šŸ” Hero 30 Leak Center (Even if they seem fake tell me please)

Never said you did, I said that they made her to counter dive.

I have articles saying she was made to counter dive.

I have quotes from Jeff saying she was made to counter dive.

You can say she wasnā€™t made to counter dive, but you would be wrong, and have a mountain of evidence against you.

But Slamulance was already a thing before Brigitte existed, and GOATs was just a refinement of that.

Mama Hong as Talon tank or riot.


Brigitte was absolutely 100% made in mind to counter Dive, that was mentioned like 5 times in streams and interviews by Jeff.

She plays in such a fundamentally different fashion that sheā€™ll never really compete with Rein even though they both fill a similar niche in the composition. I think the only way to increase Orisaā€™s pick rate vs Reinhardt would be either to make maps that specifically enable her gameplay style over his, or to release an off-tank or a support that goes much better with Orisa than Reinhardt.

I do hope the next character is a main tank that makes it less necessary to run Reinhardt. I donā€™t have a problem with Reinhardt, I just think that tanks (and supports) need more variety so that we donā€™t have must-pick characters in those roles.

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Reread then. All I have been saying was that Brig was released when Dive wasnā€™t meta, and that heroes released donā€™t counter the actual active meta at the time of their release.

They might be made to counter a meta being phased outā€¦ they arenā€™t made to counter the current meta at the time of their release.

Well I guess since we might not see a leak nowā€¦ which makes me think hero hints might not be comingā€¦

Here is my puppy why we wait forā€¦ something maybe

Part 1: šŸ¶ Luna puts Luna to sleep

Part 2: šŸ¶ Luna and Bella explain the difference between Pros and Noobs (Part 2)


ā€œAgain, heroes arenā€™t released because of meta.ā€

She was ABSOLUTELY created and released because of Dive.

Moira was as well, they were hoping she would stop dive by providing a support which was dive resistant.

She was meant to act as a counter to Tracer / Genji with her orb, and could fade from Winston / Dva.

She didnā€™t provide enough use to be used at GM, so she failed in that role.

Brigitte was the second, far more direct attempt.

shamelesss pup plug :dog2::mag:


Dive was still the current meta when Brig was released though. Tracer, Genji, Winston, Dva, they were all too dominant, both in pro play and on the ladder.

I actually want to show off my other dog but havenā€™t had the perfect chance yet.

Sure, ignore the sentence in the paragraph above saying

You asked for leaks, and i gave you a leak

jeff leaked those things himself :woman_shrugging:

Because it takes time to make the hero, but sure as hell she was designed to counter a meta AND that meta was alive and well when she was releasedā€¦ Moira was ALSO released during the meta she was meant to counter - she just failed to do so.

Hereā€™s your chance. Show me the other pupper pls

What do you mean Echo. He just confirmed it was not Echo

Yes. He confirmed three things:

  • That they were working on other 6 support/tanks
  • Hero 30 Was NOT echo
  • Echo WILL be a hero

See part 2 and you see what I mean,

And Mage: I need a lead, name, role or image to work with for Hero 30. (Thatā€™s the focus of all this anyway.)


Yes Brig is the dive counter. But she wasnā€™t made to counter the meta during her release. The meta during her release was double sniper, therefore she wasnā€™t made to counter double sniper.

Thatā€™s all Iā€™ve been saying. Thatā€™s all Iā€™ve ever said, was that she wasnā€™t made to counter the active meta, double sniper/grav dragons.

And that after heroes release, metas follow.

She didnā€™t shape the game to remove Dive, she cleaned up Diveā€™s scraps and she shaped GOATS instead.

For crying out loud, we arenā€™t even arguing. You just arenā€™t listening and are removing my statements out of context. I never once said she wasnā€™t made specifically to counter Dive.

I need something Hero 30 related, not unrelated to 30.

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  1. burst fire hero will be coming soon