Heroes you have never been a fan of - Literally NEVER

Widowmaker - I find her boring, her kit, her character, her design. Nothing about her feels particularly exciting or interesting.

Symmetra - I never liked her playstyle or her kit, not then not now, her holier-than-thou attitude or autism or whatever she has is obnoxious and off-putting, I wouldn’t miss her if she was gone.

Doomfist - He would’ve been soooo much better as just a lore character. All the mystery, all evil, all the potential, it just got ruined by a playable hero. I don’t like his kit, I don’t feel it fits with game style.

Reaper - while I’m interested in his story, I just can’t seem to enjoy playing as him. His kit feels clunky, teleport specifically, and the whole emo voice woe-is-me attitude thing he does is a bit over the top and cheesy. I can see little kids loving it, but I never could get on board with it. Love blackwatch Gabriel from Retribution tho.

to me he’s all 3 at the same time lol, truly my least favorite character

Mei. Her kit was made solely to tilt people

#1 is the new guy Baptiste. I know he’s new but I have 0 interest in this character. I dont like his moves, I dont like his character design, I dont like playing him, I dont like playing against him. He’s boring and his Immortality Field rips the fun (kills) right from you in front of your eyes. I hate him.

#2 From the older hero pool id have to say Doomfist. His kit is very ALL-IN when it comes to making a comp around him. Unsupported he’s cancer on your team, Fully supported your at his mercy how well he does vs how much he feeds. Fighting him is a joke if your HP is anything less then 300 cause he can pretty much insta-kill anything he touches either with a rocket punch or slam/uppercut combo. Playing him in an FPS feels like a joke and fighting him just makes the veins in your forehead pulse because unlike other slower heroes he’ll be back in the fight 20 seconds after you killing him. Also unlike other faster characters that are usually weaker in exchange for speed Doomfist just does whatever the hell he wants and his enemies an allies really cant tell him otherwise.

Maybe your doomfist will deal with their doomfist? Nah those two will avoid eachother like the Black Plague cause the only thing harder then trying to hit Doomfist is using doomfist to fight another doomfist…

It’s only thanks to Symm 3.0 that I was able to get her teleporter achievement by setting up a flanking route on Hanamura before switching off. I already had the Car Wash cheevo before then. I only have about 27 minutes of total playtime on her, and I despise getting stuck as her in any random match mode.

I just don’t like her kit of using a low damaging beam weapon while setting up turrets around the environment.

In terms of who I just don’t want to play, I don’t enjoy Reinhardt or Mercy. I want to have a gun, and be shooting at the enemy. I find either of these two to be boring most of the time - when you’re not up hammering the enemy as Reinhardt, and when you’re healing with Mercy. The boredom makes me unreliable at either and likely to play a bit too aggressively.

Heroes that just shouldn’t be in the game: I don’t really like Doomfist. He’s so ability based that it feels extremely difficult to balance him, and he always feels cheap when he kills me, even when I know he’s weak. I think melee based characters in FPS games always feel unbalanced and cheap and should be avoided. I also think Hammond is extremely gimmicky, and Brigitte was such a balance disaster she’ll almost certainly have to be reworked.

I really really really hate Mei.

In a game where you’re supposed to get on the objective to win, having a character that getting close to will stop you from any control of your own is terrible. It’s made worse by the fact that you have to bait out an invulnerability/heal and a wall that cuts you off from attacking her. Oh and then she snipes like Hanzo. Oh and if she’s on your team, there will be at least two instances of her using her wall to kill a team mate on accident, or nullify a team mate’s ult.

Plus her character design is boring.

Reinhardt. He shares a personality with the guy with the big hitbox from every game ever.


zenyatta- I found him to be too fragile and just eh. Hes the only support I don’t main (I pseudo main Lucio but I used to one trick him)


Always hated hack cause it ruins most abilities and ultimates. Yes it’s counterable, but when you’re just swinging around as Hammond and she comes out of nowhere it gets annoying.

I find Bastion to be a waste of a slot as far as OW lore goes. Anyone could replace him.

Probably Doomfist for me. I just can’t do the punching, but I actually don’t like heroes in general that rely on getting up close and personal with the enemy to do damage (which is why, even though I like to play support, I have never really touched Brigitte). I like to keep my distance.

Tracer… Just… Ugh, Even a blind, deaf and dumb Orisa manages to kill me.
Also Zarya, but I don’t suck too much with her, just don’t like her playstyle

Even if you don’t like Lucio, he is useful to you, unless you want the game to turn into COD, or not have a support class.

He is a support character that can survive on his own, and spend time on the objective without getting killed.

Overwatch is full of DPS mains who don’t protect the healers, then spam ‘I need healing’ when (both) healer(s) are dead.

Or ones who want to run around playing team death match as if they are almost allergic to the objective.

Yeah, who needs teamwork? Let’s all just run and gun. Victory through getting lots and lots of kills!

Robots are machines. We shouldn’t confuse human lives with machine constructs.

Personally I think it’s a testament to Blizzard game design that so many heroes feel like :poop: in one player’s hands and :trophy: in another’s.

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Widow because I’m too used to quickscope instakills from TF2

0 minutes on her

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Oh yes. As a support main, it’s fun having such a variety of different characters to try and keep alive. And for the (Good) DPS players, there are plenty of interesting targets to try and kill.

please remove her i would be so happy