Heroes I hope will never be meta

Let me preface this post with: I don’t mind if certain maps have their own metas, I prefer if they do. I am all for every hero being viable and being able to fit somewhere in the game.

Okay, so here are heroes that I personally hope that will never become meta:

  1. Doomfist. We felt what Doomfist meta was like, how he just jumps in, gets 3 kills and escapes for free, with very little care too.

  2. Bastion. Who remembers that 1 week when we had pure Bastion meta? Of course the circumstances were different at the time, he was a bit unkillable, but I feel like he’s just too cheesy.

  3. Brigitte. lol…

  4. Hanzo and Widowmaker. Okay, I am fine if one of these is meta, but not both at once. Double sniper meta just feels so awful to play against, especially as a tank player. I can’t imagine how awful it feels for support players. Nothing like having to play at really weird angles and having team fights boil down to who has the better Widowmaker.

  5. Junkrat. More so the same reason for Bastion. I feel like Junkrat is a bit too cheesy, but I like the niche role he offers and how he’s insanely strong on certain maps. Albeit, the hero is pretty weak right now and should probably get buffed, but I don’t want to ever experience Junkrat meta again.

  6. Mei. Just genuinely unfun to play against. It’s not even the freezing-the-enemies part that I dislike, it’s her wall. There’s nothing more demoralizing than seeing your Reinhardt gets completely walled off from your team and you can’t do a thing about it but try and break one of the pillars, by then it’s too late. I would be fine with Mei being meta if they put more power in her gun and take away some health of the walls.

  7. Moira. I genuinely think you should not be given that much reward for playing Moira, feels too easy to play and I hope there will never be a time where you can get so much value by putting little effort.

  8. Reaper. Same with Moira, feels like it’s too easy to play and there shouldn’t be a meta where Reaper is the best pick in most situations.

  9. Orisa and Roadhog. I’m a Roadhog main, but I would never want these two heroes to be in the same meta. It’s so boring to play as Roadhog in this comp, and it’s just brainless shield spam and Halt+Hooks. Boring to play, and boring to watch in my opinion.

  10. Sombra. I play tanks, so y’know, the hack ability is extremely useful against tanks. I just find her to be extremely annoying to play against. She’s either in your backline or just holding Mouse2 and you have almost no time to react.

  11. (MAYBE) Torbjorn. Depends on what makes him meta. If the turret is what makes Torb meta, then I wouldn’t like that, that’s the only real determining factor for me.

That’s pretty much it. Like I said, I think all these heroes should still be viable and be able to be extremely strong in certain situations, but I wouldn’t want them to be meta. For instance, even though I put Orisa+Hog on this list, I like the fact that they are really strong on Illios: Well & Junkertown.


Toxic twenty characters


For me just Mei and Sombra.
Primary fire slow CC on one and an ability that takes away all the fun in the game on the other.

I gotta admit, it’s really fun being the Mei and Sombra, but not so much on the receiving end of things.

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Moira… I’m noticing everyone likes to say the support heroes are sooooo easy to play, yet find that everyone generally agrees that it’s even easier to tell a bad support from a good one, or even a half-decent one.

I think you should change the title from “heroes that i hope will never be meta” to heroes that “Shouldnt be meta”

atleast for the following heroes:

  • Doomfist
  • Bastion
  • Symmetra
  • Torbjorn
  • Sombra
  • Mei
  • Junkrat
  • Briggite

due to how the community percieves them, they will be instantly nerfed back to F tier, because the community will cry if they are not fighting a hero that they can just click on their heads and win and requires some sort of mental usage to fight,

I like all this heroes, but for their own good, they should never make them meta so they dont get over-nerfed

look at doomfist

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Half these heroes are trash right now, and don’t seem like they’re going to get many changes soon. And it’s also much easier to counter a lot of these heroes.

And some of these heroes are kind of meta already, at least on Xbox for me. Like Moira.

You got some nice sr there sir

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Doomfist was only meta because he countered Goats which was build around heroes that Doomfist eats for dinner

Outside of it, he did pretty average

I look at it this way. If a hero is unfun to play against. They shouldn’t feel unfair to play against.

I play a lot of Roadhog, Junkrat, and Mei.

I get it.

what if it’s his right clicks? how would that be any better than reaper?

Junkrat was never meta anyways.

I definitely feel like there’s a LOT more outplay potential against Torb’s shotty than Reaper.

So, tell me, why create a hero if it will not be used on competitive?
All heroes should be playble in comp. People have right to play with they like.
Mei for exemple, if her is “unfun” to play against, if her is op, why she never get to the meta and high ranks? She is easy to counter. Her ult is weak.

You are just another case of player complaining about things that you don’t know how to counter and uses this arguments about heroes being easy to play because you think they are inferior, cause you play “hard” heroes and you do not want to have your ego hurt, cause you feel superior.

can you please re-read the first and last paragraph of the original post?

I don’t think she’s counter, and honestly on some points, the only way to counter a Mei is with your own Mei. I play at Top 500 level, and Mei is definitely an extremely underrated character right now. She completely thrives off of uncoordinated teams, and having coordination in a solo queue environment is extremely difficult. I think her playtime will increase soon.

… bro i think i know what comps counter what comps, or what heroes are good against others.

Like I said, please re-read the first and last paragraph. I want every hero to be viable and have a certain role in the game.

He didnt said that,not being meta is diferent from being useless,he just dont want to see those heroes every game,because in his opinion they are unfun to play against.

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Genji blade

how so? he shoots faster than reaper when he goes into overload, if that would actually have a tighter spread it would just win by default as the better shotty, aswell in torbs overload he isn’t one-shottable like reaper.

reapers shotty does slightly more damage and is a hitscan shotgun and have 0.1 faster fire rate normally.

and with the rest of torbs kit just makes him overall better than reaper in 99% of scenarios, has a long range option, has added dps from his turret and have a less counterable ultimate.

i think torb would be a pain to deal with as it’s not only torb, it’s a shotty, a long range projectile and a turret and an ultimate that denies space over a long period of time.

but yeah i think what most people don’t like is random kills and cc’s and no counterplay, but there will never not be counterplay to reaper.

Someone is upset that OP heroes got put in their place

Case and point lol

Mei, Doomfist, Torbjorn, and Junkrat tbh