Healthy vs unhealthy heroes (TIER LIST)

Oh boy an Egryn hero tier list…

Seems about right coming from the notorious Doom main on the forums.

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dude, ur opinions on tank are dog. literally every tank is balanced. even hog, even ball. every tank is balanced imo.

Eh didnt bother reading after I saw you rated doom the highest. the 1 shot champ? lol Nah youre list is broken


Great trolling bro :rofl::rofl:

lololololol this is the best meme in 2021 :skull::skull:

Thought you’d be a fan of Hanzo, since he nearly killed Genji and is not a counter of Doom. Guess I was wrong.


Torb: thems foytin’ words!

Zen: was main, left to torb.

So if to conclude, delete tanks and only play dps/support that act like any normal fps?

I wouldn’t repeat the usual line but to me your list really looks like a description of couple of other games… :sweat_smile:

Wrong, every tank is broken

Even zarya after her recent nerfs? :frowning:

right back at you :heart:

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Let me fix the title of your post:
“Doomfist main angry they can’t one shot tanks”
There you go :laughing:

Healthy: Ana, Bastion, Brigitte, Dva, Genji, Junkrat, Lucio, Mei, Mercy, Moira, Orisa, Pharah, Reaper, Reinhardt, Soldier, Torbjorn, Tracer, Winston, Zarya, Zenyatta

Unhealthy: Ashe, Baptiste, Doomfist, Echo, Hanzo, McCree (by far), Roadhog, Sigma, Sombra, Symmetra, Widowmaker, Wrecking Ball

As support main I agree :eye::lips::eye:

:small_blue_diamond: Healthy for the game: Winston, Rein, Soldier, Lucio, Mercy*, Moira, Symmetra, Bastion, Zenyatta, Orisa, Ashe

:small_orange_diamond: Neutral: Mei, Baptiste, Tracer, Wrecking Ball, Ana, Torbjorn, Zarya, Sigma , Reaper, Genji, Junkrat, Pharah*, Echo, Brigitte (Needs buffs or a rework)

:small_red_triangle: Unhealthy for the game: McCree, Widow, Doomfist, Sombra, Roadhog

*I don’t think Pharmercy is healthy for the game since it’s ridiculously hard to deal with in low ranks where people can’t aim, but to fix it Pharah’s infinite flight needs to be nerfed in some way instead of nerfing Mercy

On what earth are bastion/symmetra/Orisa more healthy for the game that tracer?

Hypermobility like Tracer’s is problematic since it just causes more CC to be introduced to counter it (Hence Brig release) and a smart Tracer is basically unkillable without any CC

Orisa is fine because her shield is paper and she has to rely on fortify more, the only thing I don’t really like about her kit is halt but that could always be tweaked.

Bastion is fine since he’s stationary and subject to any heroes that can nuke him like Junkrat or Pharah, plus he has a huge hitbox.

Symmetra’s turrets do basically nothing and can easily be destroyed if you can aim and follow a beam, the only thing that’s kind of problematic is her teleporter but I like it since it’s an ability that gives an advantage beyond point and click and kill

At launch, Tracer was more of a potential issue. Now that we have had many character upgrades and releases I find countering tracer is not as problematic as it once was. Much of the issue is more an imbalance between player skill than necessarily character power.

I can frequently shut down most tracer players getting them to swap by simply picking torbjorn. Place a turret in the backline such that if Tracer ever tries to flank she gets full attention to the turret while the turret has no one else to shoot. Overload, alt fire. Tracer has so many issues against Torbjorn unless she’s actually really good.

Hitscan is still one of the best direct counters to mobility heroes provided you keep your sensitivity up and don’t get bottled down by her zipping behind you. This can be s76, mccree, ashe. Sombra even with the relatively free hack provided Tracer is not directly targeting you.

In the support category, I can frequently out maneuver around a Tracer as Mercy through usage of super jumps and glide tech. With Moira, I have so much survivability with an easy giagantic cylinder hitbox grasp. The auto tracking orb in range. The high self-heal. The 6sec fade into my team. Brig is harder to use now, but she’s still an area denial hero hugging tight areas. Baptiste still has situational uses of escape to high ground. A burst headshot 3-round shot hitscan. Ifield if really necessary.

The tank category probably has the hardest time. That I wont’ deny, but in the others I usually don’t find her an issue. Tracer is only ‘amazing’ in the hands of a higher skilled player which is honestly rare. Much of dealing with her is picking counter picks immediately and making sure to focus her.

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I can frequently shut down most tracer players getting them to swap by simply picking torbjorn. Place a turret in the backline such that if Tracer ever tries to flank she gets full attention to the turret while the turret has no one else to shoot. Overload, alt fire. Tracer has so many issues against Torbjorn unless she’s actually really good

Tracers can easily kill turrets by just constantly peeking the corner and shooting it, the turret has a startup time before the lock-on so anyone who knows that can use that to their advantage and kill it while taking minimal damage.