Hero 32 HAS TO come out on 2019

Bayblade came up after they buffed her firerate/ ammo

On launch she was just a subpar hero who had to put in more effort for usually less reward than the others

But then they buffed her (Without nerfing Nanoboost/ Bio-Grenade) that she became the best support for 7ish month

Lol…i love modern day gamers

Baptiste seems more defense-oriented while Ana is better in a situation like attack and dive. His immortality field and AoE healing is better in a team that needs to stay put while Ana can handle a team spread thin and her ultimate is a good dive-starter if used on someone who can open space or straight out wipe the team like Genji or Soldier during their ults, not ot mention her anti-heal nade can really turn the balance of a dive. If the enemy team is running a more static defense, then Ana is bound to have the backline safe for her to keep healing the team undisturbed (which happens a lot to me when I run Ana in attacking maps) while Baptiste always helped me defend much better. His ult is also pretty good for defense if you have an ally to shoot through it or you prefer to pump a ton of heals.

That’s not a rule, that’s a created expectation.

That’s by your perspective.

That is what you chose to do with your money.

Been free for me since the game released /shrug. I guess I should be thanking you?

I think they may have heroes in store but prefer keeping them in store for OW2, sadly.

I think the Overwatch team confirmed that 6 heroes were almost ready or something, last year. I don’t remember the exact sentence but something that implied a development that was soon coming to term.

They could very well release them now and or in early 2020 but this would mean no new pack of heroes for OW2 at its release.

I’m not sure this is better since people that are not into PVE would get nothing new except for the PVP Push mode and 2-3 new maps.

I guess the best option would have been to stick to the 3 heroes per year schedule while also releasing OW2 with a lot of other new heroes but I guess it’s just not feasible for the Overwatch team at this point. They don’t have enough people to go that fast, it seems.

I get your frustration Tanis but well there’s nothing we can do except for being patient. There are a lot of new games coming (from other companies) next year. We’ll find a way to forget about the long wait.

If Overwatch loses even more people in the meantime, then that’s not on the community but on the devs and they’ll deal with it once they’ve acknowledged it.

They’ll take responsibility for this if it doesn’t go their way anyways. There’s no other choice.

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they are one map and one hero behind their regularly scheduled schedule

if the next hero gets released on Feb 15th, just in time for OWL, I wouldn’t be surprised.

I kinda have a feeling “Push” mode will debut as well, even though they said it was unlikely.

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This, for me, it doesn’t make sense. If OW2 heroes are a detriment for the regular OW1 content then i’m ok with OW2 launching without heroes. I’d rather get them regularly than not getting anything for ONE YEAR and then getting in OW2 the heroes the should have been already added to the game

If, let’s say, OW2 launched in 6-7-8 months from now, then i’ll gladly wait and get the 3-4-5-6 heroes that they are working on. More than a Year? No…i’m sorry…

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Blizzard is just like “oh well we gave you a cinematic and a overwatch 2 announcement, oof too much work, we will make the new hero later”, like bruh they copromised to give us a new hero every 3 mothns nd at blizzcon, we got no hero and also no archives event, theyre just lazy

They already have been doing that tbh

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If I’m not mistaken, they said ‘at least one hero’ will be released before OW2.

That implies a possibility of more than one, but not a guarantee.

With that being said, rumors have OW2 being packed with 4 heroes released together.

If that is true, and Blizzard is still sticking to the ‘3 hero a year’ rule we might see 2020 have only 2 heroes released. The 4th hero in OW2 will make up for the lack of a third one in 2020.

But all of this is speculation by me, so take it for a grain of sand.

Did you just wake up? There’s gonna be ONE hero before the release of OW2, so absolute zero chance for 2019.

It was a “rule” to have a new map in September too. Where da new map at?

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Baptiste, ashe, wrecking ball for example are all healthy new heroes. Wrecking ball as a new dive tank, who doesn’t have a shield. Ashe is a widowmaker, but can’t 1 shot kill without damage boost. Baptiste pretty healthy support, immortality field is eh, but hasn’t ever been oppressive really. More heroes is still better than trying to make balance changes, which has to take account firstly casual players, who make the majority, owl and thus sponsors, ranked players and also overwatch team themselves trying to make the game to look as they want it to be. Making less heroes makes game more stagnant and less enjoyable for everyone. I want to see more soft counters and new combination of heroes to make more less used heroes work etc.

Why tho? I’d prefer if they balanced the 31 first, the add new stuff.

I understand. Take note that these are just assumptions from my part though. Maybe those heroes are soon to be ready but can’t be released yet because the Overwatch team is simply too busy on making OW2 which might explain the delay on the new heroes release schedule.

Hard to tell at this point. The only confirmed news is that 6 heroes were in a advanced development state last year (end of 2018) but it wasn’t mentioned ever since. We don’t even know exactly when OW2 officially became a new project to them.

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