Please list any and all mysteries and unsolved things related to the game that come to mind. I’m just curious and love thinking about them. I’ll add yours to this list (as long as they aren’t meme answers)
- Weird small snowglobes with the word “gray” found on Ecopoint map. As far as I know, these suddenly appeared one day on the map, as there was no mention of them before a certain point, even when the map had been out for a while.
- Junkrat’s treasure…what is it? Hanzo directly references it in pre-match interactions by going “Where did you hide your treasure…it can hardly be on your person.” And Junk goes “T-Treasure? I don’t know what you’re talkin about!”
- Sombra’s real name. It’s listed as ░░░░░░ on the official website. Some speculate it is Olivia Colomar as someone calls her that in a comic and she goes “How do you know that name?” But that’s still not proof it belongs to her. It could be her sister’s name, or her mother. Or her alias
- Who is the mysterious hooded omnic at the end of storm rising cutscene talking to Doomfist?
- What was the anomaly above Antarctica that Mei’s team was researching? We never got an explanation what it actually was. “The atmospheric fluctuations above the anomaly have increased” Mei states in her short “Where is all this data coming from…?” Was it a manmade storm? Was it an interdimensional portal? Was it a biological Omnic frozen in ice?
- Why does Katya Volskaya and the “other Omnics” have a mutually beneficial relationship where she buys tech/weapons from them; are these omnics getting something in return? (from Skund)
- What exactly is the Iris? We all know it’s a spiritual path followed by Zenyatta but no details have been released (also from Skund)
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Sombra’s giant webbed network with the eye in the center connected to everything else going on in the OW world still has been unanswered; who is watching everything in the center? (from WhatTheDuck)