Here's the Real Tea on Valkyrie (Reasons Why Many Mercy Mains Hate It)

There is one issue with that: Valkyrie will be used strictly for risky rez.

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When it was implemented, that was the main point; it gave you two charges of instant Res.

It was also the fun and the impact.

And it still will be.

See, problem with Valkyrie is that it relies on teammates to be:

  • good at shooting;
  • good at avoiding enemy damage;

Any other support ults rely on teammate being good only in one of those things. Nanoboost requires teammate to be good shooter, but damage boost + nade + your healing usually take care of the rest. Same with Sound Barrier/Transcendence.

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Well, Transcendence and Sound Barrier are more to do with unmanageable or unavoidable damage; kind of unimportant whether players are otherwise good at avoiding it or not.

They are also for sort of important part of carrying as healer - preventing mistakes, that are avoidable, but were not avoided, from costing your team victory. And, in general, allowing your teammates to make more mistakes(not using cover, for example) without negative consequences.

This is going to come down to individual errors, which is basically what Res cleans up. Those ults aren’t really fixing errors, they’re counterplay to what’s usuallt regarded as good enemy play (aside from the not baiting them out before executing it).

not like you know how to play any dps to trashtalk a role you never played to begin with :scream:

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Errors rarely are individual. When your team didn’t notice enemy Zarya and got caught in graviton, you are preventing collective mistake from costing lives of whole team.

I’m just here to support those wing color changes. I loathe the yellow wings on so many of her skins. I don’t even see them myself the entire game and they drive me nuts.

That is all. We will now return to your regularly scheduled salt.

That’s the toss up between ‘good their play or bad our play’, or just an acceptance ‘this is going to happen, this is why I picked this hero to start with’.

Well, yes. That’s main moment, when players remember about existence of their supports - when small mistakes, like taking a bit too much damage, pile up into big one.

Ideally, teammates should be able to absorb graviton with DM/kill ulting enemies and prevent this from happening. But players aren’t ideal, and neither is matchmaking.

During Meryc’s Ult, do you want all your team members glowing with Angelic Aura’s which all visually emanate from your own (which would look the brightest)?

Even pros in OWL rarely make a successful Grav catch, those are usually considered Zarya mistakes than good D.Va play.

Point is, sooner or later, disaster will happen, with graviton being only one of cases.

Current rez is good for fixing small mistakes, like getting sniped. But not for fixing mistakes of bigger kind, like your average friendly Reaper main jumping from the roof with ult. As result, you have to keep it mostly for second healer, since their ult is good for preventing both big and small mistakes alike.

They kinda did that, it was effectively one of the issues.

I completely agree, the only part of Valk I’m bummed out about is there is no improvement for Rez, however, I think the past has shown why it’s the weakest part of the kit.

Maybe not instant rez, but at least something like it can be enhanced to have a range.

Dunno though. I ultimately feel like I’m arguing a tangerine to a cutie orange with you on this one.

However, I’ve played plenty of games where if a Mercy is on point with playing Mercy, you see some mentioning of it. I get the compliment, I’ve seen people in all chat call it out, etc.

You are missing my point. You made a thread about “the real tea on Valkyrie (reasons why many Mercy mains hate it)” and then exemplify it by bringing up Mass Rez being one of the prominent reasons. You are fueling the misconception that most of the people complaining about Valkyrie want MassRez back even though that is false. Your TLDR is misrepresenting the content of your opening post. You are currently part of the problem…

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I’d like to see res back in a way that encouraged tempo ressing. I think that was the idea with the Valk charges but they decided to cut the fun impact part and keep the part that felt very secondary.

Maybe if they’d kept the Ult res charges and ditched it as a baseline it could have remained instant; and with the 2 charge limit it would never have been the “undoes your sweet ult combo” ability is was with invulnerability. Nor would it have been the “undoes Widow’s first pick” ability.

I think res should be instant or close to it in valk tbh

That is up to the Widow mains to ask for that.

And then you lose your only support which supports DPS more than tanks, and you are right back into a tank meta again.

Think about what Mercy needs to be able to do to heal DPS better than the other supports do.

She needs to be able to GA to them, lock their beam on, and GA out.

If she can’t do that, then, you won’t get healing as DPS.

Ana isn’t very good at supporting DPS, because they are harder to hit.
Moira heals close by targets, AKA, the tanks.
Brigitte has her AOE, which mainly heals the tanks.
Lucio is the same.

The VERY abilities which make the DPS hate Mercy is what makes her their support.

Remove lock on, and only the tanks get healing.

Im sorry but Rez does not need any type of buff even in Valk. I agree that Valk needs changes to make it a more impactful ultimate.

Rez is still the most powerful ability in the game as you can bring a teammate back who either made a bad choice or happened to get picked off by accident. However, mass Rez should stay dead. It made Mercy boring and basically had to make mercy hide in the middle of team fights.

When Mercy has double Rez in Valk it was still very strong. Then they gave her instant Rez in Valk and it was strong. That type of ability is hard to balance but I think as it is, its fine.

Valkyrie on the other hand, it does too many things and not very well. Yea sure her beam is extended and chains, as well as giving her flight (which is good and bad) and she gets unlimited ammo. But you are still basically playing the same way. Nothing changes. You are still incredible vulnerable to all damage and flight just makes you an easier target.

Here is one idea. This will enable Mercy’s to heal and deal damage at the same time. When Valk is activated, she flies like usual and she pulls out her weapon. Then around person are healing particles, think of like a fairy that sprinkles fairy dust but it will be healing dust, so anyone around mercy will be healed but it will give Mercy also an offensive option. However, this might not be as useful support wise as it is now, unless the healing particles heal alot.

Another option I can see is that her beam does both healing and damage amp at the same time. The damage amp wont be as strong as it normally is, but this will provide not healing to the team but damage boost at the same time making it incredibly strong and valuable. But then this ultimate makes mercy ultimate “easier” to use since you dont need to decide which beam to choose from.

Another option is that it makes Mercy literally invincible however to balance this out, they would need to remove the unlimited ammo. Can imagine an unkillable hero with unlimited ammo.

Well those are just some of my ideas. Valk definitely needs work and needs to feel as impactful as Mass Rez used to be. But Rez as it is now, is fine.