Hey death blossom is still way too weak

Yeah it got 15 extra DPS but when heroes got an extra 50 hp or more…

It’s still pathetically slow to kill, even compared to season 8 and before numbers. And it was already a slow weak ultimate


Players need to bring back Season 2 meta and Beyblade the ult (Ana nano + Reaper) Nobody does it anymore but its still super strong

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Yeah it works. Except for suzu, knockback, stuns, shield. But it actually gives Reaper the damage to kill people. Blossom is just pathetically weak by itself. Arguably the #1 worst DPS ult.

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It’s definitely not bad, like at all. Don’t be predicatable, don’t always go for team kills, softened up enemies are super easy kills, just be smart with it.


ah the classic “youre just playing wrong”

when almost every hero can instantly escape, cancel, or just survive blossom

I agree OP. And Reaper could use the buff.

Most of the DPS ults are pretty bad when you stop and look at them. DB did get hurt bad by the changes, but there’s a lot of options for worst ult amongst the DPS.

Did you ever consider perhaps that you may in fact be playing wrong? Just because it’s said often doesn’t mean it’s not true. In fact, it’s said often because it often is true!


In before all the Mcchandicap mains come waddling onto this thread in their diapers, crying about how bad his ult is.


Who do you even play lmao?? You mention this hero in every unrelated thread I’m genuinely curious

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I say it because you can guarantee one of them is going to be in here crying about him eventually hahaha. Even when he was a top 3 DPS at the end of OW1 they still thought he was F tier.

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Okay but who do you play

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Everyone? Most played are ana, sombra & ashe.


omg so funny lol 20 characters

Noob sombra player complaining about one of their few counters

Noob mccree players complaining about literally any aspect of the game and how he’s F tier because of it.

Where did I do any of that

Well have no fear, they’re going to rework Reaper… whatever that means

That’s not beyblade, that’s just nano blossom. The real current beyblade is kitsune rush.