Hero 30 should be from a fan made contest!

Seriously, we’re at the big 30, and well know it’s either gonna be lackluster or someone we don’t expect.

SO, ALL YOU BOYS AND GIRLS (and devs, yes, i know you scim most threads, so listen up)

Let’s say, blizzard gets out of their ivory tower and opens a contest for the PLAYERBASE to make a hero

essentially, they open the contest about 4 months before the next hero, give or take, and they allow people to send in their fan made heroes for the contest.

this would give them not only more time to work on content outside of the heroes, but give something back to the players (lord knows they need to)

now obviously, there would be pre-rules made

1: the rights to the character must be freely given to Blizzard to put into their Overwatch IP

2: The character must have Art and a well thought out backstory, no lewd designs or half baked lore (like Ashe)

3: Blizzard must be allowed to reject your idea if they feel it is out of place, either art style wise or lore wise, but they are allowed to file it away for future use.

4: the Devs are allowed to edit your design if they feel the need to, whether abilities or design, but have to keep to the core design in some way.

This MIGHT fix some of the broken reputation Blizzard has created over recent events, and will give them more time to make other content, half the work is already done for them, they just need to model, animate, and set it up in game


Considering the concept, shaping, framing, rigging, voice acting process, all takes over 6 months to complete for any given hero. Seeing a fan-made hero for #30 is extremely unlikely.

As a reminder, there is no need for a contest for you to be creative, there have been multiple fans out there who have created some amazing concepts, some of which have received praise from the devs. So get out there and be creative!


tbh i think this would actually be a decent idea for the last hero of the game.

Honestly I would love this as I have a hero that is a possible contender and may do pretty well in this. However, this would never happen as Blizzard will never use any fan made content in any of their games as it violates their unalterable copyright policy. Now if they did one anyways but didn’t add the hero into the game I would still like that.

You didn’t read the last part, the artwork, ability, and lore are already done by the original creator, all blizzard has to do it edit it to fit with the game

Can we make it 32. I’m still waiting for Junkerqueen and Maximilian

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I’d really like to see BTC’s Ares hero in game

Specially since I made almost the same hero a bit before. (No, I don’t believe he copied it, or even saw it.)

PS: I like his a lot more.

I’m pretty sure that I’ve seen and well thought out character concept for brig in the forums a few months before her release.

Any idea on the name?

Gave me “Don’t hug me I’m scared” flashbacks.

I can understand junkerqueen, but why do people want max?

He means in general.

This is my most complete hero concept: 🔥 Hero Concept (with art) Feedback Greatly Appreciated And it took me about 4 months to get the general basics down and then over a year to finish everything else (granted that was because I didn’t work on it for a long time, but it still took a while)

Evil Omnic in suit… NEED I SAY MORE?

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leeroy jenkins doesn’t exist apparently

Leeroy was also staged.

You guys should take a look at this Running Candidates for Hero 30 (Updated, Anubis takes Number 1) - #36 by NovaBlue-11305

That’s actually where i got the idea from.

Hero 30 already has a model though, jeff said so in Fran’s stream

Which means, seeing as Blizzcon was only 3 months ago, it’s a character we already know, joy.