Hero bans are GOOD for the game

I want the extra competive action from comp.
QP is boring and nowhere near as fun as comp.
Plus golden guns.
When did I say I would not play with my team ? My team needs me on D’Va and I can change my tactics based on the enemy, I don’t need to switch heroes.
To summarize : I want to play D’Va, if I can’t I want to play with D’Va. I don’t enjoy QP as I like the competitive attitude and environment (much less challenge) better. I want golden guns. Hero bans are explicitly targeting my very legitimate play style.

what a dumb statement. the two are not mutually exclusive. bowing down to what others want me to play is not working with my team in my opinion.

You team doesn’t “need” you on Dva. You just think you “need” to be on Dva.

You think playing Dva is fun. That’s cool. I think playing damage is fun. Do you know what’s not fun? Having people on your team blatantly refuse to cooperate. We do not force you onto other characters. We merely suggest that in the case of us having no shield tank, you should switch to a tank with a barrier. We merely suggest that against the Mei Reaper, you please play a tank that isn’t an ult feeder.

Of course, it is up to you to call us out for “demanding you to bow down to our superiority”.

You think all of us only play fun heroes? No. I play Mei and Reaper and Hanzo if I have to. Those characters are so boring to me. I’d much rather play Tracer. But if the team requires it, I will switch. You are not the only person playing to have fun. We all are. But you definitely ruin our fun when you refuse to play as a team.

Overwatch is fun when played with a team, as a team, and for the team. Selfish players like you have no place on any of my teams.


If hero bans happens, be prepared for more match leavers.

hero bans as a requirement are just highlighting balance issues.

honestly dont care either way, ban, dont ban, doesn’t matter to me the root cause is still the same … power crept heroes causing in game issues. i’d prefer they focus on making more frequent balance tweaks but bans essentially stop the bleeding at any point in time so perhaps it is best to have both. shrug

what ?
Why is it you feel that I can’t play ‘with a team, as a team, and for the team’ by using a single hero ?
Sorry that you are so narrow minded that you feel that the only way to play is to switch.

when did i ever say i would not cooperate ? I said I will not switch heroes, big difference, I actually really enjoy playing with no shields on my team and is some of the most fun wins I’ve had in comp.

If you are not having fun then why are you playing a game ?

If you ever saw me play any of the other tanks you would understand that yes they do need me on D’Va.


A lot of things can be implemented that would give Blizzard more data. A LOT. Anything they can implement would give them more data.

Why is hero ban better over anything else? And again, that’s a speculation. Not a factual thing that giving them the data makes the game better overall (especially considering they don’t share any data with anyone so we have no clue what they do with it).

Never said it was going to hurt me. I’m saying that trying to say Hero Ban is/is not good for the game in any other context than a subjective one is weird because it isn’t an objectively good or bad thing for the game.

Given that no one knows what the outcome is, that there aren’t many games like this other than Paladins, and other games that have hero bans feature more heroes, there’s no objective way to make the argument that implementing a hero ban system in Overwatch will be objectively better or worse for the game.

All it comes to right now is speculation and subjective feelings on both sides, and I think trying to pass it off as any other than that (as OP is doing) is awkward. It’s generally just, “I want this change. It’s good - that’s a FACT” and then when you ask them how, it’s even more speculation and reaches. Likewise, asking people to tell you why it’s a bad change is the same - reaches. Exaggerations and speculations to make their stance seem objective when it’s based on speculation and feelings.

I’m neither for it nor against it. From a logistical standpoint, I don’t see it working that well until we have a wider hero pool, and with OW2 in production I have doubts that they’d release this since it gives them more work on balance/divide their playerbase while they work on such a massive project.

That pretty sums up most of the resistance posts on 2-2-2 and anti-bans as well…

Both sides are guilty of it in both circumstances.


good news - per Jeff, the devs are against it on multiple counts, and arent working on it


Except anti-222 and anti-bans never whined on these forums daily so they would get a different system that suits them better.

We simply accepted the game the way it was designed in the first place :man_shrugging:.

There’s a difference, obviously. Plus, as someone that doesn’t like 2/2/2, I’ve never demanded on these forums to delete RQ from the game altogether. Now that it’s here, it should stay since it apparently helps players at lower ranks and a lot of people grew fond of it.

All we are asking for is to simply make it so we can have a Classic Competitive as well, so the game is richer. This won’t change anything for those who want to rank in a 2/2/2 comp, we can even make separate SR if people don’t wanna mix them.

I don’t get how asking for a system that was there for 3 years and a half back is something similar to whining and ranting because we are unable to accept the way the game was created (or demanding constant buffs and nerfs to heroes we like / don’t like).

Again, it’s completely different.

Edit : As far as hero bans are concerned, Jeff Kaplan confirmed it’s not happening so I guess that settles it for now.

im so glad jeff denied everything.

i actually love the freedom of being able to play who i want without worrying about my hero being locked.

I honestly believe bans will just make the game more stale and unfun for both sides, because you cannot play characters you enjoy and instead your team and the enemy picks what you play. Overwatch’s problem is that Blizzard has too many characters to balance and they have poor balance decisions. If you wanted to play a character you actually enjoy and want to master, you’d have to make sure it doesn’t get banned, which is just counter intuitive to how Overwatch was formed, i think it will encourage Leavers even more because they didn’t get the hero they are actually good at. Team Fortress 2 has over 132 weapons that are almost or close to being balanced with the exceptions of a few weapons such as the Pomson 6000 or the Bison. I think the most sad thing is that 2-3 developers at Valve can do better than Blizzard.

Hero bans are bad for the game, said the devs.

So you want to be absolutely certain you have one of two tanks in your team ? Well I don’t think it will possible to ban 2 different tanks for a team, so you should be fine.

I get what you mean. We sure can’t know for sure how it is going to affect the game.

But I believe we can guess very objectively what kind of possible results are to be expected.

This isn’t a matter of liking it or not. This is more that up to now I haven’t found/read any argument demonstrating an objectively negative outcome to hero ban. While I found/read a few which are objectively positive.

It’ll cause two stale metas at once making people demand a nerf for the banned hero so that they’re actually playable and it just doesn’t work in a game like Overwatch

Uhh… they are doing it all the time…

? How anti-222 and anti-bans could have whined to get a system that was already there ? There were no complaints from them when Original Competitive was there. What you’re saying doesn’t make much sense.

They just asked if they could have something back because of the whinings that made it so that Classic Competitive was removed.

They didn’t say anything prior to 2-2-2.

How is it ok in your book when people whine about having 222 and yet complaing about people asking to have both systems (222 + Classic Competitive) ?

Double standards.

I am talking now, its incessant whining against 2-2-2… and the potential for bans. Don’t kid yourself, plenty of whining to go around bro.

how wrong you are sir