Heroes' DnD Alignment

Y’all know Dungeons and Dragons’ character alignment, right? How would Overwatch heroes place on the alignment chart? Some examples?

Lawful Good

Neutral Good

Chaotic Good

Lawful Neutral

True Neutral

Chaotic Neutral
Soldier 76

Lawful Evil
I have no idea

Neutral Evil

Chaotic Evil

These are my suggestions. What about the other heroes?

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Fixed that for you.


Lawful Good

Neutral Good

Chaotic Good

Lawful Neutral
Soldier 76

True Neutral

Chaotic Neutral

Lawful Evil

Neutral Evil

Chaotic Evil


Hanzo - was Lawful evil now is Lawful Neutral.

Lucio is Chaotic good.

Zarya - Lawful good.

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Zarya Lawful? Even though she would do anything Volskaya would ask of her, even assaulting Talon? :smiley:

Also, wasn’t Sigma part of Talon? He should be eeeeeeevilllllll :laughing:

Zarya upholds the law of her country and her duty is to them.

Genji and Soldier to chaotic good

Hammond to Chaotic Neutral; he’s a pretty cool guy who smashes robots and doesn’t afraid of anything

Sym probably closest to lawful evil, even if she herself isn’t really malevolent. Vishkar, who she works for, burns down cities to rebuild something fitting their idea of whats good. She’s obsessed with imposing order, at the cost of freedom, believing she knows whats best for them.

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Affinity is correct – Zarya is devoted to the law-chaos axis, and not so much the benevolent-malevolent axis. She follows her orders because they are her orders, and without concern whether Katya Volkskaya’s orders are just. Volkskaya is not on the up-and-up, but Zarya has no interest in such things. Orders are orders.

Sigma works for Talon, but his mental state renders him incapable of ethical consideration. He will, however, violate laws, mores and folkways without concern.

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Lawful Good
Orisa - absolutely legal, follows programming
Reinhardt - heroic person, lives with honor

Neutral Good
Brigitte - travels around the world w Rein, don’t really have character traits that could put her up or down
D.va - just protects her country
Genji - I think on different stages of his character he can fit on different roles, but right now he lives with honor, just like his brother, but Genji isn’t obsessed with it, unlike Hanzo

Chaotic Good
Lúcio - created a mess but got people free from corporation.
Mccree - does justice. and justice is messed up thing.
Winston - formed illegal organisation just to save the world. plays a hero, but actually makes quite controversial decisions.

Lawful Neutral
Pharah - helix is neutral and even has its own prison
Mercy - her deeds aren’t all good, but she tries to act without crossing a law
Symmetra - don’t know true nature of Vishkar, but I’m sure she will stay with them

True Neutral
Sigma - he’s truly kept imprisoned, and his 3 personalities just breaks d&d
Bastion - does nothing, just likes nature
Zenyatta - helps those in need and meditates a lot “I welcome adversity”
Torbjorn - didn’t do anything bad or wrong, once he crossed a law, and once he become an unknown hero
Roadhog - he’s a sadist, but I’m sure he has a soft side
Baptiste - formerly a terrorist, didn’t killed that Talon dude, but used him to assist hospital. Bandage or bullet.

Chaotic neutral
Ana - joined Soldier, but actually wants to protect her country (chaotic good)
Reaper - yes, he’s a psycho. but he actually has a family and probably isn’t loyal to Talon. She just hates overwatch. No reason to make him in baddie section.
Sombra - wants an absolute power, but isn’t evil.
Tracer - don’t tend to self-sacrifice and INCREDIBLY impulsive
Junkrat - misunderstood, because he’s MAD

Lawful Evil
Zarya - follows any orders and actually cold
Hanzo - his honor for him is above all. and it isn’t good. he didn’t join Talon, though
Mei - her action freeze everyone. her motivations aren’t good.
Moira - she awful, but lawful. she likes science and that is all. she doesn’t care about organisation’s views.

Neutral Evil
Widowmaker - brainwashed. possible future double agent.
Ashe - cares about nothing, but her dirty gang

Chaotic Evil
Hammond - i’m sure he’s a villain
Doomfist - just wants to watch world burn
Soldier 76 - wants to revenge and crosses any laws there is.

It seems Zarya is unaware what’s really going on with her country. She gave up her own interest and happiness in heavy lifting to do right, or what she believes is right, for her country. That’s why I had her as lawful good.

Nope, Mei is 100000% Chaotic Evil.

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McCree would be more Chaotic Good - he is trying to do the right thing and make up for his past.

Mei got her team killed I’d call that Lawful Stupid.


Would you not say those belong to


I actually think roadhog and junkrat belong there because neither are inherently evil and they are just chaotic you know?

I would say genji is in the

because as of right now he is operating with the law right?
Also winston and dva should belong their especially dva since she operates under her countries laws and rules to serve and protect
Sym could be under neutral good

Mei pretends to be chaotic good (she is engaging in illegal overwatch activities so they all are)

But really we all know she is satan so obviously Chaotic evil…

No one can be good and murder people in such a sickl and twisted way… how is that even ok in a game rated as 14+?

seriously it gives me nightmares…

Mei is freaking brutal… bloody psycho!

Sombra is 100% Chaotic Neutral.

She’s entirely out for herself.

**EDIT: Well this got flagged and I’m not sure why…but apparently editing it fixed it? (at least for me) so edit to remove what i think is the problem I guess.

Mercy would be Neutral Good I think. She would be willing to break the rules if it meant helping someone.

As a self identified super AI this offends me.

Perhaps you’re just not true neutral.

I made this a while ago, might as well share it. It’s hard to apply D&D alignments to characters who weren’t designed for that system.

Lawful Good: Brigitte, Orisa, Reinhardt, Pharah, Mercy, D.Va
These heroes strive to do good within the restriction of the law, and are often seen as protectors who sacrifice their own well-being to save others.

Neutral Good: Tracer, Zenyatta, Torbjorn, Mei, Genji
These heroes are more concerned about doing good for good’s sake - they may break the rules occasionally, but their hearts are in the right place.

Chaotic Good: Winston, Baptiste, McCree, Lucio, Ana, Soldier
These heroes do good at any cost, often working outside the law or against lawful authorities.

Lawful Neutral: Symmetra, Zarya, Hanzo
These heroes are dedicated to an ideal - order, honor, patriotism, etc. Good and evil matter less than pursuing this ideal.

True Neutral: Wrecking Ball, Bastion, Sigma
These heroes aren’t concerned with good or evil, law or chaos - they simply live according to their conscience.

Chaotic Neutral: Sombra, Moira, Junkrat, Roadhog
These heroes pursue their own interests above all else, with no regard to their impact on others.

Lawful Evil: Ashe, Doomfist
These heroes are not above killing to pursue their ideals, and will use whatever means necessary.

Neutral Evil: Widowmaker, Reaper
These heroes take pleasure in killing and often do so just for the sake of killing.