Hero 31 discussion: Would you like Mauga or someone else as hero 31?

Why would they give Baptiste a spray of another hero? He is overwatch movie



I’d like to see whatever hero they make out of Talon Assassin too.

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Well there has to be a reason why they finally gave NS Bastion his Uprising ult line. Maybe they made some new Null Sector lines.

Mauga seems neat, but I cannot lie.

I want my Junkerqueen

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Maximilian is boring.
Junker Queen is Cliche.
Anyone else is just there for story.

Other heroes that I want to see:

His introduction will be a pinnacle point for Symmetra. If he has to act then the true intentions of Vishkar are brought to light. Will Symmetra stay loyal to Vishkar? Will she aid in stopping them? Or will she find her own order?

Jetpack Cat
We need a flying Tank. Jetpack Cat is the prime Candidate.

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Aren’t the teasers for Baptiste similar to the one’s for Wrecking Ball. Was Wrecking Ball mentioned anywhere prior to the changes to Horizon (which are the first teaser)?

The quicker we get Mauga the sooner they can start working on a Talon Archives event for 2020 to make up for Storm Rising.

With a roster of Mauga, Baptiste, Sombra and probably Widow

Baptiste had a document about him that described failed Cpt. Cuerva’s attempt at bringing him back to Talon; Wrecking Ball had three twitter teases showing him rolling down an alley.

Hammond was also mentioned when Horizon Lunar Colony was first announced, back in June 2017. People thought he was some kind of monkey at the time.

I like Mauga - but if he is just a heavy assault unit then it is less exciting since we have seen those before… I’m sure it is still fun as hell to play as though. I am also suspect if he would be the next hero, because that Bap lore involved a LOT of information and imagery I would not consider a “hero hint” and if it is, that’s basically a pure hero spoiler right there lol

In Retribution there was no tank in the team. So a tank is not a must for pve.

That being said, I would love a Talon Mission centered on the attack on OW Switzerland Base.


OW Switzerland Base, where is this base mentioned? In a comic?

Mentioned in Soldier 76 backstory it wasn’t just a base it was the headquarters.

Thanks! I will check it out :slight_smile:

So long as it’s a tank then I’m happy.