Hero bans are GOOD for the game

Both sides are guilty of it in both circumstances.


good news - per Jeff, the devs are against it on multiple counts, and arent working on it


Except anti-222 and anti-bans never whined on these forums daily so they would get a different system that suits them better.

We simply accepted the game the way it was designed in the first place :man_shrugging:.

There’s a difference, obviously. Plus, as someone that doesn’t like 2/2/2, I’ve never demanded on these forums to delete RQ from the game altogether. Now that it’s here, it should stay since it apparently helps players at lower ranks and a lot of people grew fond of it.

All we are asking for is to simply make it so we can have a Classic Competitive as well, so the game is richer. This won’t change anything for those who want to rank in a 2/2/2 comp, we can even make separate SR if people don’t wanna mix them.

I don’t get how asking for a system that was there for 3 years and a half back is something similar to whining and ranting because we are unable to accept the way the game was created (or demanding constant buffs and nerfs to heroes we like / don’t like).

Again, it’s completely different.

Edit : As far as hero bans are concerned, Jeff Kaplan confirmed it’s not happening so I guess that settles it for now.

im so glad jeff denied everything.

i actually love the freedom of being able to play who i want without worrying about my hero being locked.

I honestly believe bans will just make the game more stale and unfun for both sides, because you cannot play characters you enjoy and instead your team and the enemy picks what you play. Overwatch’s problem is that Blizzard has too many characters to balance and they have poor balance decisions. If you wanted to play a character you actually enjoy and want to master, you’d have to make sure it doesn’t get banned, which is just counter intuitive to how Overwatch was formed, i think it will encourage Leavers even more because they didn’t get the hero they are actually good at. Team Fortress 2 has over 132 weapons that are almost or close to being balanced with the exceptions of a few weapons such as the Pomson 6000 or the Bison. I think the most sad thing is that 2-3 developers at Valve can do better than Blizzard.

Hero bans are bad for the game, said the devs.

So you want to be absolutely certain you have one of two tanks in your team ? Well I don’t think it will possible to ban 2 different tanks for a team, so you should be fine.

I get what you mean. We sure can’t know for sure how it is going to affect the game.

But I believe we can guess very objectively what kind of possible results are to be expected.

This isn’t a matter of liking it or not. This is more that up to now I haven’t found/read any argument demonstrating an objectively negative outcome to hero ban. While I found/read a few which are objectively positive.

It’ll cause two stale metas at once making people demand a nerf for the banned hero so that they’re actually playable and it just doesn’t work in a game like Overwatch

Uhh… they are doing it all the time…

? How anti-222 and anti-bans could have whined to get a system that was already there ? There were no complaints from them when Original Competitive was there. What you’re saying doesn’t make much sense.

They just asked if they could have something back because of the whinings that made it so that Classic Competitive was removed.

They didn’t say anything prior to 2-2-2.

How is it ok in your book when people whine about having 222 and yet complaing about people asking to have both systems (222 + Classic Competitive) ?

Double standards.

I am talking now, its incessant whining against 2-2-2… and the potential for bans. Don’t kid yourself, plenty of whining to go around bro.

how wrong you are sir

Which are a direct consequence to the incessant whinings to get 2-2-2 in the first place… Why are you trying so hard to turn tables ? you’re literally twisting the reality of the events.

Even the devs don’t want it. I guess they just realized how bad these forum’s ideas were (RQ, map bans, hardcore nerfs, constant whinings to get snipers nerfed etc…). They had to put an end to this mania coming from control freaks.

We can’t blame them for getting real and down to earth :man_shrugging:

Again, you can twist it as much as you want, there’s a clear difference between people that like the game system the way it was designed from the start and people that whine daily just to get a new system because they fail to adapt to how the game was created.

You can change the game as much as you want, people will never be satisfied as long as they don’t get a grip and start to learn the game mechanics.

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I don’t need to to " turn the tables", 2-2-2 came in because it was and is popular, because Blizz supported it along with input from pros and coaches and analysts. Let’s be very clear who really pushed for it.

Don’t think that bans are 100% off the table, Blizz is notorious for comments like this then going the other way a year or two later. I know, I know,
“But Jefff saaaaaiiidddd…” and he often is on record literally denying things that became reality very shortly later more than once on major questions, or they may change later. My money is we will see a ban system in OWL, but not on the ladder at some point.

That’s just your opinion.

Which were never a great guarantor to the game being better as those ideas are only based on a small portion of players (1% or less).

We know streamers and pro are as responsible for bad nerfs, reworks or buffs as these forums, don’t you worry.

I don’t. I’ve learned quite fast that daily complaints can do the worst to a good game like Overwatch, that’s why it got worse ever since devs decided to listen to people instead of themselves.

I don’t trust anyone that runs a business. We all know money is the most important thing to them in the end.

Praise be. A lot of us have been saying for quite some time that it can’t be balanced to force a patch meant for 1% of the playerbase on the remaining 99% of players.

I hope we get different patches for GM and Top 500 in the future. What is considered “broken” to a Top 500 player may not be to a plat player and vice versa.

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So you want the game to play out exactly how you want? Yeah I don’t think so, 222 was a necessary feature to balance the game and yes the game is far more balanced that it has ever been. Lets be honest, you simply don’t want to get stomped by a one trick or against characters like hanzo or widow that one shot. Do you seriously believe people will want to play the game anymore if whatever they main or love to play is banned? I can play any character in overwatch but its obvious I main a few that I can play all day without getting bored. You forcing me out of whatever hero I want to play makes me not want to play the game, so You might as well refund me money because I bought the game to play it. True balance will never be achieved, it will never happen, there will always be something better, there will always be a meta.

Do you know what would happen if you could ban heroes? This perceived meta you speak about will truly be another type of meta. I would call it the “ban meta”. Everyone would get on youtube and try to find ways to troll their enemies so they think they have a higher chance at winning. This will only cause toxicity and lets be real here, if a one trick sees their hero got banned they will either throw the match or leave. That will only make things worse, limiting players choice and forcing them to play characters they don’t enjoy is a turn off. Its almost like a dictatorship lol

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I just really don’t like the idea of other people dictating what I can and cannot play.


Especially on a game where there are essential heroes to countering the enemy team’s composition. Games are already hard enough with people constantly throwing, tilting, leaving, one-tricking or not team playing.

Why would we want a system where the chances of winning are even lower and based on pure hero bans luck (ban the righ hero and you win, have a wrong guess and lose fast) ?

Let’s be logical for once. Glad devs are not pushing this, no matter how many complaints people are spamming on us through these forums.

No one guarantees anything, but we couldn’t persist with open 6-stack due to the increasing problems of trying to balance and prevent role stacking problems like GOATs with a cast projected to grow to 50-70 characters (Blizzards direct numbers). Something had to change to help balancing, 2-2-2 does this.