I really like Mauga. He’s got a pretty good personality, interesting character and an interesting introspect on the world. I really hope he is a character in the future but I think we should incorporate potential heroes that have been waiting in wings first. I would personally love Dr. Chao becoming a hero due to her build up and wheelchair mystery on Lijang. With her being removed from as CEO with a Moonbase scientist to what looks like a secondary position, I would love to learn more about what happened to have this happened. Also I would love to see how the Wheelchair plays ingame. Who would you guys like Mauga or someone else?
I was hoping for Junker Queen because I had a feeling she could be a new OT. She was a champion of them mech battles so she obviously has one and knows how to use it.
buuuuuuuuuuut, Mauga is most def a tank and in his first appearance already has hints on how he functions and what he can potentially have to offer.
As a flex tank player I want a tank hero above all else so I’ma have to go with Mauga who is looking as a strong contender for the new hero release.
Memory is hazy but this is around the time the new hero is announced so it’s hard to write off his appearance from the void as pure coincidence.
You are right this is around the time that they’d release a hero and jeff did say the next PTR patch would be big so I’m pretty sure it’ll be the next hero along with other changes.
I would absolutely love Mauga, his design and character seems really really cool, plus he’s Samoan? Yeah I really want him next.
I kinda fell in love with his character and design… #TeamMauga
i want one of these
the Queen
yet unnamed Egyptian omnic
Id like to a character that people will play more than once or twice.
I mean, just look at bap. Is he fun? To me, yes. But it seems that I am a minority: it was not a sucessful character. Either by being a support or his reloading mechanics.
In short: I want a character people will like playing as. If it is Mauga, Junker Queen, Soujurn, That angry reaper-look-a-like omnic… It does not matter much.
TBH, I love Mauga and his concept and I’m digging the polynesian theme.
I wish they’d stop introducing new characters to the lore and instead focus on the ones we already have in the lore.
We have: Echo, Junkerqueen, Sanjay, Maximillian (even though I don’t want him to be a hero, Liao, Emily, Athena, Daehyun, Sojourn, Lynx Seventeen, Alejandra, Anubis, Brian, Kimiko, Soundquake, Mirembe, etc. etc. etc.
Stop introducing new characters and build upon the ones we ALREADY know.
He seems a bit blunt and his design is forgettable, despite I like him.
I like him as a character concept, and many people do, so that’s a good start. If he’s a tank that gets more people into the role, then that’s all I can ask for.
I want him so much to expand upon the Null Sector faction. I mean anything Omnic is a plus, we don’t have enough.
I want whoever they release… Except more DPSs…
I think another main tank is what the game needs to enable more meta variety. Right now you go Reinhardt/Zarya, Orisa/Hog or Winston/Dva if you’re playing traditional 2/2/2 comps. You can also make Rein/Dva work. Each of those comps enables specific DPS heroes, but some DPS heroes just don’t really work optimally with any single currently available main tank. There’s an enormous space to fill in the tank roster for a main tank that has higher mobility than Orisa, lower mobility than Winston, and a longer weapon range than Reinhardt.
While Reinhardt pairs well with McCree because together they can protect each other from close range threats, Ashe’s reaction to close range targets is to boop them away, outside of Reinhardt’s reach. For Ashe, it would be much more beneficial to have a reasonably mobile shield tank who has a ranged weapon.
From what we know of Mauga so far, he’s perfect to fill that specific niche role. I think there are a few heros/hero types that would be a great addition to the game right now, but Mauga’s apparent niche should be a high priority to fill.
I want Echo or JQ but Overwatch needs Mauga.
I think his issue is neither. To me it’s how bad his ult feels in low elo plus how hard aiming his grenades is in some conditions. I find Ana easier to heal with and I suck at aiming.
You have to ask? Jetpack cat of course!
This hero should have been it the game for a long time now.
I’d be pretty happy with anyone as the next hero, as long as it’s not memey ones like Jetpack Cat or Mama Hong.
I care very little as long as it is a frontline main tank.
We have been waiting for a tank for some time and at present Mauga is the most likely candidate compared to others, given the very detailed description of his abilities.
Echo and Sojourn were officially excluded, Junkrqueen was intended to be in development, but nothing confirmed about the state. By now I’m almost certain that at blizzcon we’ll have Echo or Queen.
The only real plausible candidate is the Storm Rising omnic and leaving Mauga in hype for a long time given the general distraction from everyone.