Healthy vs unhealthy heroes (TIER LIST)

:small_blue_diamond: healthy and should be played
:small_red_triangle: unhealthy and should potentially be deleted
:small_orange_diamond: neutral


D.Va: complete garbage design, nothing else to say :small_red_triangle::small_red_triangle::small_red_triangle::small_red_triangle::small_red_triangle:
Orisa: she wants to defeat Doomfist, i can’t respect that but she’s a cute she-ox :small_orange_diamond:
Reinhardt: swing to win and can one shot any hero that isn’t tank. bad :small_red_triangle::small_red_triangle::small_red_triangle:
Roadhog: literally delete, what a waste of pixels :small_red_triangle::small_red_triangle::small_red_triangle::small_red_triangle::small_red_triangle::small_red_triangle:
Sigma: cool lore, cool design but the old man is too strong for his age, nerf :small_red_triangle:
Winston: i don’t mind apes but why should he do damage when he jumps on me :small_red_triangle:
Wrecking Ball: 50 damage on roll, 100 on PD. kinda stupid design but he’s cute :small_red_triangle::small_red_triangle:
Zarya: i love Zarya, great hero and her mains are great people :small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond:


Ashe: she’s ok, i hate her ult but you can delete bob easily :small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond:
Bastion: too broken in low ranks, useless in high :small_orange_diamond:
Doomfist: smart, handsome, good physique, healthiest hero by far :small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond:
Echo: forces hitscan but otherwise cool design :small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond:
Hanzo: awful design, bow and arrows are sooo out of style :small_red_triangle::small_red_triangle::small_red_triangle:
Junkrat: spam hero, low skill/low risk high reward :small_orange_diamond:
McCree: handsome but overtuned. i don’t mind the flash fan + t-bag :small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond:
Mei: nothing to say she’s cute and skilled, very healthy :small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond:
Pharah: forces hitscan, spam hero, not good or bad for the game :small_orange_diamond:
Reaper: i wish he was played more, he’s ok :small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond:
Soldier 76: literally all skill, wish he was played more that’s all :small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond:
Sombra: completely useless in low ranks but skilled as heck :small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond:
Symmetra: one of the coolest design, what a shame she’s never played :small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond:
Torbjorn: low skill, turrets and spam + hes not very handsome :small_red_triangle::small_red_triangle:
Tracer: nothing but respect to those who play her :small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond:
Widowmaker: amazing design but needs some serious buffs :small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond:


Ana: sleep dart lasts too long but good hero, she’s very sweet :small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond:
Baptiste: immortality field is broken, his jump is broken but decent design :small_orange_diamond:
Brigitte: nice hero, i like her. she’s good for the game :small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond:
Lucio: funny guy, huge skill hero + his mains are cute people :small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond:
Mercy: gets too much value for how easy she is, might need rework :small_orange_diamond:
Moira: good to have around like her mains but too easy to play :small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond:
Zenyatta: he’s ok but his mains are nowhere to be found :small_blue_diamond::small_blue_diamond:

Conclusion: nerf every unhealthy hero :small_red_triangle:in the game and keep all healthy heroes :small_blue_diamond:viable. Neutral stays neutral :small_orange_diamond:


He’s ok, sure :+1:, they just killed his only role this year, THE tank buster, now he’s nothing :sleepy:


Where’s Genji? C’mon I expected way more from the forum’s favorite troll.


What did you say about my favourite Korean Pilot?!?!

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I think it’s funny you want almost all the tanks deleted lol

I agree with this one


It’s logical

At least you can acknowledge Orisa’s cuteness :frowning:


I was expecting a lot of :small_red_triangle::small_red_triangle::small_red_triangle::small_red_triangle::small_red_triangle:


So basically a Doomfist main says literally every fun tank is unhealthy for the game.


Even for an Egryn post, this is outrageous. Come on, now.


Of course Genji isn’t important enough to you at the point you consider him a non-entity…


So many hot takes my phone burned my fingers!!!

Reported for physical harm done to my precious :open_hands:


Doomfist is very handsome :eyes:


The fact that you think Ana is a healthy hero proves this list is meaningless.

5 second sleep, negates healing for 4 seconds making healers useless for this time, her healing being excessively bursty making any sort of sustained damage against her meaningless. Is the reason that tanks got nerfed so things could die, just all around problem hero.


At first i was like “this person seriously hates tanks” then after i read who it was posted by, seems about right…


All tanks are bad design and supports are all good design :thinking:

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Cringe @ the Doomfist high rating, otherwise I’m actually impressed that for DPS and support you weren’t too crazy.

Why did you reply to me?

(Guessing you were talking to OP)

Oops yeah sorry, I’m on mobile and it doesn’t like showing me that I’m replying to someone. My b ):

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hehe, liking this post