Heros that are bad for the health of game and need rework

k, well at least you admit ur wrong

Nope lol, i stand by my opinion you can by yours, i think this will make the game balanced than it has ever been.

ofcourse im negotiable to points on a particular suggestion if im presented with valid counter arguments based on facts.

Well, Me and most everyone else know that you’re completely wrong…

and these changes would be very bias towards a certain role

most people often do a lot of wrong things throughout history, you dont have to be a large number to do the right thing.

If you mean mobility flankers no, they would still be strong, as their problematic counters and those who they have to counter are also being balanced like them.

If the majority of people think what your doing is wrong and negatively effects them, its wrong

Bap, Brig and Moira are some of the most largely changed characters, meaning unbalanced.

No, this would make flankers throw picks even though some of them already are.

You just listed just under half of all the characters in the game

Yep do you disagree with the issues they have in their kit.

yeah, clearly it wasnt the entire dive comp it was genji that forced brig in the game, nothing else, all genji’s fault for bringing brig to life

oh so now its tracer’s fault. could you stick to one.

i like cheese. keep the cheese

Hanzo VS Junkrat. Round 1. FIGHT

moira is fine. you just dont like getting out skilled :slightly_smiling_face:

Git Gud Hatori :slightly_smiling_face:

It already does this.

Child before you type due to sugar rush please read.
I haven’t said any changes to moira only used her as comparison to bap and why bap aoe is bad and moira’s is not.

Its fast at 40m/s needs to be slower. As well as have that grapple head that if shot should break.