Hey, Aaron, Address the elephant in the room

In your next developer update, address whether we’re going to see 6 vs. 6 return to the game or not.

Oh, and also, while you’re sitting in front of the camera giving your PR talk, do you mind showing us footage of you playing your game?

Thanks; that’s all.



I’m pretty sure they won’t. The engine has been tuned with 5v5 in mind now. On PC changing this might not be an issue, but on consoles (specially on Switch) the amount of memory and resources probably couldn’t fit 12 characters anymore.

Of course they could work on redoing the engine for 6v6 again, but it’s not something they can do with just the flip of a switch.


Do consoles not have the option to create customs with 12 players in them?


You got me there, I don’t really know :slight_smile: . However I remember conversations on adapting the engine for 10 players in the early Overwatch 2 announcements.

Same reason why you’re locked in your hero while Echo is cloning you. If they had room for more players you wouldn’t have to be locked.


You’ll have to show me the source from which you heard this because

I have a switch and a PS5, and the game runs completely fine, or about what should be expected on both consoles with 12 players in a lobby.

Also, lol


6v6 is dead.

It’s never coming back. Praying that Blizzard will undo all the work they’ve done to balance the game around 5v5 (not to mention redesign some maps which were changed specifically to make them 5v5 friendly such as Numbani) is honestly pointless. It’s a pipedream.

Let it go.


Sure, when Aaron, Alec, or any of the other developers come out and say that 6 vs. 6 will not be returning,


What? :laughing:


Blizzard has learned to hold back with such statements.
But if they weren’t holding back, the answer would probably be that it’s technically not possible. (because of the engine and how instances are configured)
Which basically translates to “it’s costly and not worth it at the moment.”

So there is a possibility that the change will come as soon as the regular player numbers drop too quickly. Otherwise, no.

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The game still supports 12 players. You’re telling me you never went into a custom game?


One of the reasons for OW2 was the engine upgrades. There’s no way there isn’t a level of scalability there.

The engine in OW2 was also what was supposed to allow for these bigger pve campaign levels which was already pushing the old engine and pve events to the max in OW1.

But it could be that it’s not scalable across all platforms. Certainly the Switch HAS to factor in there.

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The way in which instances are spawned and how many resources they require is a question of scalability. This is not directly related to the game, but to the environment.
It is optimized in its current state.

That was their “excuse” in ow1 before they switched to 5vs5. You’re absolutely right.
It’s more a question of how matchmaking works and again a matter of ressources per instance.

Based on my understanding, it should be economically preferable for Blizzard to create 6vs6 matches rather than 5vs5. Overall, it would require fewer resources.

of course it’s optimized in its current state. That doesn’t mean it can’t work with 6v6. Unfortunately no one here knows how much overhead there is to work with, only Blizzard does.

But OW2’s engine upgrades were developed, near as we can tell, when the game was 6v6 and planned to remain 6v6. The performance is already there. With the change to 5v5 they might’ve pushed more visual fidelity but there is usually a level of scalability without drastic changes in most rendering engines.

Only Blizzard knows one way or the other. I think it stands to reason though that 6v6 is very possible from a technical standpoint.


Maybe they don’t want to do 6v6… Just a thought.

Also, why does it matter if he plays, he has a full time job, a family, a life. He doesn’t need to play
He needs to manage people and be a public face.

You really can’t piece together why that’d matter?


It makes zero difference.
We know he does play, he also play tests on the test servers. But it doesn’t matter, his job isn’t reliant on him playing.

I share your opinion. As I said, it’s a question of cost and benefit.
But instead of saying things like “It’s not worth it” they would probably say
“It’s not technically possible”. That’s just PR.

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Both statements would probably be true as well.

This community really doesn’t remember why they changed from 6v6. They’d have to rework every part of this game to bring it back, and then people would say “Oh yeah, I can’t kill anything because they have two tanks” and complain like they used to.

Big changes are off the table with this community, since it has the same reaction to everything and is bad at remembering the past.