Hey blizzard, can you hear us? (then answer.)

Hey Blizzard,

Why do you think a community forum, where you make very little effort to reply to our issues is okay?

The community is upset at the state of ranked play. Some of us want to play as a team and win, but this ranked system is extremely flawed in BRONZE, SILVER and GOLD… those are the only ranks I can speak for.

Why…in a game that is based on TEAM play…Why is it that people who group up are punished? Why should it be necessary that a 6 stack must face another 6 stack or 5 stack?


This will force people to play as a team…

In regards to team play and communication…

How can low skill players combat against high skilled players joining low ranked games sabotaging the game.

THIS IS SABOTAGING!!! Let low skill players grow and enjoy the game!

How do we combat throwers?
How do we combat racism and homophobic comms?

I don’t feel satisfied with the reporting system. I want to find a way to make players banned on all of their accounts…not just their smurf account. How to do this? I feel the penalty system is a LAUGH. People do not care about being banned…and they are just getting onto new accounts or secondary accounts…

WHAT will you do to fix the rating system? Hell, what is the rating system? BE CLEAR! Are characters measured on the same scale? How can we measure a Main Tank’s performance in comparison to a HitScan DPS?







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I showed you my post pls answer.


Uh, where have you been for the last couple weeks?

They’ve been extremely active here and in the game


Where? I can look throughout this forum and not see one reply by anything that resembles an OFFICIAL BLIZZARD REP. What do you mean…“active in the game”?

the forums make weird and sometimes laughable suggestions for certain heroes and the game, i can see why the devs wouldn’t come here a lot

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Yet…it’s our only OFFICIAL line of communication with anyone who “works” at blizzard.

you could always contact tech support, not exactly the kind of support you need but at least you’ll be in contact with someone who “works at blizzard”


Exactly my point.
If I was a dev when those “megathreads” appear, I’d not login for 4-5 months just making sure they were gone before saying / trying anything. Anything else you do, will be used against you.


Players outnumber the developers. Players have more questions than Devs have answers. Players have no accountability to the questions they ask, whereas Devs have people above them they have to answer to, and do not have the authority to commit to answers that have not been finalized and approved. Yes, Devs should be communicating as frequently as possible with the player base, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they have the answers you’re looking for. If anything, an increase in communication will just see an increase in vague, ambiguous and broad answers. So, be patient. They don’t have the same freedom coming to the forums with answers that we do coming with questions. They need their bosses and PR to green-light satisfactory responses that meet certain criteria of conduct and content… whereas we can just login to the forums to piss and moan all our foolishness as we see it.

As for letting six-stacks punish solo queues… see above about “foolishness.”


LOL. Yeah… that’s not really the issue here.

recently they became more active on forums, its obvious that they cant answer everyone, or have nothing to say YET on some issues… or simply dont agree

also there is no answer for those questions
what can we do to combat those unpredictable behaviours on massive scale? you got any ideas?

What is needed is a class-action letter by the players… Saying what common questions we have. That letter should be spread like wildfire and we should receive an answer, not from the “developers,” but from these bosses you speak of.

(see above about foolishness?)


They can’t answer everyones question…well, it seems a lot of people have the same basic questions and yet those questions still exist…

The questions are being asked, people are upset, and we don’t really see any light at the end of the tunnel. We just want to see LIGHT.

I get that I brought up the difficult question of combating behavioral problems, but clearly what is in place… is doing nothing. By myself I cannot expect to come up with answer…It would take a community to brainstorm together the proper punishments for this behavior…clearly though, the perpetrators don’t really seem to give a dam about the current punishment system. All I’m asking for is more aggressive penalties.

I’m glad you asked Maverick! Of course I have THE foolproof idea :bulb: Everyone that plays Overwatch has to wear a mic, a special mic that links to your jawline. Every time you do something disgraceful, the super technology of the mic system identifies the bad or abusive behavior and zaps you in the gizzard. If you repeat this behavior, the amps are increased until you wont be able to speak anymore, and hopefully you’ll learn a lesson during your time of tranquility.

If you don’t, the game will be a very interesting struggle if you you wish to maintain your freedom of speech and playstyle.

Non of this is based on community or game designer input, the technology knows, the technology will show, that none will step a toe, unless they wish to glow :zap:


there actually is a marvelous technology that helps us to combat such behaviour - uninstall button

Please…don’t just take out of this post that it’s main intention was to end all hate speech in the game. This task is impossible, but surely …the punishments should be more severe. Especially if there is multiple reports. I should not be attacked for the way I sound and I should be able to play this game in peace. This game is about Winning and having fun, having fun not at the expense of others. Sometimes I feel I am in games where it is the goal of some people on COMMS just to be as racist and homophobic as possible. I get this is trolling…but it’s not acceptable. If we don’t punish this behavior…it says, “KEEP DOING THIS.” In real life, that person would be met with a, for lack of a better example, FIST TO THE FACE.

For you to say UNINSTALL is the answer…is a victory for the HATERS. The real bad people. I can play this game, cause I love it. I don’t have to be subjected to hate while playing it.

Best I could think of. It’s a game, so peeps gone be passionate about it. I think th true answer is work on yourself and learn how to play with everyone. Ignoring bad behavior is a very classy method. Don’t feel like it works, but without attention the trolls and abusers lose interest.

Activision is not letting them respond or tell anything…regular employees arent even allowed to visit forums, only top guys are allowed to say something, but only after their overlords let them…
If you check, Jeph and whats the others guys name, he pops in from time to time to responds on random useless post, thats how much freedom they have.

The answer always is no. So… :thinking:

Best you can think of is to make a joke about the most charged subject in my post. No, I’m sorry…the answer is not to work on myself. I play Main Tank role. I put a lot of hours in on how to help my team and what my tasks are… I communicate in the nicest way possible with people who respect me. I do not have to ignore bad behavior. In fact, I can call it out…especially when we are talking about HATE SPEECH. At times i do try to ignore… but it’s one thing when someone is practicing hate speech and working with their team…it’s another when they just come into a game and practice hate. IT IS 100% of the time that some who is practicing hate speech is attached to throwing as well. This is not saying that all throwers tend speaking hate… but it is true that HALL HATE SPEAKERS THROW.

there’s a filter for that dude