Healing across the board needs to be toned down

And if they won’t, there will be more and more reason to pick tanks, simply to survive. Not main tanks, though, not ones that cover team.

There is no healing in the world, that can save you from burst damage, that exceeds your full health. So no, healing isn’t to blame here.


Nope healing is perfect right now especially with healers having their punish tools for overextending flankers.

Plan your kills properly.

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I think Tracer/Soldier has fallen off the radar because Snipers are superior to everything. There is no point playing anything else, really. Well, except McCree since they kept buffing him for no reason.

If a point 8 difference made McCree on par with snipers (lul, wut), I have a feeling the other DPS are small buffs away from invalidating snipers.

Oh and another note, lowering healing would not affect DPS at all. Every DPS can outdamage healers. The only thing this would hurt is tanks, making them even more easily to kill due to armor Nerf + giant hitbox and now, incase this would happen, lower healing.

Flankers are supposed to go behind enemy backlines. It’s the very definition of the word flanker. Overextending is his JOB, not his MISTAKE.

Having healers that can defend themselves by fighting unfavorably or escaping is fine, like Ana and Mercy.

Having healers as the hardest counter in the game for flankers, like Brigitte, is absolutely not.

You have to understand that the reason flankers are not viable right now is because the class they are supposed to hunt as their primary role is their biggest fear now. Healers should have stayed dependent on DPS and tanks for peels, for the greater good of the game.

There were 3 healers out of 21 total characters on release date. Since then 4 new healers have been added to the game out of 9 new heroes in total. So obviously the odds of getting a healer on your team in Mystery Heroes are way higher now thus survivability is higher. That has very little to do with regular game modes since you could ran two healers easily even when there were only 3 of them in total.

Or target the support?

Yea and? They don’t deserve a free kill just because they got the jump.

Expect to be contested by the healers CC/Self healing or teammates coming to the rescue.

The nerve of you expecting free kills.

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The hard trinity helps this overwatch problem that you are pointing.

  • DPS heroes are damage dedicated and only have self supportive abilities following more the hard trinity, while tanks and supports offer more to the team while also dealing damage, they are more hybrids towards a soft trinity.

Blizz should have designed all Heroes hybrids from the start, following more a soft trinity, this way you wouldn’t have this problem be a thing where DPS are way more enabled by tanks and supports while tanks and supports can enable themselves without the need of DPS heroes.
And by enabling I mean ways to buy the team more time alive by team healing and damage mitigation.

You’re like 3 months late.

Since DPS are damage dedicated, In order to make them relevant again, you have to make their damage a necessary utility.
You could do this by 1- nerfing Tanks and Supports damage or by 2- finding a balance of supporting (working against damage) and damaging that those characters can provide without replacing DPS heroes.
The more you support, the less damage you do, following that hard trinity path that Blizz chose for DPS heroes.

Of course Blizz has taken the second option, but they just haven’t found that balance yet.

Solution :
Lets nerf Mercy more and buff other healers

What ? healing rates are increasing,
nerf Mercys hps to zero and buff other supports hps to 9000

but how nerfing healing would solve the issue of tanks like reinhardt getting instantly melted as soon as they drop the shield? there’s a lot of damage going around overwatch too, and it isn’t fun. :confused:

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Mercy spends most of her time healing and few times damaging, she’s balanced for a hard trinity, she benefits from the damage of her teammates to stay alive as they benefit from her healing.

I know I am joking :wink:

I said explicitly that the ability to escape or fight back unfavorably is perfectly fine. You somehow translated that to free kill.

I like this option.

Nerf healing and what about the damage creep?

No thanks.

The problem is not too much healing and sustain. It is too much healing and sustain while ALSO having damage enough to kill the enemy or at least farm ult then kill the enemy (that’s what Goats do).

If healing was the issue, we wouldn’t have quad dps meta with least amount of healing and spam damage being meta.

It’s the insane amount of damagecreep. Tanks counter damagespam and burst dmg. Hanzo rework began this by giving him approx 4k more damage output and rest followed.