Pretty good. I think Moira is more Neutral evil than Chaotic neutral. She doesn’t care about law or chaos, she’s merely interested in learning how to advance with science, but she’s willing to do evil things to continue her research.
Doesn’t the “lawful” alignment not necessarily refer to the letter of the law, but a strictness in ideology? So a Paladin is often Lawful because they follow the laws of X God, even if the law isn’t one inherently held up by the government?
So someone like Rein would be Lawful good in that he’s following a strict code of Justice, with the “good” being the general moral goodness of said actions.
Moira is a hard one to place - she is in the pursuit of knowledge and scientific advancement at any cost. I don’t think that makes her evil, but that does lean more in that direction.
Moira isn’t interested in following the laws, but she isn’t interested in chaos for the sake of chaos. She merely wants a place where she can do her research, and she’ll take whatever comes that can offer that.
The evil aspect is in the fact that she is knowingly working with Talon to brainwash Widow as well as manipulate a mentally unhinged Sigma.
I’d think she’s chaotic neutral. She’s chaotic in that her actions aren’t limited by any particular set of rules. She’s currently working with an evil team, but it’s for her own gain not for evils sake.
Then again, if you consider her rigid desire for “science at all costs” she might be lawful neutral? Or perhaps even true neutral.
I originally had her in the True Neutral square, but some people I discussed it with convinced me that she’s more motivated by her personal desire for progress.
That’s where the Neutral comes in. Neutral people don’t care one way or the other about laws or chaos, they merely want what works best for them.
She worked with Overwatch thinking she’d get what she needed. Ow is clearly closer to lawful. She went to Talon not because she’s interested in their idealogy but because they let her do her research.
Well that’s the interesting thing about DnD alignments isn’t it? They’re subjective, generally speaking. That’s why the most recent editions lean more toward alignment for roleplay purposes (and a few spells) and less with the intention of being restrictive. You could argue using necromancy to save someone is an evil act meant to do good. And then strict alignment falls out the window.
So there’s always several places you can put someone depending on your own bias. Which is cool, imo.
Ive always felt the he old D&D alignments to be a very inaccurate way to describe a person’s behavior.
In particular the “neutral” aspect of the good-evil aspect is just not logically possible, at least the idea you can somehow balance out evil acts with good acts.
You can…
Resolve yourself to try and do good in all things by which you are now good, even if you did evil in the past…
Don’t care at all about being good, so you are evil…
Or you mostly do good but sometimes do evil, but you are not going to change your behavior so you are actually PLANNING to do evil in the future again, thus you are fundamentally evil.
At any rate, back on topic. Genii is definitely lawful good. His strict discipline and and attempt to redeem Hanzo make me feel that way. Hanzo, for his part must be chaotic, though he obviously has the same training and martial skills as Genji, his alcoholism prevents him from being lawful. Obviously Hanzo is evil as well, for his utter rejection of Genjis reconciliation.
Moira is definitely Chaotic Evil. She has no regard for obeying or disobeying laws or society morals to further her own agenda.
Sigma is also chaotic evil. His mental health issues prevent him from bring anything else. But where Moira just doesn’t care, Sigmas trauma and conditioning are what put him firmly in that category.
Also, Mei is simply just evil. There is just no room left inside for anything else. Just…pure…evil.
I would move Reaper and Roadhog to Chaotic Evil, just because of how much they like senseless killing
I definitely think Moira’s tendency toward personal hostility and cruelty drops her into evil. Her banter toward teammates often dips into the pointlessly mean, more than almost any of the other talon characters, and it’s pretty clear that basically everyone in Overwatch hates her, even more than possibly more deserving characters like Reaper or Widowmaker.
Fixed it better. Sigma is a good guy, hes just being used. Just listen to how polite he is.
Sigma is more like chaotic good.
He’s a good guy. He loves is job, but he got into an accident.
Just listen to how polite he is in game. He sounds like he would be an awesome dude to talk with.
The only down side is that he’s being controlled by Talon.
By himself, he is a great person. if he was controlled by Overwatch, he would be Lawful good.
My man needs a hug and a therapist. and something to help him with that earworm he has.
i dont think anyone is lawful in the game… maybe symetra that seams lawfull neutral…
all of overwatch are like chaotic good at best…
I’d say Lucio is Chaotic Good, he’s a freedom fighter, that’s pretty much the definition of “chaotic”.
Moira is definitely lawful evil.