🐡 Hero 30 Leak Center (Even if they seem fake tell me please)

At a time, historically, when Dive was NOT rampant. Brig countered Dive, when Dive had already started being replaced.

Two supports because they’re the lowest in count
 DPS is highest in count.

But supports are more or less in a good spot, but tanks really aren’t
 What I mean is, we lack alternatives to Rein for example, for a main tank. No one else can take his spot.

I agree it’s probably going to be a tank.

But she was MADE during dive to counter it. Dive lasted for a year and a half.

Changes nothing of my argument.

They even said they’re looking to release a burst fire hero within the next three hero releases.

Who is to say they don’t escalate that? Especially since the promise was long overdue when Jeff said they’d look into a burst fire character during launch year?

I blame you for turning this into about roles then leaks


Hero aren’t made due to the actual active meta during the time of their release. Just because she counters Dive doesnt meant that Dive was active when she releases.

I repeat myself, heroes release, metas follow. Brig squashed something that was already on the way out.

As much as I want to agree.

Moira -> Briggite.

Two supports one after another. So there is slim possibility it could be DPS.

Personally I belive in Talon Tank to be 30.


He is TALKING about making Brigitte to counter dive.

I have no idea how you got the idea it was anything but that.

or Brigitte Is a Breath of Fresh Air for the Overwatch League - Even When She's Not Played

or Interview with Overwatch Devs on Brigitte: “Counterpick to Dive Comp” - Inven Global

I mean, the URL should tell you enough.

I think we will get another barrier tank if we get an enforced 2-2-2 role que.

If not, new barrier tank hero will not compete with Rein. I bet they will be run together on 3 or 4 tank comps.

I didn’t stutter.

Dive was on the way out already. Grav Dragons and Double Sniper had already replaced it on the ladder.

Brig was released too late for her to counter Dive, and she was disabled while Dive ran its final lap on the ladder with Grav Dragons quickly overtaking it. By the time she could finally be used in Comp, we were kneedeep in double sniper.

It wasn’t until Contenders started experimenting that GOATs started being used.

Never said you did, I said that they made her to counter dive.

I have articles saying she was made to counter dive.

I have quotes from Jeff saying she was made to counter dive.

You can say she wasn’t made to counter dive, but you would be wrong, and have a mountain of evidence against you.

But Slamulance was already a thing before Brigitte existed, and GOATs was just a refinement of that.

Mama Hong as Talon tank or riot.


Brigitte was absolutely 100% made in mind to counter Dive, that was mentioned like 5 times in streams and interviews by Jeff.

She plays in such a fundamentally different fashion that she’ll never really compete with Rein even though they both fill a similar niche in the composition. I think the only way to increase Orisa’s pick rate vs Reinhardt would be either to make maps that specifically enable her gameplay style over his, or to release an off-tank or a support that goes much better with Orisa than Reinhardt.

I do hope the next character is a main tank that makes it less necessary to run Reinhardt. I don’t have a problem with Reinhardt, I just think that tanks (and supports) need more variety so that we don’t have must-pick characters in those roles.

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Reread then. All I have been saying was that Brig was released when Dive wasn’t meta, and that heroes released don’t counter the actual active meta at the time of their release.

They might be made to counter a meta being phased out
 they aren’t made to counter the current meta at the time of their release.

Well I guess since we might not see a leak now
 which makes me think hero hints might not be coming

Here is my puppy why we wait for
 something maybe

Part 1: đŸ¶ Luna puts Luna to sleep

Part 2: đŸ¶ Luna and Bella explain the difference between Pros and Noobs (Part 2)


“Again, heroes aren’t released because of meta.”

She was ABSOLUTELY created and released because of Dive.

Moira was as well, they were hoping she would stop dive by providing a support which was dive resistant.

She was meant to act as a counter to Tracer / Genji with her orb, and could fade from Winston / Dva.

She didn’t provide enough use to be used at GM, so she failed in that role.

Brigitte was the second, far more direct attempt.

shamelesss pup plug :dog2::mag: