Hero Concept: "V" (Big read) šŸ¦¾

I didnā€™t say she was an NPC. You asked if the girl Mercy saved was a Mary Sue because Mercy saved her, and I answered that the girl was an NPC so it didnā€™t matter.

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Ah. well you didnā€™t really specify, i thought you still meant the character in question.
Sorry again about that.

Still, i know iā€™ll write more onto this at a later date, but i was expecting maybe somebody could give some feedback about the hero concept as a whole.
Like, as a hero.

I only really moved it here because it was instantly buried in general.

If youā€™re looking for feedback on the hero concept, youā€™re better off moving this to General. Most folks in Story Discussion donā€™t care for hero concepts (and youā€™re not supposed to post fanfiction here anyway).

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This did confuse me a littleā€¦ why have a story section with noā€¦ story writing?
Itā€™s anti fan.

But yea, perhaps iā€™ll move it back.

Thanks for your feedback, and pointing out an error.
(Oh hey, i didnā€™t know it would be bumped by me moving it, perhaps some people will see it. Yay)

isnt it 30?

Which melee range? the Quick Melee attacks such as mercy pistol whipe or zen kick (thats 2 m if I remember correctly?) or Same as melee weapons? (4 to 6m)

Wait I am confused?
So after she lands she rolls?
or she rolls then jump?
(its probably the first one aint it?)

So unlike genji she actually moves her head?

See if she jumps and gets to wall climb? I would say 6 seconds is alright
4 I feel like would feel way to short imo.

I loki like the movement of camera when you wall climb.
Is wall climb as long as genji and hanzos or is shorter duration?

Wait I thought the wall climb was for the short ability nani?

alil bit like genjis xD
only he cant hold on ledges
can she shoot or do anything when she holding on ledges?

use the ability, 20s cooldown starts
for first 10s She gets a total of 5 pings?
is that correct?

Interesting aspect honestly
tho I would say the numbers should be abit less
10 to 20 to 40
I would say that would be good since its a passive. (its a passive right?)
Also cute with the zen touch <3

I kinda want this.
make it 100hp 50 armor and 100 shields doe.
Since she is melee.

combo fighter feel to it.
Appearance makes me feel of a female Bugazoid from an old indie game I played called Attack of bot bugs
that game was weirdā€¦ but it had intresting designs.
it had robot humans transformed into bug and then turned to bots so bot bugs just why XD

a good question who was she hunted by?

I love how sombra made friends V because she is kinda as chaotic as her.

Nice hero concept.
I want her to drop kick people.
Just goes from a ledge uses the ability and drop kicks someone.
that would be so cool XD

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Iā€¦ would have to check that, but i am up for discussion on all numbers suggested.

As i said iā€™m up for any discussion on balance related numbers, but i assumed it would be somewhere near 2-4 meters.

It would function similarly to Hanzoā€™s lunge, just not as an ability.

To explain:
When standing or making small regular jumps she wouldnā€™t roll
When jumping from any higher than that, she would roll at the end of the jump, or after the use of her mobility abilities.

With Hanzo you canā€™t use lunge until you jump, so thatā€™s why i make the comparison.

Yes, the intention is for her to be hyper mobile, possibly even a match for Genji in a 1v1.

I donā€™t exactly understand the question?

No, it is a passive ability like Genji and Hanzo, she simply is capable of climbing walls.

Well without the ability to shoot anyways, no. Itā€™s simply for mobilityā€™s sake.

Yes, i believe that is correct.

It is a passive, but the numbers scale with direct melee hits landed, meaning it rewards extremely close combat, which is the only reasoning behind the high numbers, as the lingering effect wouldnā€™t last very long.

Itā€™s burst healing, basically.

She is also a glass cannon, and also both a counter to Sombra, and tied in with her lore. Sheā€™s easily countered by Sombra in the same fashion.

Iā€™m glad! I put a lot of thought into the in-game version of the hero, especially the ultimate.

As far as i am aware, Ana is being hunted world wide under multiple different personas, for many different reasons. I could be wrong, but that is what i thought.

This would be a rather viable strategy when playing as V, to simply lay in wait on a ledge, unseen, and drop onto the enemies to engage in close combat.

Thank you for the feedback! ^,^


does she take the same time as genji and hanzo in terms of wall climbing?
Does she take less or more?

I want her to do it just because it kinda adds an extra stealthy aspect?
Like to not make it obnoxious she can deal 50 damage and 0.1s stun with a mild boop (half of lucios boop) if she hits the target with drop kick. I think that would be cool

your welcome

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Oh! So the actual time to climb up the surface?
I assumed it would be the same, yes.

Eh, as amazingly cool as that would be i wouldnā€™t want to over-complicate the hero.

OO ok

I just want my assasin creed drop kick or batman stealth xD

for one of her skins she should get the V mask as reference to Vendetta

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That would be a perfect reference, given her anonymity.

I wish i could draw better, or iā€™d have a version of her already posted.