Hero bans are the only solution

Right now people are constantly complaining about rein, just like they complained about sigma, ball, and orisa before that.

The funny thing is that rein is only meta on na ladder. Winston is meta on korean ladder. Na players either just prefer rein or lack the teamwork to play winston. In pro play winston sees more play time than rein depending on region.

Blizzard could do seperate balance patches per region but that would be weird.

Also, ana is meta in korea - not baps.


I like playing with Rein


It should be implemented for Competitive ONLY. That would be a win for most of the players.


Why are they the only solution?

The meta is decided by how they balance the game, they’re just focussing on the exact same heroes constantly and just keeping them up at top.

Hero bans is the worst design ever, restricting the playerbase instead of making it harder to play a certain hero in a meta.
Diversity is good as they have mentioned previously, you shouldn’t force the players to do something.

I remember when hero bans didn’t work out and it went to the higher ranks only, smurfs increased only because games were bad up top.
Noone liked hero bans and it will definitely not solve anything, i though we already came to that conclusion.


Eventually, maybe but there isn’t enough tanks and healers to make that work…

They did hero bans and it was awful
Granted the picks were by the developers and had no relevance to what was meta

I wouldn’t mind a week without Reinhardt/McCree/Ana though


Wouldn’t it be better than artificially forced hero bans like what we have now.

As much as I hate one-tricks, countering them by just disabling their hero sounds ridiculously unfair.

That’s exactly what a hero ban would do. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater and all that.


I’m pretty sure onetricks are already bannable anyways. From what I remember sreve-o has gotten banned a few times for one-tricking symmetra. I’m pretty sure nolan has also gotten banned for one-tricking moira.

Abuse of the report feature isn’t the same as a legitimate game mechanic. Officially, you can’t be reported for one-tricking.

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Bans are all fun and games until your own favorite/best hero is banned.

Onetricking is officially allowed, so when ever one get banned for it, it is based on false reports.

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Agreed but I think there are better alternatives to hero bans and straight up deleting characters.

The first thing I would do is limit one shield tank per team until they find a solution to the problem.

The second thing I would do is find a solution to the problem by balancing the game so double shield has a counter. For example, you could do something like make Zarya do more damage do barriers with primary fire or rework sym so she has the new primary fire and the old secondary fire. Throw in the old projected shield instead of the teleporter and she is a very strong hard counter to double barrier.

hero bans never worked when blizzard did it and it doesn’t work at all on paladins I think it’s horrible to be honest but that’s just my opinion


People abusing the report button isnt the same thing as “being bannable”

No, one tricking is not a bannable offense. The only reason people get banned from it is because of people who throw fits and mass report and Blizz having an automatic system.

The world is bigger than you think! I have Rein in every game, usually on both teams, in Europe QP.

Yea I was just showing an example. Na and eu prefers rein but asia prefers winston.

I wouldn’t mind returning to hero bans for OWL. It was pretty entertaining to watch. Playing on a regular basis kind of sucks. The character selection is WAY to limited still until we get more heroes. If we did indeed have 17 DPS, 17 tanks, and 17 supports bans wouldn’t feel as bad as we would likely have a ton of overlap.

Hero bans just wouldn’t function. Would require more communication and team work.

And if that is the reason Winston is less viable on NA, then hero bans would flop.

Hero bans would be a solution to some of OW meta problems but it is like putting a bandaid over a broken leg. They should just fix their trashy meta and their wouldn’t need to be bans.

Well, instead of bans, picks would work instead.

Pick system, instead of Bans