Hero 30 needs to compete with Rein

As a Support main, I’m dying for a new healer BUT since Jeff is holding off on Echo until at least hero 31 (sweet jesus she’s such a gorgeous design). I think hero 30 NEEDs to fill Reinhardt’s role. Orisa is way too niche.

We need another flexible anchor tank


We really do need another MAIN tank, Orisa has a shield, but she’s not as good of an anchor as Reinhardt is.


How about making Orisa more useful in a wider amount of gameplay scenerios?

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Why shouldn’t we get another one? I think having 3 main (protective) tanks would be nice. I hope Orisa gets buffed, too…


Orisa could actually compete with Rein as a main tank but the community demanded she be a shield bot. See how effective that made her? She needs a stronger supporting kit and less shield up time.


How do you know Echo ain’t a tank? Are you assuming her role?

I never realized Dva bomb didn’t interact with Halt. It does with Road’s hook. That kind of seems like an accident.

If next hero ain’t Dmon Imma riot!

Mobile shield is rein niche so I doubt they will make tanks with flexible shield.

Instead of getting a whole new hero, make Orisa compete with Rein instead.

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Her shield is easy to melt that it’s sad. If a team put any of thier damage into her shield. They can overwhelm her. It’s 900 health with a 8 second cooldown. She’s so easy to abuse

Orisa’s shield is only good in tight chokes. Even there it can get burst through like you say. The problem is that if she gets buffs to other parts of her kit, she’ll probably need to see nerfs to her strengths. Her shield is the single strongest thing in her kit. Getting substantial buffs elsewhere means it may need nerfs.

I would be happy seeing it go up to a 10 or 12 second CD if you could reposition it every few seconds. With a higher and the ability to replace it they could buff the health too. Honestly, her kit needs buffs to her gun, halt and fortify before she can really contend for a main tank slot. Maybe even a whole new ult.

Nah hero 30 needs to pair well with Hammond and compete with Dva.

She wouldn’t need a nerf unless the buff is just absolutely rediculous. The point of a buff is to make her better. As this game is dps have powercreeped to put out more damage then orisa can handle. A team can wipe her shield almost instantaneously leaving her helpless while it’s stuck a long cooldown. Leading to death. Being a static anchor tank. She should be a lot sturdier then what she currently is. Any agressive team will easily overwhelm her and there’s nothing she can do.

Hero 30 needs to be D.mon

Another main, anchor tank would be really nice. Someone to back up Rein in most situations or replace him if necessary in other situations.

I got you fam.

Here are some ideas for tanks out of the lore :stuck_out_tongue:

Antonio (Off Tank)

Stats: 300 health, 300 armor

Affiliation: Talon

Playstyle: Antonio is a heavy hitting absorption tank. Using his black hole ability redirects attacks towards him, so it can be risky to use it. Requires a lot of coordination with healers. His ult is for survival. Can be considered as an off tank.

Look and Feel: There’s an awesome concept art by @Nexzerker on twitter. Please check it out because it’s incredible. I’d keep most of that design, but will remove the blade and will keep the gun in the arm and not over the shoulder. Additionally I’d make him a full robot/cyborg. The idea is that he actually died by the hand of Reyes during the Retribution event, but his conciousness was uploaded to a robot/cyborg.


LMB - Chaingun / Talon Heavy Chaingun. After a 0.5-second rev-up time, fires 20 hitscan shots per second in a moderate spread. Each shot deals 2-4 damage. While revved up or shooting, Antonio moves 20% slower. Holds 100 rounds. 2-second reload. (This very good weapon concept has been directly imported for the idea developed by forum user Gaze. This idea is entirely his).

RMB - Black Hole / Antonio raises his left hand and for 3 seconds, he redirects towards himself enemy ranged attacks (projectile or hitscan) on a 20-meter cylindrical range in front of him with 60% damage reduction. Attacks, even on him will not be critical. Antonio cannot attack but can move. 6 second cooldown after using the ability.

E - Supernova / While Black Hole is on cooldown Antonio can release 30% of the damage redirected towards him by the last use of Black Hole in an explosion around Antonio in an 8 meter radius. If Supernova is not activated during the Black Hole cooldown window, Antonio will lose that charge and will have to wait until the next use of Black Hole.

Shift - Biotic Enhancer / Antonio presses a button in the chest of his suit and it emits a wave of biotic enhancing energy / Antonio and allies around him in a 6 meter radius take 40% increased healing from allied sources for 5 seconds (doesn’t apply to healthpacks). / cooldown 10 seconds

Ult - Barricade / Antonio creates a Damage Immune zone for himself that lasts 6s. Antonio must remain in the zone to receive the Immunity. Can be booped out. Cannot use Black Hole or Biotic Enhancer while inside the Damage Immune zone.

D.Mon (Main Tank)

Stats: 200 health, 200 armor

Affiliation: MEKA squad

Playstyle: D.Mon is a brawler tank. Can act as a main tank for the team with her barrier.

Look and Feel: You have all seen the art for D.Mon and Beast. Nothing more to add except that her shield should be larger that what we saw on the art. Upon dying D.Mon works like Hammond, not like D.Va. There will be no baby D.Mon running around.


LMB - Brawl / Melee attacks like Malganis from HotS or Attikus from Battleborn. Works similarly to Reinhard’s melee attack. Max range 5 meters. Damage 80 per hit. Each swing can only damage one target. 1 swing per 0.5 seconds.

RMB - MEKA Shield / Just as Rein or Brigitte D.Mon can raise a shield barrier. Sizewise, shield is half the width of Rein’s barrier and as tall as Brigitte’s. Health 1000. Regenerates at the same rate as Brigittes. Heals D.Mon for 20% of damage absorbed. 10% speed reduction while having shield active. Activates 3rd person view.

E - Power Tow / Skill shot. D.Mon dettaches Beast’s left fist, which will remain attached to the arm with a power cable. The fist will be thrown at a target the same way Brigitte’s whip shot or Roadhog’s hook do. Max range, 20 meters. If the shot lands D.Mon will use her boosters and a towing mechanism to propel herself to the targets position. Think of it as a reverse hook. This ability does no damage to the target, but it will stay in place until D.Mon arrives to the location. 8 second cooldown.

Shift - Thunder Clap / Similar to WoWs warrior ability with the same name. Slam both fists on the ground and blast nearby enemies in a 5 meter radius for 100 damage and slow them by 25% for 2 seconds.

Ult - Release the Beast / Transformation Ult. D.Mon lowers the metal plate over Beast’s head to fully cover the pilot’s cabin. Best gains 600 armor and becomes Unstoppable (anti CC) Increases movement and attack speed by 20%. Lasts 8 seconds.

Mama Hong (Main Tank)

Stats: 200 health, 200 shields

Affiliation: Herself (I guess)

Playstyle: Mama Hong could be considered the Junkrat of tanks. Basically a deadly heavy hitter. Her barrier could help her be considered as a main tank.

Look and Feel: You already know the concept art. I’d give her the overall look and body type of Topaz from Thor Ragnarok maintaining the face and head from the concept art.


LMB - Sticky Bomb Launcher / Mama Hong shoots sticky bombs from a grenade launcher. Fire rate 0.5 seconds. Each bomb will detonate after 3.2 seconds of attaching itself to an enemy hero or a surface. Ammo 6. Reload time 1.5 seconds. Explosion does 60 damage and 40 splash damage.

RMB - Detonate Sticky Bombs / Detonate all active sticky bombs. (detonate all for burst damage).

E - Shield Drain / Throws a deployable that drains 100 shields (affects barriers and personal shields) per second in an area. Can be destroyed by enemies. 1 second to deploy. Lasts for 3 seconds.8 second cooldown

Shift - Bubble Barrier / Mama Hong raises her left arm over her head, and out of her gauntlet she can project a bubble barrier roughly half the radius of Winton’s Barrier Projector. Mama Hong can move with the barrier, but cannot shoot while barrier is active. Activates 3rd person view. 500 health, lasts for 5 seconds. Cooldown 6 seconds after barrier deactivates or is destroyed.

Ult - Massacre / Throws a Grav Bomb to a targeted location (Q swaps weapon for Ult interface and left click releases the bomb (like the old way of deploying Torb’s turret). Upon landing the bomb will create a gravity field that starts expanding from the center up until 8 meter radius over 3 seconds. After 3 second all enemies caught in the gravity field will be pulled towards the bomb, that will detonate doing damage similar to Junk’s rip tire.

I am scared we will end up with 2 shield tanks in every game

That’s something i’ve been thinking, but really that could happen with supports and tanks as they add more in the game.

What would really suck is to have 2 barrier tanks and a D.Va or a Zarya. That would be scary.

I believe this thread proposes the best solution:


Why do we need another Reinhardt. Reinhardt already exists.