Hero 31 and 2-2-2 are probably coming next Tuesday

The current competitive season ends Aug 12th, which is extremely unusual for a season end date. However, that is also the time we expect a new patch to arrive. Coincidence? I think not!

Jeff said that the new hero is a bit later than usual, so one patch later sounds about right. And what better way to celebrate 2-2-2 than with a new hero?

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Lol. Haha. giggle chuckle

:crossed_fingers: I hope it comes next week :crossed_fingers:

I doubt 2-2-2 comes straight to the masses. I bet OWL gets it first. Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s a heck of a thing to implement with no comment or warning.

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Wait… Season ends August 12th? Is that true? Do i live under a rock?

Check the in-game countdown to the season’s end.


Excuse me but I failed to find any confirmation that 2-2-2 lock is coming to us peasants. I heard pros talking that they might get it. But devs never said “oh yeah btw guys role queue is a thing we will drop like its hot.” Of course it might be a “surprise” but until then I dont belive its coming.

If 31 is coming along new competetive season they have to introduce him next week since it takes around 3 weeks from PTR to Live.

Yup it’s ending early

Saying that 2-2-2 won’t come to ow is pointless now, it’s been months since it’s been confirmed that it will be coming for the game: Overwatch Jeff Interview - Role Queue and The Future - YouTube
Proof at 8:08
It was only a matter of when.


thursday is normally when they update ptr so i think it is tommorow not tuesday

All he said “We reserch it and its really ahrd to balance” something we know. Also as I said, we dont know if ti will be OWL only thing.