Hey, Aaron, Address the elephant in the room

I think you might be bad at remembering the past and understanding the present honestly.

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If they don’t, then they really should come out and give a definitive statement on that, don’t you think?

Have you ever heard the saying that a great chef always tastes their food? :upside_down_face:


Flanking Hogs: Time to reintroduce ourselves.


Honestly. No.
It wouldn’t do any harm if they did, if you respond to every request from a small % of players on forums, you’ll never do any actual work

Aaron plays the game. He also has a job, a life, other interests. He’s doesn’t need to play much.

He’s also judging the game based on the data he has access too. Unlike the forums with is all feelings and theories.

What changes did they make to numbani? Or are you confusing it with Gibraltar?

Experience. You forgot that. If you aren’t experiencing the gameplay you are creating then you aren’t going to have an inkling of what is going on.

It’s like a chef with no taste buds.


yea i thought about that. is it technically possible or is it costly since they would have to rewrite the engine and servers?

that was a big decision to switch to 5v5 and maybe a costly one or it messed with the game

another proposal is open queue tho and abolishing role queue? :man_shrugging:
paladins its competitor doesnt have role queue

I think a hand cam.for.mouse is needed too when you stream :joy: trust issues.

Ya gordon always says to these haughty chefs in kitchen nightmares you must taste what you make first and some simply refuse to do it😂

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How turn the tables when a rip off game is being considered competition :hushed:

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Yep. I’ve never worked in game development but I’ve been on enough projects to say confidently that getting a project lead that doesn’t understand the product is an absolute nightmare.


6v6 isn’t the elephant in the room, it’s not even on the radar. You guys have to get over it eventually lol


yea its competitor didnt beat them they beat themselves. thats how blizzard usually works and i think thats what happned to world of warcraft


That’s interesting I never stopped flanking on Hog. :grin:

Part of his job is literally taking and addressing feedback from within the community. How would he not be getting any work done when he was literally doing his job?

Also, the discussion around 6 vs. 6 is not small by any means. You can be disingenuous all you want and play it off like it hasn’t been a hot topic within the community for months, but you doing that doesn’t make it true. Lol

Right, then why haven’t you or I seen him play the game once? It shouldn’t be a hassle for him to play his own game while he’s literally reading his developer update off of a scripted piece of paper. I don’t know why you’re making such a big deal out of this.

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You have a better chance of convincing Mei’s ice wall to lone you a dollar.


Neon, no matter how many times you say that, it won’t change anyone that wants 6v6. And there’s every possibility 6v6 could be a weekend challenge or a mode added into unranked or even, just maybe, added back entirely.

You can be salty about it, but people are going to keep asking for it. And if it comes back and it sucks, well, you get to say, “I told you so.”


I’m not salty, the people clinging to a pipedream are lol. I don’t care if some people prefered 6v6 it’s just not coming back and it’s sad seeing people still ask or beg for it

Imagine on Christmas they gave coins for free to those who break a snowman would be so funny and cool :joy:

Instead of arguing with people on Twitter that fomo is good and they are being as generous as Scrooge on Xmas.

Don’t be dishonest here, it galls you when people constantly ask for 6v6. But it isn’t going away.

Oh you edited. give me a second…

It’s also sad that you pop up just to say, “It isn’t coming back lol.” :person_shrugging:


6v6 is not a topic that is up for discussion. Thats why they are not addressing it. The main reason for that are that no big CCs are in favor of 6v6 nor do any of them really try to pull back of everything.

Some crazy forum people will not change that sentiment. It reminds me of the crazy “remove role queue!” people who were around also for a long time…

Everything’s on the table sport.