Healing should be nerfed across the board

Nah, I think Mercy at 50 with the others more in line with that is fine. Ana’s current heals are fine because she can only hit one target (other than Nade), but Moira and Baptiste should be reined in to 50hps range also since they still benefit from their cleave heals.

40 is overboard, especially without nerfing DPS first.

And I didn’t pick brig to be a primary healer . I’m saying the concept in general is something you need to commit to. Nerfing and singling out moira doesn’t make sense if they want to speed up the game.

My own feelings be damned.

Sure! That sounds great. Let’s buff Moira’s dps which includes her damage ball :grin: Lets go bois.


The point is to make dps hurt. It doesn’t make sense to have a solo beam with no limits only slightly less than moiras .

And bapt already is comparable to mercy with 60. So there’s no reason for him to match her and need to aim.
And neither have constant dmg boosting which in a new shiny ttk minimal game, would be Mercy’s largest asset as even spray and pray would be lethal.

In moira’s case, I wouldn’t. As heals is nerfed, orb would be her largest asset even without this change. Moira’s dmg at 65 hps imo makes dmg her best asset. Not heals.

For Moira, I would buff her fade for more mobility and finally give her some utility.

And bapt already is comparable to mercy with 60. So there’s no reason for him to match her and need to aim.

His heals should be lowered because he heals as much as her, can do DPS levels of damage, AND has regen burst and immortality field. Adding on more raw HPS to a single target than Mercy in a ranged AOE is way too much for one hero.

The point is to make dps hurt. It doesn’t make sense to have a solo beam with no limits only slightly less than moiras .

Getting near instamelted and spending all your time in spawn even with a Mercy pocket isn’t fun either. Balance shouldn’t be an “ok now it’s this aspect’s turn to be OP” like GOATs was to healing and now is to barriers.

Do we want to go over how much is in Mercy’s kit? And her performance history over Baptiste…cuz I don’t think that’s the best argument.

That’s not for you. Plenty of people play COD and rainbow etc.

I’m saying they should commit to those people. And damn the rest of us.

Yes. It should. Aspect not hero means it’s game design. If I eliminate all boops, that’s a whole new thing to consider in game.

If I eliminate barriers flat out, that is a whole new game.

I’m saying Nerf heals and make a whole new direction for the game.

My own preference aside.

This is probably the most vomit inducing post I’ve ever seen besides anti-lgbt, racist, and sexist ones.


If we do this, we need to hard nerf some Oneshots and burst dps.


I think putting prejudiced based threads in the same consideration at all to a game design post is pretty shameful tbh

The point is that ttk would be hard changed. Nerfing them would eliminate the point

Shameful? Someone’s dramatic. I didn’t relate your post to those topics at all, and this post really is gross. Literally no one would play healer.


I get it you hate all healers except Moira. fek you


Because we would be going back to the idea of support. Not healer. So yeah. That’s the point.


Yes let’s turn overwatch into a kill simulator. Let’s turn ever healer into off healer I’m sure tank players would love that. Ah Mercy the main healer tanks hate because of her healing right now. Let’s cut that healing by 20 percent. Oh Ana you have to land you’re shots to heal and hitting anything not a tank takes skill to land on 50 percent bases. Oh Brig healing a problem even though her shield and damage are bad.


Then the damage would way overweight the healing, which in turn would make healers redundant. So that is a big no from me dog.


This is the point. Per

It’s the internet…do you. I’m still allowed to ask.

It wasn’t racists by the way I was simply responding to you via your native sombra Tongue.

So making an entire class useless ? Do you realize what you sound like right now ?

Let me tell you, this is not CoD, go back to that if you want .1 sec TTKs. This is overwatch.