Hey death blossom is still way too weak

welcome to the club of “if my ult sucks then maybe i should play around that”. sit here, right next to pharah, cass and maybe bastion.

don’t go for team kills. if you get one single free kill without using cooldowns or trading it for another or more ults or support cooldowns, it’s worth and you should win the fight. use cover to only be in the LoS of 2 players. use it in 1v1s against smurfs. bait out cooldowns or attention by running it down mid in wraith. it also has a pretty big range tbh which is not bad at all.

but if you expect to get 5 kills after telegraphing what you wanna do, well, that should never happen with anything.

cass’s ult is actually butt though.

Its one of the worst around, specially the more awareness and reaction your enemies have. Sure it works against people below gold like wonders but that means nothing really.

Range is still trash, movement speed is still bad and with so many immortalities around, it just doesn’t have much time to do damage either.

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His basic attack with the hitbox buff is OP as F…
Hitscans at the current patch have no right to complain

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What gave you the right to just type lmao without enough characters?

If you have gamesense above like a silver player you can shut it down instantly. It’s one of the worst ultimates in the game

If it’s used in an obvious way, yes

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It’s both. The argument you should be making is the proportionate value out of the ult compared to others. Death blossom is still pretty solid IMO especially compared to something like a pulse bomb. I don’t see hanzos dragon being anymore threatening than death blossom. Good one’s KNOW when they’re being predictable and find the opportunity to strike. That philosophy is deep rooted in the game, doing the right thing at the right time. Not saying your concern isn’t valid but Reaper isn’t the only hero having to keep track of cooldowns and ults to mitigate something happening to them. I remember a reaper got caught in a junkrat trap, got all of our attention and they used death blossom in the trap and got 2 of us.

Oh no I’m getting surprised death blossom. As a soldier 76! Good thing I can instantly turn around and just run away out of range

Oh no I’m getting blossomed as zen! *melee

Oh no ambush blossomed in a 1v1 as any hero! *holds the S key

It sounds to me like you’re, hmmmm, doing sonething wrong!

Soldier’s been able to turn and run since the game launched my guy!

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This is extremely wrong.

DB is definitely weak but come on now. Barrage and high noon are right there, drastically worse, essentially a reload option/suicide attempt to net a trade.

With proper team play DB has a decent amount of potential. Alone it’s very easy to counter, but KILLING type ults definitely ought to require team work to kill if they are mechanically simple to execute.

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Agree with you partially. I don’t expect blossom to be teamwipe to win Q press.

But the very least they could do is match the old TTK from before season 9. It’s just still weaker

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I mean they have no right to cry because their character is good but his ult is still worse than death blossom.

I feel like there’s DPS ults with less caveats.

Because his ult is crap, and i’m not even a Cass main.

Not really, you pop any of them in an obvious way and they aren’t gonna do a lot. You’ve never seen Soldier ults fizzle because Rein held up his rectangle? Or Junkrat ults pop because he used it in the open? Or Sombra ults fail to leave a mark because her team wasn’t there?

Everybody has to use ults well, Reaper is no exception.


Seriously who started this lie? I’ve seen this thing get kills CONSTANTLY especially since the addition of Lifeweaver.

It at least gets 1 or 2 kills as if getting just 1 kill especially on a support isn’t already game winning.

Even if it’s used as a surprise just use suzu, lamp or lifegrip. No one who plays well dies to reaper. The people who think reaper is good are the same low elo players who think pharmercy is busted and that moira is op

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You can say that about a great many ultimates

Other ultimates in the dps category don’t bind you in place so that when they do suzu your ult they can spam you and you’re a free kill. I’m sorry but the ult is a meme above gold and it being good in gold doesn’t mean anything