Hey, Aaron, Address the elephant in the room

I am very sure it would be on the table if SOMEONE would bring up the solution to fix the tank synergy issue. Yes, this is an issue and it goes beyond double shield. Good luck.

Have you played any of the custom 6v6 modes? Namely the two more popular ones?

It ISNT an issue. I suggest you try some for a bit.


Samito wants 6v6 pack …:face_with_peeking_eye:

Do you want to try to answer the question and not point to custom games? Please, enlighten me. It is an issue. Just because the hardcore players dont play custom games, that does not mean that the problems dont exit.

We have multiple years of OW1 as evidence, what was wrong.

  1. Left the OW CC bubble so to speak
  2. He does not provide any kind of insight how to fix the 6v6 problem of tanks just suck to play and tank synergy being to strong

I answered it and you just answered mine.

Go play a custom 6v6 mode, History. You can make your own lobby and fill it with bots even. Here I’ll even go find that thread that had links.


My guy thats not how it works. We have YEARS of OW1 to prove that they could not fix the synergy problem at all without making all the tank players quit.

Stop pointing at some stupid custom games and give me changes.

Still afraid of ghosts from the past huh. What a pity.

Here you go.

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Maybe you need to read my last comments again. I need changes, reworks and meaningful changes. As long as you dont provide ANYTHING, I dont see any points you making here.

Edit: I dont play custom games. Enlighten me what they changed in that mode.

That is not a valid reason for why tank players quit. LOL

Even if you’re talking about double-shield, let’s not forget the game’s 2-3-year abandonment now.

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This isn’t an adaption. Or something you really get to optimise. Like I don’t compress textures differently for one less player. I don’t light maps differently for one less player. I don’t model differently, rig different, animate differently etc.

Like. 12 player lobbies still exist. Even on the Switch and its’ terrible hardware.

If this is true, well I guess you’ve gotta accept the game will keep declining.

Also. Are you seriously saying that moving a few cars is making them ‘5v5 friendly’?

They’d affect 6v6 in the exact same way.

6v6 lobbies work. This is not a valid argument.

Game optimisations do not revolve around 5 versus 6 players per team. This is not a valid argument here. The computational change is so low it’s honestly funny

I repeat. This is not an argument. 6v6 would take up less on the server side. You know, the part that costs them money?

It absolutely does matter if he plays. He’s the game director

You want him directing a game without playing it?

Our seeing eye dog is blind

“It’s not technically possible” is going to get called out plenty more than “it’s not worth it”.

Double shield was only a problem since they abandoned the game in 2019. A patch or two and it would be fixed.

You’re terrible at remembering the past. 6v6 was leagues better than 5v5, even in its’ worst patches.

Man you changed real quick on that one.

Ah yes, our feelings on how we feel playing the game. And our knowledge of what we hate about it. The exact data they want to gather.

Seems related to me.

It absolutely is the elephant in the room. You have to get over the fact that no, 5v5 is not the answer.

Cool. Enjoy your shrinking playerbase. If 6v6 isn’t coming back. Neither will the players that leave.

Samito for one.

He did though, for like 40 minutes straight

Play the custom games and find out if those problems are there


No. Play the custom game. Experience it. Find out if it is as you think it is. Because right now you’re just going to try to nitpick for any possible flaw.


Effective managers delegate responsibilities. He can be the face, and take the flack, but it’ll be others doing the leg work.

Why would I want or need to see that.

The one making a big deal of it is you. I don’t care if he never plays the game.

The tank players dying out was a problem before the 3 years of nothing. It began with the global shield nerfs and continued as tanks were nerfed because of synergy and not because they themselves were good. That resulted in tanks only being able to play in synergy and suck outside of it. THAT made tanks player leave: the reliance that the other guy picked the synergy pick.

If you still want not to copy paste the changes they have done in the mode in here, I will not believe you. Sorry. Custom games are also an special environment with just a small casual player base (more casual than mystery heroes lol).

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Lmao whatever you say bud

History, here’s my impression of you. :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

In those 6v6 modes they’ve done a pretty damn good job of balancing 6v6. This is why i’m trying to get you to PLAY it. If the efforts of a few people can get it right, Blizzard ought to be able to.

Besides, you keep talking about balance. Blizzard isn’t doing great with 5v5 either. 6v6 or 5v5 - overwatch in general is tricky to balance. There have been suggestions for years on how to balance double shield back in the day. But OW1 was in standby mode for that great sequel OW2.

In addition, a lot of the complaints people had back in OW1 were because things COULD be better. Then OW2 came out and now people can see how good OW1 was and not appreciated. Hindsight is like that.


Balance is one part, but not the main issue. The main issue is tank syngery and how strong tanks are with and how weak are without them. The main part we have 5v5 is that it was impossible to get tanks to work in both ways without one or both scenarios feel like crap.

I enjoy 5v5 and I am pretty happy with the balance of 5v5. There are some hick ups and annoying things, but nothing even compares to the BS we had in OW1 for long times.

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I had a fun idea where players have their own quarters think like Splatoon 3’s locker room except you can walk around and interact with stuff and decorate it and on Christmas you get free decoration but on Christmas day you get a free gift of enough coins for a skin, a voice pack and an emote, all gift wrap under your tree.

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I keep giving you the answer and you keep refusing to take it.

I was ok with 5v5 for a long time. Just accepted it and adapted like I always do. I’d forgotten how good 6v6 can be UNTIL I tried one of the custom 6v6 lobbies.

And it wasn’t just me. There were players that never played OW1 who were having a blast. I’m telling you dude, give it a try.


It’s pretty simple; it’s to see if the man who’s directing Overwatch actually knows what the hell is going on in his own game.

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You have given me nothing besides a link to a thread with some custom game codes, with no information what the changes even are.

And there you have the problem. Its called “nostalgia” coupled with no MM system at all. This is not the classic OW experience. Its just not. Be happy with the custom games if you want, but when 6v6 was the main mode, we had a ton of problem with tanks mainly.

No. I had 6v6 and I dont want to even experience 6v6 with heroes like Mauga and Ram. Just the possibility to pair Mauga with Zarya or Ram with Sigma gives me shivers. No, thank you. Great you have a nice casual experience of some 6v6 enjoyers. Great for you, but its not made for the main part of the game.

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Well I tried. :joy: A nicer person can go load up the codes and copy the balance changes, I think those would be in there somewhere. I’m not going to do it for you though.

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