Hey blizzard, can you hear us? (then answer.)

Find where they live and cut the cable easy as that.

Track the private ip and vpn into it and download gigabytes of torrents. So the cia rushes him.

If they block by ip, then the whole family is banned.

By mac address? New network card, upsie new mac, you can even rebrand your current one with enough knowledge if I am not wrong.

You report them and hope the other 10 do it too.

In a game where communication is necessary to rank up…where is the progress in muting your teammates?

Stop asking to make the system less fair.

If groups are better, surely it is more fair to match group on group. If they’re not, why are you complaining?

You don’t deserve to stomp solo just because you like playing in groups any more than I deserve to stomp console because I play on PC.

There’s nothing more pathetic than stacks wanting to farm solos for free elo.

i was talking about your post about “where can i find devs posting on the forums” not whatever conversation your are currently in

There’s a dev tracker tab on the forums you can use to find all of the devs’ posts.

I’m sorry what’s your point? In a game where it is team orientated… where communication is king in high levels of play… I THINK PEOPLE WHO GROUP UP SHOULD BE REWARDED TO PLAY ANYONE…not just other stacks… THEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO CRUSH SOLO QUE…

Cause what is your point here… What are solo que players trying to get? They want to play the game without communicating? They want to solo carry on whoever their choice of character is? Would this person who hypothetically does this, wouldn’t they get more pleasure out of beating a stack?

Look, I’ve played games that do work that way. What you get is a game that can’t functionally be played solo. And most OW players play solo. They’re not going to group up, they’re going to find a different game. I know I would.

We DO NOT WANT TO GROUP UP. Stop trying to make us! But really, you don’t want us to group. You want freelo from beating up on solos.

It wouldn’t mean you were better, you know. Your SR would just be inaccurate.

NO. I want to strategize. I want to use all the other rolls and experiment with compositions. I want to combo alts… I want to play the game as they do in high levels of play. SOLO QUE is for the head clickers. It’s for DEATH MATCHERS. Okay…you don’t want to group up…cool. And I feel…IN A TEAM GAME…you should be crushed… You should have a more difficult time. The matches should surely still have EVEN SR… but the advantage should go to the people who play as a team in a TEAM GAME!!!

Then do it! The only downside is you face teams of people doing the same thing as you. That’s more “high level play” anyway!

Look, it would make the game unplayable for solos. And solos are most of the playerbase. This would kill the game dead.

And what you want is unsportsmanlike. You want your opponents to be disadvantaged to you. It’s not a good look.

Seriously, group or lose is why I totally quit Destiny 2 pvp, particularly gambit. You couldn’t win if you didn’t stack, you almost couldn’t lose if you did. And that was with people I actually liked… I just didn’t have the time to wrangle teammates every time I wanted a quick round. It meant every session was a multi hour commitment where you got nothing done that day.

I disagree with you. I feel you are speaking for people, by saying you would all abandon the game. Tell me? Why don’t you want to group up? Why don’t you want to play with a team you can communicate with?

I do think it’s great to play against other stacks…It is hard…some groups are amazing… I don’t think my SR should always be punished for having faced a superior group… I believe I should be able to punish solo quer’s SR for possible not communicating with their team…and or possibly throwing…

Side Note: I would like to know…what is the % of a 6 or 5 stack throwing the game? In comparison to a solo QUEr?

  1. I don’t have time. It takes time to wrangle a real team and get them all grouped up and into a game, and then you want to play for hours to maximize your investment. I don’t usually want to commit to 3+ hour playtimes.
  2. It homogenizes the game. Yesterday I played as Ashe, Ana, Hanzo, Lucio, Brigitte, Orisa, Hammond, and Sombra. There is no way I would have done that on a team, it would have just been Ana every time.
  3. There is always “that guy” who wants to play something he is bad at or is just a nonviable hero. I don’t want to be stapled to “that guy”. I used to play with friends more and one of them decided he wanted to be a silver Widow and Sombra main… it was just impossible to win games.
  4. It gets you places you shouldn’t be. If you group, you can be carried. You can get your SR to places where you don’t belong and then lose horribly when you stop grouping or find a new group.
  5. I don’t always want to communicate or wear a headset. Families hate the headset.
  6. You can’t play in a stack and run off for 5 minutes to go do laundry, etc.
  7. Stacking breaks the matchmaker and gets you more hilarious stomps and really weird matches where you have like 5 golds against 3 silvers, a bronze, and a masters player.

Dev Tracker <- click this one
Blizz Tracker <- this one as well

  1. Don’t have time… What? You are playing…you are using your time… If you stack up with some people you like, if that’s 3 or 6 people… You should not be worried about always having to face a stacked team. You should be able to play all solo QUErs with = SR.

  2. You can pick a position where there are 3-6 options for characters… or play SOLO QUE and do as you were doing. I’m not saying you would not face other teams with solo QUErs…But you should have to face stacks!

  3. okay…so don’t play with this friend… what is this point even? PLAY WITH PEOPLE YOU CAN GET WINS WITH…

  4. THIS IS ABSURD. YOU WIN AS A TEAM, sure some teams have more talented players…but you WIN AS A TEAM!!!. YOU CAN BE CARRIED IN SOLO QUE and in TEAM PLAY.

  5. So go play QP. lol idk. use type. You don’t need a headset to communicate.

  6. yeah…okay… what?

  7. NO. That’s actually not possible…there are rules to SR a bronze cannot group up with a MASTER in COMP. The SR grouping rules…make it possible so no que can start with people not within the acceptable amount skill level points.

COMP IS FOR PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT THEIR SR… that’s why it is more difficult… cause people play to WIN. The game is structured to benefit those who play as a team. It is why there is a support class…a tank class. Honestly… as old and cliche as it sounds… play another mode or communicate with your team.

What are we all going on about? This is too much to read. I guess I don’t care but the little amount it took to write this. Obviuosly I would never read all of this…

I’ve climbed SR without using VC. So, you personally don’t need it. An Imaginary and Non-Important Number called SR doesn’t mean anything. I just treat Competitive as only an fun game mode. No one will know and really can’t stop me either.

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@justkiilmepl…why even reply then… get out of here.

@positive…That’s actually not true. The higher you go the more communication is necessary. The more positioning is keen and the more understanding of the game is found. People with a pretty good understanding of the game can be hard stuck in lower ranks. SR does mean something… If you want to have fun and don’t care about SR then go play QP.

  1. It takes time to find a team. Needing to do it locks out shorter sessions. I can have good games as a solo in 45 min. I couldn’t have good games as a group, and then I’d be a jerk for leaving so early in.
  2. Still, judging by my playtime, I would be stuck in support. So I would probably be playing Ana 24/7 or maybe Zenyatta and Lucio. No Ashe for me.
  3. There is always “that guy”. Better teams simply have higher standards.
  4. You won’t be consistently carried as a solo. You can on a static team. SR is individually based, so it can be out of whack for you if you only play with static teams.
  5. Hah, yeah, get in a comp lfg and dont join voice. Tell me how that goes. Also, do you think teams of soloes don’t communicate? Most solo comp players are in voice.
  6. Your group will generally expect you to play consistently. If you have to get up from the game frequently, grouping doesn’t work.
  7. This is more of an issue in QP where you get really absurd games but it affects comp on a smaller level.
    I am almost entirely a QP player so that’s mostly what I’m concerned about.

A lot silver/gold complaib about balance but they also dont do anythint to improve

The community forums are primarily intended for the community to share ideas, strategies, and creativity with each other. Its a place to meet new friends. Its also a place to report game bugs or seek technical assistance with things like disconnections. Yes the devs participate on the forums, but that is not the primary function of it.

The Overwatch Development team is VERY aware of the state of Competitive Play. A good source of information is the interview between Emongg and Game Director Jeff Kaplan from a little over a month ago.

I play in Gold myself and I know what you mean, realistically, if you want to climb you MUST carry your team. I know this from experience.

Depends on the rank, when I fell to Bronze in season 3, I played Pharah a lot to get out and demonlished them. Bronze players severely lack game awareness skills and this is something they need to learn on their own, the game can’t change it for them.

What will force them?

The perception of players deliberately throwing games to play in lower ranks is real but I don’t see it as a nearly an evident problem as player pretend that it is. Yeah there are a lot of “alternate accounts” but I see little evidence of smurfing in my games. Are some games one-sided? Hell yes, but like many team-based games, Overwatch can snowball easily. Principal Designer Scott Mercer has specifically said:

Source: Overwatch Forums

If you see a player throwing in your games, report them for gameplay sabotage using the in-game report tool. Be sure to provide a detailed description of the violation.

If you see a player being abusive in voice or text comms, report them for Abusive Chat using the in-game report tool. Be sure to provide a detailed description of the violation.

This is not for you to worry about, Blizzard does ban players across multiple accounts associated with an account that repeatedly violates the Blizzard Code-of-Conduct. Players do not get to see specific details of report actions to other accounts because this results in harassment and toxicity in communities such as these forums.

The Overwatch Team is considering on reworking the Competitive Ruleset to enforce a standard 2 Damage/2 Tank/2 Support restricted ruleset, though this is not confirmed yet. If they do, the skill rating system would be role-specific and separated among the three roles. Right now the rating system represents how well you represent yourself as a player entirely and your adaptability to any team situation.

There are a lot of specfics available if you have been paying attention.

They have.

When it’s ready.

When its ready.

They are.

Sorry, but it doesn’t work like this. For example, they are working on a third social feature which they hoped to have ready by end of summer 2018, but they realized it will require a lot more work and have postponed it to sometime later in 2019. Blizzard doesn’t like to roadmap or give timetables, because they don’t want to upset impatient players (such as yourself).

Despite what you think, I firmly believe the game is in a relatively healthy spot. I rarely have toxic games in my competitive matches (and I have the realistic expectation that when I play with stragners there will always be the possibility of playing such toxic individuals). We have the Looking-for-group tool when we want a little more organization in our games (yes it works!).

You appear to be new here Kimmy, the forums uses a feature called the Dev Tracker and Blizz Tracker to see all official responses from Community Managers (blue posts) and the Development Team (orange posts). Also a third-party website, overstalk.io, is great for tracking official posts on all forums of social media including these forums and reddit. If that is not enough, I myself maintain a directory of all developer responses for players to easily look up valuable informaton.

Please do not start tech support web tickets for matters like this. That system is strictly intended for players who are having issues with their specific account or running the game on their systems.

Participating in team comms is recommended, but is never required. I try to participate in team comms as long as the communication is healthy, however, if there is too much harassment I will leave it knowing at that point that is the better option for me to concentrate and win the match with.


TBH, I would prefer if they tried to call me on the phone or at least attempted to contact me on Skype or Discord, or at least talk to me face-to-face at my apartment.

Well, that might be asking a lot, but I do recall one time challenging someone who purported to be the daughter of a professional wrestler wanting me to be a manager of a group of professional wrestlers. I challenged that person to show up at my door at home.

Never happened, as I suspected would be the outcome. I know when people are lying to me. I eventually gave up on that dream. it was never going to happen anyway…

….just as I will never believe that the developers actually have my interest at heart. They have to prove it to me first before I believe it. just consider me as an example of the parable of St. Thomas the Doubter: “Unless I see the nail prints in his hands and can put my hand in the wound in his side, I will not believe.” It’s hard to believe a lot of the universe exists without first-hand experience, though some second-had experience from others can sometimes be believed. Just don’t expect me to be a lemming.