It’s no secret. It never has been. This place, it reeks, it stinks, it’s poisoned with toxicity. I think we need an escape from it.
There’s no official “off topic” forum here (pls Blizzard, this would help more than you might realize) but based on what I’ve seen happening lately (looking at you, heated arguments about the most recent patch…) so I figured maybe we should make a place instead, where we can talk about things not balance related. Heck, they don’t even have to be Overwatch related.
Yeah yeah, bust out your autographed copy of the “Blizzard Forums Rule Book” and remind me that topics have to be relating to Overwatch and whatever. Flag this if you want. I’m trying to help you people. If you don’t like this place? Maybe don’t click on it? Maybe don’t spam posts saying you dislike it?
Now that that’s out of the way… maybe we can talk about things. Whatever you want. Your day, your pets, your favorite color. I don’t care. Just don’t be rude and be considerate to others. Please. I just want to try and make this place a better one to be. As of lately it’s been a downward spiral of toxicity and I really don’t want to have to see it in every thread I enter. I honestly was considering leaving for good a while ago, but only decided not to because I have cool friends on here
So, let’s see if this thread was a mistake to make… 
Please refrain from talking about politics, hate speech, racism, or other forms of insulting or controversial conversation, this is supposed to be a welcoming, non-debating environment that is open to all users.
Pie is wonderful. Do you have a favorite kind?
I mean technically WyomingMyst is fine with these kinds of posts as long they aren’t toxic, but yeah I think this should take off, multiple other forums(namely smogon for me) also do this, they call it the Congregation of Masses section and I think that if we don’t have a section, we should at least have some big post.
I would like to see this take off like the Mei Fan thing(even though it probably won’t) but i’l up it in latest and will try to keep it alive if it can kinda take off.
Any assistance to help this gain traction would be greatly appreciated. All I want to do is help make this a better place for everyone
This is Overwatch, but nice try
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I have faith that anything and anyone can improve, if enough effort is put forth
It is 12:35 at night. Technically 1:35 until yesterday, and I’m already sleepy…
It’s eleven thirty seven PM where I am, and I’m wide awake 
If you’re tired, why not rest?
Yeah I probably should lol. Idk. I’ve not gotten very much sleep for the past week. That might’ve done it
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11:36, i’m also sleepy and am skipping between the forums, nintendo life, and the Spleunky wiki and deciding whether I should go to sleep or not.
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I would imagine that’s what’s causing it lol. I can’t tell you that to do obviously, but I would recommend getting some nice sleep
I think I’ll skip out on my anime session today and go to sleep now lol.
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Okay lol, the anime can wait. Have a nice night
I sometimes play Overwatch with my guinea pig in my lap.
That’s actually so awesome, I do the same with my cat 
I pet him between deaths lol
InB4 it’s revealed that your cat figured this out, so he’s purposefully getting in the way and making you die more often so he gets more pets. 
Enjoy <500 Bronze as soon as he connects the dots. 
Totally worth it, that cat means more to me than anything
I was more referring to the community as a whole, not anyone in particular