Heroes you have never been a fan of - Literally NEVER

Reinhardt. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against Reinhardt as a hero. I find him balanced and I’m always glad to see one on my team. However, I just find really boring to play compared to heroes such as Hammond, Lucio or Sombra.


His whole idea is stupid. Huge arm that does all this damage yet he still melees with his left hand

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Doo fist. I still don’t see how its fair a high mobility high HP hero has a literal 1 shot mechanic every 4 seconds

Widow and Symmetra. We honestly don’t need 1 shot snipers which is also hitscan in Overwatch. Sym is just annoying whether she’s on your team or the enemies team.


It’s only recent that I’ve put hours on her because I realized sometimes you’ll really want a D.va to handle certain situations (and god do I hate every time that happens).

I avoided doing that because of how much I just really despise the character and half the stuff she says.

Gameplay: Solid. Character and Background: Dumb.

You could take away half of the DPS characters and hard-limit to no more than two of that class in any game mode, and the game would looks very similar to how it is now, but be more satisfying.

I am spectacularly trash at Doomfist and Sombra. I understand Sombras purpose, though I do nit think her kit belongs in the game, but Doom…man, the best thing to come out of Doomfist was Doomfish.

I try to play all heros now. Mystery Heros got me into that. That said I cannot play Ana very well. I suck with Widow and Junkrat too.

Baptiste is actually the first I’ve not been a fan of at all. He just feels so… plain. Likable personality and good lines, and yet I forget he exists the moment he goes off-screen, and remember him only as “BotWatch guy” once he pops up among the enemy again.

D.Va was the closest – due merely to shallowness of character so far as I could find at that time – prior to him. She’s still a close second, even though I very much enjoy playing as her.

Symmetra for me. I hardly feel any of Symmetra’s contributions unless they’re big plays. When I play her, myself, it always feels like I’m playing a different game than everybody else, like I’m not even playing with my team. Except for the ult, I feel like everything I do is for my benefit.





They don’t belong in this game. All of them, regardless of nerfs or buffs, will either be GARBAGE or extremely oppressive with low effort.

And in case of brig, the one hero who made more than half the roster useless on her own.

Mercy and D.va.

They seem so incredibly unappealing to me. I have played this game since beta, and I have maybe 1 hour combined on both.

Probably orisa and d.va.
Moira as well to some degree.

I mean even sym gets played once each 4 months…

But especially orisa is so awful to play imho.
Slow, fat, only existing thing is her E on illios well…

Genji …

uhmmm …

Actually, I’m a big fan … I just love to kill him with Mercy. :smiling_imp:

Ana. Her kit never appealed to me. I almost never enjoyed her whether or not I did well as her. Hanzo too for that matter

Note I neither hate the hero nor do i think she should be removed.
If I had to choose it would be Pharah. Lorewise she just “exists” and gameplay wise she is very binary where she completely rolls over heroes with no range or unreliable projectiles.

Junkrat - I just… I really just … arrgh! Please stop buffing him and just remove all damage from the concussion mines. I mean Concussion grenades should shock and stun… maybe disorient … not damage… arrrgggh!!
Orisa - OP to the teeth, way too much killing and anchoring potential in one hero.
Widowmaker - Infra sight… is … annoying at times
Brigitte - Please rework this character, please. Make her a bruiser instead of a healer.

Winston - Low skill floor, you pick him and you already limited the enemy choices by half.
Reinhardt - Boring
Junkrat - Too much damage, never liked his design.
Reaper - Annoying to play against in lower rank, i guess is bias.
Doomfist - Didnt need to exist, lets be honest.

JUNKRAT - I have always hated this character. He racks up damage in the most brainless way ever. I hate his kit, I hate his design, I hate his lore. There is not a single thing I like about this character and would not miss him if he was gone.

Doomfist - He’s either garbage tier or a character so obnoxious that he makes you want to rocket punch your own screen. I don’t care for his ability-reliant, CC mashup kit AT ALL, nor the feast-or-famine nature of his playstyle. I don’t think it fits in this game. Was lowkey ecstatic to see him out of my games. Did not miss him at all and I don’t care to ever see him return.

Bastion - Shift + M1 + Orisa / Rein sheild + Mercy Pocket = Nightmare Fuel. But even outside of that comp there is not a single thing I like about this character. I hate playing as him, i hate fighting one and I even hate having one on my team. Defenitely would not miss him if he got deleted.

Honorable Mentions go to Hanzo and Widowmaker because one-shot mechanics are a scourge on this game.

He’s so fun though!
He’s like that drug that you gotta try just once so you can say you lived a little