Hero bans are the only solution

I’m pretty sure thats how OW works right now

Here’s what I mean by “Pick System”:

I.e. Pick Two heroes, your teammate in the same role picks two heroes. Now you share those 4 heroes with your teammate, but don’t have access to the rest of the heroes.
Picks are secret from the enemy team.

With bans, you might not get the hero you want.
With picks you always get the hero you want.

However there’s a shadow game of which team is able to run cheese comps, with the enemy team potentially not having access to easy counterpicks.

I even add in an optional at the end, where picks are secret, and the TAB screen doesn’t instantly update when there’s a hero switch.

[:white_check_mark:] Pick system, instead of Bans

Hero ban is absolut bull**** … the bigger issue is the player base and the OW team.

So is it because of different regions or because lack of teamwork?

So the reason is based on region, not because of lack of teamwork… Which rein needs to play well…

Also we had hero bans.
They didn’t go over well.

Blizzard looks at quantity over quality.
One-tricking isn’t bannable, but enough people don’t like it and report that the person gets in trouble anyways.

Well, I get that this approach changes it up from being forced to having a choice.

Though to me it still is a restriction, and I don’t think restrictions should be here.
Restricting stuff isn’t always that great and it can definitely lower the mood… even if it’s in the hands of the players.

They could just do some different balancing and we wouldn’t be having this issue.

If you think queue times are bad now, just wait until half of the tanks quit. I normally flex queue since I like both support and tank, but I mostly play shield tanks. If there was a chance I couldn’t play any of the tanks I am at least passable with, it would be the same as throwing. I would stop queuing up as flex and go straight support queue while barely noticing the difference in my queue times. DPS on the other hand…

Except you can’t balance high ELO to pick a wide variety of heroes.

Yeah it definitely will stay around the meta, though that’s just a given.

You can change up the meta though, so you can change the heroes they keep on playing… which might keep games fresh.

For lower ranked games it will just enable more heroes too.

Less restrictions…not more…

Yeah, but if you keep changing up the meta for high tier, everybody else gets screwed.

And they still don’t have any variety between patches. Except for maybe a week or two when they are figuring out what the meta is.

They would be better off balancing around 2900-3300 ELO, then doing a Pick system above 3500 ELO.

Why would everybody else get screwed?

I doubt this, i really want to prevent any influx of smurfs.

The balancing part, sure… though a pick system above x ranking will just result in alt accounts. I’ve seen plenty of people complain about high rank suffering because of it.

Well, the way I see it, with a Pick system, they are guarunteed to have access to their most favorite heroes.

And the counter-play strategies would keep them from getting too complacent with the same hero picks all the time.

As is, at GM, the meta is effectively a hero ban system. Since you can’t pick heroes outside the meta, +90% of the time.

Well it would only work if team 1 could block heroes for team 2, otherwise they will just block some heroes they won’t need and use the best possible composition for their team.

So if you give them the possibility to get their favorite heroes, the meta will become the same and the pick system will pretty much result in no improvement.

So if you are unable to block something from the enemy team, aka restricting them without a choice… then it won’t have a real effect.
I just don’t see what the use is for blocking heroes on your own side.

If one team decides to block a meta hero for themselves then the opposite enemy team can just steamroll them with the most meta comp since it’s harder to counter with something off-meta.

OP is complaining about the meta being stale, the same heroes constantly.
This can be resolved by changing the balance, making projectiles better than hitscan… resulting in most likely those high ranked players picking up those projectile heroes.

This is the point I was trying to make in one of my previous posts. There’s effectively already a forced ban system in the game, and it’s more strict than banning just a few heroes.

So split tanks into Rein, Orisa, Simga and Winston (barrier) and Dva, Zayra, Roadhog and Ball?

Oh boy that sure does feel like a blizzard move. Four full choices to play the game with.

No… they are not, they are to easy to game.

nah i was thinking more like team would be limited to 1 of the following heroes

  1. Rein 2) Sig 3) Orissa
    and temporary mind you which should be a max of two weeks
    -This would of been better than 4 seasons of straight double shield heIl followed by completly removing both sigma and orisa from the game
    -now what

DoubleBarrier is never going to have a medium/long range counter.

Otherwise they’d just use it against SingleBarrier and melt it like butter.

So it’s gotta be a close range counter.

And not Brawl, since that could just be DoubleBarrier brawl.

So it’s gotta be Dive countering DoubleBarrier.

I mean old sym 2.0 right click would damage both of the barriers and whatever is behind it and absolutly massive amounts of damage when you get close. On top of all that the old projected barrier would of been effective versus all that spam damage. This is just one hero causing frontline pressure. Everyone else could be taking angle, backline pressure, or diving in. It would of been a start.