Healing should be nerfed across the board

Just like every post I ever do, I think singling out moira is a mistake . You need to commit to an idea whole sale. Look at how Baptiste complaints are already here. And then they’ll complain that Moira isn’t healing even more than they already do. Wanna speed up the game? It’s not just shields and it’s not just Moira.

Imo the Nerf on Moira should spark a harsh Nerf to Ana, Baptiste, mercy and brig to mark a full ttk revamp.

Placing Baptiste at 40 hps
Ana at 50 hps, nade heal Nerf for a 30 insta hp
Brig aoe heals reverted and armor pack dropped to a 45 hps
And mercy to 40 hps

Hard Nerfs to heals across the board and make the ttk basically nothing if your healing isn’t a direct resource pocket

EDIT: I just want to point out that a- I wouldn’t suggest nerfs without changes elsewhere. I just didn’t want a rework x hero thread. And b- this still is more healing available midgame than launch overwatch which had only 3 healers, and 2/3 of them wouldn’t be touched and have been buffed in heals since launch


Be a great way to get a lot of supports to quit or switch roles :+1: Certainly, I’d be leaving OW, because if I want to play a super-fast TTK FPS game, I’m going to go play a game that actually does it well and isn’t a different brand of game trying to force itself into a poor imitation of one


I mean…that’s any change? It doesn’t make sense to make any person feel singled out. An issue I take with brig and mercy being reworked.

I know a lot of mercy players who felt like they are forced on Moira for heals. But that shouldn’t exist. Instead, the devs should just cough up and commit a whole idea and not just punish mercy or Ana or whoever for doing their role.

Just say, we want faster ttk. And if you don’t like it…cool

No. Nope. With the shield nerfs coming the healing should be buffed!


I don’t disagree, they should just rip the band-off all at once if they’re trying to go for a fast TTK game

I just think it’s a dumb idea on the whole


That would… eliminate the point of speeding up the game .

And they ARE nerfing heals. Just on Moira alone

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This is awful, I like feeling like I actually contribute

And I’ve played Moira by choice since she released, it’s not my fault she became meta and pissed everyone off


I sort of love how DPS calls for nerfs to barriers and nerfs to heals, then moan and complain that there aren’t any tanks and healers in the game.

We should nerf DPS now that barriers are more or less gone.


This is a great idea, i’m thinking of switching to DPS, screw shields and screw healers, it’s DPS time now. Powercreep is good (for DPS).


It’s not something I like. But I really don’t dig punishing players for having moira’s job actually get done.

And imo, singling her out makes it easy to throw blame on just one teammate later.

“Mercy is trash now switch” she hasn’t been trash in a long time. Just cuz she is nerfed doesn’t mean she was trash.

Perception is a large issue.

I don’t like singling out heroes especially with obvious shifts in a patch.

My own preference aside, a coherent idea and teamwork should take priority.

Feels bad. And my heart breaks for you

That eliminates the point of the changes …

I said Nerf the heals. In theory, other areas of the support kit would be buffed. Ideally to dps

Ex,Ana gets a dps revert to 80 dps. And anti lasts longer

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The reason DPS is so high is to burst down barriers that have a high amount of health. With that health gone, the damage is instead directed to the players. Which have significantly less health. Meaning that without barriers, they die a lot quicker.

So no, it doesn’t eliminate the point. Remove barriers and the DPS doesn’t have to be that high.


That’s even better! I’m sure nobody complains when a support does more DPS than healing, there were no threads complaining about Moira flanking or anything like that, no complaining with battle Mercy. Looks nice to me then, i’ll get a shorter queue and i can still focus on DPS.


So like from 21% effectiveness a match to like 15% in GM? Why not go for 10%?

This isn’t true. McCree wasn’t changed to be a tank buster/ shield breaker. Nor tracer. Bastion isn’t highly used because it’s not just barriers that were an issue to players.

The point is that we are totally eliminating the idea entirely. Every support more Zen. Note that they didn’t nerf moira’s dmg. They nerfed her heals.

…yeah. that’s the point.

… What? I don’t see what this is replying to

Is this a joke? I don’t get it.


Yeah, no.
Healing is fine.

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The only joke is you managing to single out one healer in a list of a whole idea. :roll_eyes:

I agree… That’s not the point im making

And a bad one at that, i don’t pick support to DPS.


If healing was fine, then it wouldn’t need to be nerfed…