Hey devs, wanna fix the queue times?

Remember that experimental you did?
3 dps, 1 tank, 2 support?
Yeah. Do that again. But correctly this time.

And for the love of god, fix your tanks. They’re all crap. It’s amazing you managed to get them in this terrible state.
Having 1 tank will make tanks also feel way better to play without you needing to worry about problematic tank synergies. The individuals who desire to play tanks will thank you.


Solo Tanking is both a death sentence to tanking and has problems such as dps being annoyed if players dont pick shield.

Never gonna happen

Although, you can try 1 3 2 in OQ.

Also, 1 3 2 was rampant pre goats and pre 2 2 2. It made tanks not enjoy the game.
Who really cares about tank synergies. Any tank duo can work if you put in the time to practice

I run zarya dva alot in qp and it works

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At this point the only way to fix the queue times is to delete the tank category all together. Trying to force people to play ‘ineffective dps’ is making them not want to play it, and is the reason why ques are inflated.

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Dunno how you can “correctly” make it so that having enough DPS for dedicated Anti-Healer assassins, while also having a Tank that’s ignoring his Healers need for defences.
Or the one Tank hard locked-down by lots of CC.

Would be a lot easier to nerf/remove various sources of AntiDive, that DoubleBarrier has access to.

still the strongest role in the game

also removes all but 2 tanks from the game

Luckily with 2-2-2, it doesn’t matter if Tanks have more objective capture potential than they already do.

And while “strength” for Tanks when the entire team pockets then is one thing.

The problem with Tanks is a lack of “strength” with Tanks when their teammates are ignoring them.

Except of course for Zarya/Hog/Ball. But doubling up on “selfish” heroes in the Tank role is an easy way to lose.
Where as doubling up on selfish DPS or Supports, is still very strong.

OW2 needs to come out fast, with at least 4 new tanks.

Even with Flex queue and game trying to force me to play the role just to have decent DPS queue time, I dread playing it, because there just ain’t enough options I like.

And I sure as hell cannot be the only one.







No, the problem with Tanks isn’t the number of Tanks, it’s the playstyle of Tanks isn’t desirable enough.

Adding more Tank, would only marginally solve that issue.

Also devs can’t afford to gamble the success of OW2 by not fixing queue times, BEFORE launching.

I mean, I am assuming new tanks would try to shake things up at least a little.

It would help, but not on the scale of the problem we have.

That’s why we basically have 8 Tanks, and 7 Healers.

But half as many Tank players, as Healer players.

I would absolutely love to smoke what you’re smoking while playing.

All tanks will get a soft rework to make them better equipped to solo-tank, similar to that experimental they did in the past.
For example: Zarya projected barrier has an AOE where it applies to multiple teammates. Roadhog leaves behind a healing / dmg reduction cloud. Dva’s DM is far more powerful. Winston’s barrier is stronger and lasts longer. Wrecking Ball can provide his shield to allies as well. etc.

Hmm… a relatively simple solution to this is to make everyone slightly beefier if they are near the tank, and to make tanks less susceptible to CC.

  • All tanks get some form of CC immunity, either through ability or passive.
  • All tanks get a 7-10m radius in which teammates receive 20% less damage. Optionally, for tanks with placeable barriers (Sigma, Orisa, Winston), this extends to a radius around the center of the barrier.

winston dva are both fine with little attention from their team, only really rein and orisa that begin to struggle

Probably isn’t going to cut it, compared to Zarya bubbles, and Defence Matrix.

I’d disagree with that.

Rein has a 200 barrierhp per second self heal.

Winston and D.va would need to spend forever sitting on healthpacks, to the point they might as well walk back to spawn to get heals.

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dps and supports cant do anything without good tanks, the better tanks usually win outside of huge skill gaps

still worse than ball

still worse than orisa

both worse than ball

that would be possibly the most op shizzle ever, how he is now hed be the best tank in 132, kind of shows your understanding of the game

with pretty much no movement and requires to sit on point and live for a long time

can tell some people dont remember the game before brig was a hero, winston dva have always been played in the lowest sustain metas like lucio mercy zen in whatever variation

Which only worked at Masters and above, and was because the fights were fast enough that you never got to the point where healing was relevant.

Also, just because Winston and D.va were strong 3 years ago, doesn’t mean they don’t have abysmal pickrate at all skill tiers now.

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No reworks will ever fix the fact that solo tanking is too stressful

nothing works below masters, it doesnt really make much of a difference and zen comps were still played over ana with winston dva

id say wait for next meta, if im right we will see something similar to 3 years ago

I’m expecting DoubleBarrier, as that’s what has been trending in Top500.

Although it might be a version that includes Reinhardt.

And even then, that wouldn’t be relevant to +95% of Overwatch players, if the top 0.01% could make Winston or D.va work.

Let me tell you about a magical place called openQ :smiley:

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