I made this a while ago, might as well share it. It’s hard to apply D&D alignments to characters who weren’t designed for that system.
Lawful Good: Brigitte, Orisa, Reinhardt, Pharah, Mercy, D.Va
These heroes strive to do good within the restriction of the law, and are often seen as protectors who sacrifice their own well-being to save others.
Neutral Good: Tracer, Zenyatta, Torbjorn, Mei, Genji
These heroes are more concerned about doing good for good’s sake - they may break the rules occasionally, but their hearts are in the right place.
Chaotic Good: Winston, Baptiste, McCree, Lucio, Ana, Soldier
These heroes do good at any cost, often working outside the law or against lawful authorities.
Lawful Neutral: Symmetra, Zarya, Hanzo
These heroes are dedicated to an ideal - order, honor, patriotism, etc. Good and evil matter less than pursuing this ideal.
True Neutral: Wrecking Ball, Bastion, Sigma
These heroes aren’t concerned with good or evil, law or chaos - they simply live according to their conscience.
Chaotic Neutral: Sombra, Moira, Junkrat, Roadhog
These heroes pursue their own interests above all else, with no regard to their impact on others.
Lawful Evil: Ashe, Doomfist
These heroes are not above killing to pursue their ideals, and will use whatever means necessary.
Neutral Evil: Widowmaker, Reaper
These heroes take pleasure in killing and often do so just for the sake of killing.