Hey death blossom is still way too weak

You tell yourself that, I’ll keep on keeping on

That just shows you’re in lobbies where multiple people stand in the open for 2 seconds and let him charge up a full high noon

I mean when you’re in gold like yourself you’ll think that blossom is good

I’m in masters 1 and 2 even in gm I see it kill like A LOT people make it seem like it never kills anyone period.
Or like it NEEDS to kill the entire team, or because you sometimes use it to reload its a bad thing.

Its a good and diverse ult especially for securing kills.

They didn’t scale it up properly when they buffed it. It’s weaker than it was before.

bUt ITs sO gOOd! When you complete the 30 step set-up and have the most oblivious enemies in the world.

I’d have less trouble setting up an IKEA cabinet without instructions than I do setting up a Reaper ult.

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We love insults that have no logical basis. You’d be better off just calling me bad than making a shot in the dark. Probably why you’re bad at Reaper!

I’m diamond, compared to you I might as well be dafran. Again as a gold player your opinion on balance is invalid, which is why you think reaper is good. You probably also think sombra is op

Defending Sombra, are we? Only true scumbags do that!

Anyways, your insults suck, third rate and all that

Barrage. At least you can move and don’t have to rely on rng.

Exactly what I thought. A pathetic low sr player that thinks sombra is op lmao. Pick cass or hanzo. No wonder you think reaper is good lmao