Hey, Aaron, Address the elephant in the room

Ok so he’s useless and does nothing. My guy, effective managers also understand the task their team is doing and decide the direction.

To show that he actually plays it and understands it.

A guy from DBD ended up playing a game on a stream. Got thrashed, was clearly incredibly inexperienced to the game. Major egg on face moment. Ruined their reputation.

No, tank shortages weren’t that bad from launch to 2019. A bit worse than other roles sure. But not major.

Also my guy this is a bigger problem now, in 5v5, where you play rock paper scissors. This problem is dramatically lessened in 6v6 as there will be multiple, valid, synergies.

How about you start listing the problems so we can talk about if it fixes what you bring up. Because you haven’t played it. we have. If something is an issue in theory, but isn’t an issue in practice. You won’t know but we will.

List the problems with 6v6. Go for it

More tank synergies work then ever at this point. Let’s take Rein for a moment.

Rein Ram is a wonderful frontline burst with good durability. They struggle with poke, but can sustain long pushes with constant melee damage.

Rein Zarya is the classic. I do not have to explain this one. It’s just fun. It lets you actually be aggressive on Rein.

Rein Mauga is actually pretty fun! It’s a much more aggressive version of Rein Ram, map dependent but nothing can go in for brawl as fast as Rein Mauga. They can find ways to survive as the other 4 catch up, though with a Lucio/Kiri comp it is an amazing time for Rush.

Rein Orisa isn’t as good as the other synergies, and is map dependent. But they work well for overall damage and map control negation. Orisa plays keep away and prolongs enemy pushes while Rein covers orisa’s cool down gaps (as she is something vulnerable), as well as supporting with a little poke and making prolonged pushes especially painful for the enemy.

And this isn’t to say that other Rein synergies don’t work either. They are still viable, just not quite as optimal. Like Junkerqueen Rein still works, is fun, but I find that Rein’s swing’s knockback can mess with JQ’s aim depending on her player’s mechanical skill. And unlike mauga, the bleed healing doesn’t transfer to Rein. It’s still a good synergy, just not optimal. Plenty winnable though.

I hate 5v5. Tanking is stressful, thankless, and doesn’t feel rewarding. You are constantly straddled with an inability to do anything unless your support comp allows it. You have little to no independence. It’s worse than 6v6 ever was including Brig launch.

I’d rather play Brig launch as a Rein main than now as literally anything.


Hi everyone, game director Aaron Keller here. How about no, how’s that for an answer. Cope.

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Hi Aaron Keller. How about you enjoy the steadily declining playercounts! Cope with that.

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Hi everyone, game director Aaron Keller here. Nooo come back.

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Its fine. Just a thought experiment:

What would you do against:


You dont realize that those combinations alone are absolute cancer and would all need to be nerfed? But what about them? Everything? But what is when they are not in a synergy like Winston and Orisa? Need Orisa still nerfs?

This is the problem of OW1, what no one can solve.

This is nothing positive. Why? Because it makes the DPS a cosmetic role again and the main focus are the tanks… again. With a change to 6v6 and nerfed and much weaker tanks I dont think the amount of tank players would double so that it would be sufficient to continue this roud.

Not to mention the tank players left before 2019. They left in 2018 with the global tank nerfs. If just “no content” would be the reason, all other roles would have suffered as hard and not just tank.

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Nah churn will keep them afloat. And in 5 years people will say, “OW2? Wasn’t that Dexerto’s live service game of the year in 2023? Never played it!”


I can answer that. Not until they can work out how to get over twice as many people to queue for tanks.

You don’t want to know how powerful you would have to make tanks for that to happen.

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My manager doesnt do my work, never has. Pretty sure there’s enough people there play testing, around 3k people last time they mentioned it. I’d rather he did managed people well instead.

Content is a good start. The thing we didn’t have for years in OW1.

I’d start queuing for tank again if 6v6 came back for a weekend or whatever test they want to do with it.


That weekend would be so fun playing against Mauga + Zarya, Ramattra + Zarya, Doom + Ball

Yes. It would. Although Doom might be a DPS again (depending on which custom 6v6 mode you play and if Blizzard followed suit)

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Oh god I forgot. Imagine the forum posts from Doom mains begging for him to be reverted back to a DPS because of 6v6

Or, you know, just reduce the games CC (the thing that killed off the tank population in the first place).

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With the current CC, tanking would actually be very good with one more tank

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I think you misinterpreted it. The combinations he mention would SUCK to play against for everyone. There are just some things that should not happen and there is zero way of DF being a DPS again.

2 tanks is unhealthy for the game. More than ever. We have crossed the time to go back to 6v6 around 8 months ago. I could have seen in after S1 and S2, but after S3 there is no chance.

Then you would end up nerfing the flankers, and the DPS players would cry, and it would be a whole thing.

Haha I thought it was pretty obvious I mentioned the most cancerous combos I could think of

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No I know what he meant. And I said what I meant.

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I dont think you did :joy:

Yeah, that’d be fine; why would that be a big deal?

It’s only natural to nerf the flankers after they’ve just been indirectly buffed by the toned-down CC.

That’s just balance.