Hello where did #reworkmercy movement go

Did they just #ignore the mercy rework needed? :joy: Guys dont you feel she needs really a rework cuz her spot is rly bad now

Pretty sure itā€™s still around, just not a hotter topic than the current topics scattering the top threads.

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to hell; at least i hope it did


Yeah, itā€™s just been overshadowed by other topics. Itā€™ll be back

Itā€™s noticeably less prevalentā€¦maybe cause the backlash was increasingā€¦plus it was probably proving harder and harder to argueā€¦I suspect a few common reworkers may have been banned as wellā€¦

:man_shrugging: I ainā€™t complaining


At this point, revert game to 2017 state.


Good. Cause we need the #buffmercy (not big buffsā€¦)

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I and many others like her as she is in her current state

Based on the (imho) horrendous results of recent reworks, I would not want any beloved character reworked. People seem to assume that a rework will resolve all perceived existing problems, but to me, recent reworks show them to be more a case of out of the frying pan and into the fire

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They probably realized that the devs arenā€™t ā€œripeā€ for mercy changes yet. Check back at the end of February.



uhm what does this crab rave thing have to do with anything?

(although it is kinda awesome)

apparantly a twitch thingā€¦so you knowā€¦completely nonsensical

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Its being drowned out by the butthurt (ironic ik) bois that cant relate to soldier anymore.


so, uhm, it has something to do with Fran?

Theres still the Mercy megathread made by Titanium (I think is their name :man_shrugging: )

I still think Mercy needs a rework.

Mercyā€™s current state is the result of a horrendous rework. Mercy never needed to be changed into an easy mode no-brain-needed healer. She used to take strategy to play efficiently. But because a few jerkbags were exploiting the SR system using Mercy, Blizzard had the genius idea of turning a balanced hero into an OP monster and let her dominate the game for several months.

Then they nerfed her into an even MORE boring state.

Iā€™ll always dislike this dev team for ruining Mercy like this.

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as you say that, assuming one occurs - do you have confidence that Mercy will be fixed to your satisfaction?

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Knowing Blizzard? Absolutely not.

This game is only going to do down the gutter.