Hero 31 discussion: Would you like Mauga or someone else as hero 31?

Personally I care far more about the heroes actual mechanics than I do who they are. Character aesthetic, voice acting, story. All those things are the garnish with the characters actual kit and how they fit into the game being the main dish.

I have no strong preference for whether 31 is Mauga, Sojourn, Liao, Maximillian, Lynx 17, Nguyen, Echo, Junker Queen, Sanjay, or anyone else I’ve forgotten.

31 could be anyone. Sure we’ve gotten the most detail about Mauga and the Storm Rising Omnic has been lurking ominously in the background for a while, but characters being teased and characters being released aren’t necessarily connected.

Baptiste, Ashe and Wrecking Ball basically came out of nowhere. Apart from a letter which talked about Baptiste, in far less detail than Mauga mind you, all of these heroes were complete unknowns until they were released.

Orisa wasn’t described in her tease. Only Efi and Doomfist’s breakout.

Doomfist was teased, albeit in Orisa’s tease.

Moira was just released with no real tease. IIRC she was edited into the the Masquerade comic after she was revealed.

And Brigitte wasn’t really teased, but has been a long time supporting character who we’ve known existed since OW’s launch.

Point is, getting your hopes up on Mauga or some other teased character just because they’ve gotten some detail is kinda pointless. If 31 was teased in Baptiste’s story, it’s just as likely to be one of the clinic doctors or “unnamed goon #5” as it is Mauga.


I get Jetpack cat being memey, but what’s wrong with Mama Hong?

Seems more than likely it’ll be Mauga. As for whether I want him…Well he’s not the type of guy I’ve been hoping for, but he’s certainly a big improvement over Baptiste design-wise. And clearly a tank at least.

I doubt I’ll actually find him playable though, I’ve simply never been able to click with the big heavy bruiser style, too awkward for me. So until the day they add more suitable tanks (on-top of destroying the only one I loved), I’ll continue to stay away far from the role.


i want a flamethrower hero either a tank or dps flamethrower dude.


YES, gib me Mauga NAO.

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I honestly hope we get that with Junkerqueen.


She does get similar treatment as Jetpack Cat. It’s just annoying and people going on about it just completely turned me off to both.

Ahh, you mean the fact that people hype her up so much, not the fact that she’s ridiculous.

I get Jetpack Cat because, well, it’s a cat. And hammond was enough of a shock to many.

Yes but Jetpack cat can be made by making it an omnic cat.

Not saying it cannot or shouldn’t be made. I’m pro jetpack cat.

I was just trying to understand why Mama Hong was considered as much of a meme as Jetpack Cat.

I think that in all the heroes who have a sort of futuristic look, and she just looks like someone who stepped out of their house and never came back wearing the curlers the whole time. It doesn’t really fit the futuristic style and would be an interesting change of pace. Now she will have to get a new look in terms of some designs but that look can be a skin in the future.

I’m Hyped for Mauga, He is a main tank with a shield! And he has the most interesting personality out of any other hero. Plus he sounds like a playable heavy assault unit which will be awesome.

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Soo… Mauga it is then?

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I feel like he’ll be a more advanced unit as he alone now will Track Baptiste. He’ll receive upgrades, better tech and maybe a little something from Talons top genetic researcher.

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As much as I think Mauga will be a cool character, D.Mon as a main tank is the character I want added to the game the most.

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I still want Echo more than anything. Best character design in the game.

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Wrecking Ball had some minor Twitter teasers, as well as details added on the Horizon Lunar Colony map.

Doomfist had his own teaser article two days before he was announced.

Moira was in the Masquerade comic before her release. It was not edited.

Brigitte had several teases immediately before her release [1] [2] [3] [4]

I agree that Mauga is just as likely as any other character we’ve seen, but the only heroes who were not seen anywhere in the lore prior to their announcement were Orisa (because she didn’t exist yet), Ashe and Baptiste.

Where did he say the next PTR patch will be big? In the last dev update, he is talking about the live patch and doesn’t mention new PTR patch at all.

Simple, we’re missing something, an event

we’ve had all the teams play a mission in Archives except…Talon
And in Talon, we have 4 dps, 1 support…but no Tank

Mauga is coming.

Soon, but don’t think it’s 31.

Archives for some reason teased ANOTHER candidate (Omnic Reaper) before Mauga’s introduction.

Like someone said, the game is introducing so many characters when they release a hero every… 4 months.