Heroes you have never been a fan of - Literally NEVER

What are some heroes that, no matter when you played the game, you just have never cared for them, or you wouldn’t find the game lacking at all if they were removed?

It doesn’t matter if the Hero is a top pick or anything. Maybe you’re a casual player who only plays Arcade, and so you’ve just never seen a point to Tracer. Maybe you’re someone who exclusively plays Comp, and so you’ve never seen a point to Torbjorn. Feel free to name as little or as many as you want.

I’ll start:

  • Lucio. I have picked him many times at different points in the lifeline of this game, and yet, I just don’t see the point for his existing. As much as I see others play him, I don’t find him useful. He looks really cool and I love his peppy attitude, but I don’t care for his kit.

EDIT: To be clear… I don’t mean Heroes you hate because players who pick them make your life hell. I mean Heroes you, yourself, have tried out but find to be useless in this game.

Moira - The purple orbs annoy the hell out of me.


Junkrat. Such an awfully thought out hero. Didn’t like him the day I bought the game and 3 years later I still hate him.


I think all the heroes have their place and I love how radically differently they play.

It is just some of them I can’t play at all.

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Genji, i am prejudiced toward Genji mains.



Because he’s a melee hero in a mostly fps game he will either be OP/annoying or a throw pick


I think it would be cool if we had more melee heroes honestly. Rein is some of the way there.


Hanzo. I have 1000 hours in overwatch.

Not one hour of Hanzo.


Doomfist - I think his kit is fundamentally flawed in design and doesn’t belong in the game.


Sym is pretty much a turretbot that spams secondaries, I think about 1-2% of the time I die to Sym it’s from her primary.

Brig is Brig.

mccree - still can’t figure out what is his role in the game. I even forget he exists sometimes
tracer/genji - I don’t like playing them at all and I don’t like their characters either.
winston - if there is a tank that i am not going to play it is winston.
doomfist - I just don’t get how to play this hero. Every time I try to hit something I die.

Roadhog. The grunting just puts me off him



Hanzo, his kit has been a mess from the dawn of this game. You have a sniper that’s has to rely on travel time which makes it very rng. In the beginning he had scatter which was the definition of rng where he could get kills from the other side of the map without aiming.

Then he got more mobility and a more consistent tank buster which he apparently needed because snipers should be the most dangerous in close combat right?

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It’s the speed and his ult. He is the only hero that can speed teammates up. Super useful for speeding lost people back to the point on first point 2cp defence.

I think his ultimate is also one of the best in the game.

Symm, from 1.0 to 3.0, annoys the hell out of me.

Mercy, just cause of the 5 seasons she was OP, and because she’s boring to play as.

Brig, for obvious reasons.

Moira because autolock/Large hitbox with autolock animation, whatever.

Wrecking Ball, who is secretly OP but no one knows it yet. Basically a better Doomfist with more health.

Junkrat, Mei, Symmetra

Torb, Sym, Bastion. EZClap.

I wouldn’t argue with you. I personally think if he was removed, and players’ memories of him were erased, the game would still look very similar to how it does right now. Maybe less boops in Route 66 and Ilios Lighthouse… that’s about it.

Genji, I just can’t get to grips with his kit.

Mercy, I’ve always found her dull to play.

Lucio, not my kind of game style.

Sym and Torb, not sure why, just not a fan.