your target audience. The people you’re complaining about are people who don’t visit the forums because they do not care about the overall state of OW. They hop in a couple of games, see the “No Healer” tag, pick a healer, likely have no experience, and then just go and try to do something and make it work.

This isn’t gonna reach your target audience at all.

You say that, but based on some of the posts I have read here… Maybe. Nobody wants to take personal responsibility for their own shortcomings and healers are not immune from that. I have seen some VERY questionable posts. That being said, not like they will listen. They have literally no idea they are the problem.

I just suspect the kind of player the OP is complaining about (picking healer but then not healing) probably isn’t the kind of person to come to the forums to learn more or looking to improve. If they do come here, I suspect it’s likely they just come to complain about a bad game.

I’m not saying supports can’t be bad or don’t screw up.


And half your team running off where you can’t heal them, I’m looking at you Genji.

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Hey dps, if you’re going to spam “I need healing” from up in the freaking rafters when I’m the only healer as Lucio, at least have the decency to buy me dinner first before you demand I abandon the team and parkour all the way up to you, and only you, to give you heals, instead of you coming down to get some heals with the rest of us behind the shield. Especially when you’re taking damage every millisecond since you don’t know how peeking works and refuse to use the big-A shield being held up for your convenience. Mmkay? Mkay.

Things go both ways. Bad players are everywhere. Selfish players are everywhere. Unaware players are everywhere. Just like their decent counterparts. It’s just how things go. Venting might help you feel better but your post isn’t going to suddenly make selfish players be selfless or unaware players be more aware. :woman_shrugging:


Sometimes when your dps aren’t doing their job, you need to take matters into your own hands. Never send a man to do a women’s job

If you don’t like the way someone heals, you are more than welcome to choose a healer.

Good Lucio’s should be leaving the team and getting boops. While also peeling for their other healer. Critique your own play before you blame anyone else. Even if it is their fault that you lost focusing on blaming them won’t help you.

Healer supports have the biggest influence in a game so it is important that they do so. I can understand OPs frustration. Other than a support getting MVP there is no way of learning how much a support player did during the game.

Today I had a game where a Sombra just kept dancing in front of my Hanzo for like ten seconds shooting him while he didn’t manage to hit her once. I was healing him as Mercy. After a while I just said “screw it”, whipped out my pistol and scared the Sombra away.

In another game, our Ashe kept getting killed by Widowmaker who then proceeded to tear through our team, so at some point I decided to go for her and give her some Lucio love.

Then you have the millions of games where you can either watch as Moira as your dps fruitlessly try to shoot a Genji or Tracer, or you can just stop healing and attack them so they go away or die.

I will do my job if the dps do theirs, plain and simple.

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And to add to this, their are plenty of zarya players who don’t bubble their teamates or even themselves sometimes, so what’s your point?

So a vote for role que then?

As someone who plays Moira a lot, I’m also tired of being accused of being a DPS moira all the time, just because I’m not healing. When I’m not healing it’s because of a very obvious reason; I don’t have any more healing to give. Orb is on CD and juice has run dry.

Yet I’m always accused of being a DPS Moira. Makes me wonder if the accusers actually know how Moira works.


No. They dont.
20 characters

…Then play healer. SMH…

I mean if it’s not that hard why not?
But just to let you know - after few games , You’ll be one of the DPS Moira’s , Battle Mercy’s , Lucio’s etc.

Because GOD DAMN it’s super frustrating to play Healers.
So I can offer you a solution - You either appreciate the work they put out and help them do their job better by protecting etc… or … YOU JUST GO AND PLAY HEALER YOURSELF.

Nonsense, Lucio is not a passive healbot for your 19hps needs. He is far better utilized as a chaos agent/ force multiplier.

He has evolved to the point that his support tools have been whittled away, and he now must be perpetually on walls just for his own survival (his fully boosted speed on the floor is pathetic), this an aggressive chaos agent, assassin, and staller is his role.

If you are relying, as Zarya on Lucio as your sole healer, your team has much bigger problems than whether Lucio is off hunting down Widow or booping from behind barriers.

Finally, the fact that you look for Lucio after you die is quite telling. In my experience, there are way too many tanks that dont peel, dont protect, dont even know where their healers are until they feel slighted, but yeah, perhaps keeping him alive would improve your healing…ya think?

A little less focus on getting full charge and a little more on peeling would go a long, long way towards solving your problems.

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When i am the only tank, i have to stay with the team and protect them as well as get full charge to help them kill, if i leave the team to go protect a lucio that is away off being an idiot trying to flank, then i leave the rest of the team without a tank and they all die

If you are the only tank and pick Zarya, you have bigger problems than keeping track of Lucio

You’d be amazed how often you win games with a little bit of reddit Lucio or DPS Moira. Your team often needs that last little bit of damage or CC to win the teamfight and it will do more to get some attacks in than to just pure heal.

The annoying ones are the one that spams “I need healing” when they are already at full health while you are healing the tanks. The other annoying one is when the last few players pick dps and spam “We need a healer!”.

I never play tank healer when I solo queue and join a pug group, until I’ve played a couple of games and know they take the time to cover allies back and not go all rambo style and expect a healer to pocket them. Basically I want to learn the behaviour of my teammates.

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