Healing across the board needs to be toned down

Potential hps. Orb can pass allies by and not even her healing always lands accurately. That’s why she reaches her peak in tight deathball like quad tank

Yes potential, that can be reached since the orb slows down when attached to a target which means as long as an ally is walking forward the orb wont blow past them because it was designed to stick in a push, also it doesnt change that I’m correcting them saying Moira’s heal combo is 155 not 130

Yes that would be wonderful if all overwatch matches took place in tight hallways and involved power walking for fitness


Its just not healing.
Ultimates come far too quickly & stack ontop of eachother.
Tanks do too much damage.
The ridiculous amount of CC
Its not just healing, its all these things in combination

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I’m gonna be honest it feels like you’re trolling me now so I’m gonna end this conversation here


Then you’ll have to buff healing over time, since burst healing remains fastest way to restore tank to combat-ready state. No one got time to wait to be healed to full, regardless from their health pool.

nerfing healing is something that would put the game in a weird spot for a while but the long term effects will be great

Healing really isn’t the reason that DPS like Soldier and Tracer aren’t seeing use. It’s largely just because one shots are better overall. Even without healing, sustained damage is far less reliable–not only does it have pretty much all the same weaknesses as oneshots, it also grants the enemy much more reactive counterplay. Discounting other aspects of their kits, there’s really not a lot of reason to choose sustained-damage heroes over burst damage, regardless of healing values.

For what it’s worth, GOATS also mostly relied on off-healers. If healing was really the driving factor of success, then main healers should’ve made more of an appearance, but they didn’t. Why? Because, well… it wasn’t really the healing that made GOATS so unbeatable. It was the stacked defenses and CC and utility, which made high healing pretty unnecessary.

Nerfing healing would largely just incentivize tank-heavy comps, make supports more frustrating to play, and not drastically improve the situation of DPS who aren’t Widow, Hanzo, or Genji


This isn’t true.

We saw double sniper meta dominating over Dive well over a year ago now. This was before all the supports got changes. Double sniper has always been powerful. It hasn’t recently become a thing due to Brig throwing out armour.

In fact, Moria and Mercy do less healing than before. Zen and Lucio got nerfs. Bapt is considered a little weak and only very recently we have seen Ana return to be a good pick again.

How? A solo Mercy in plat heals more than a pro goats team. Goats runs the 3 supports that have the lowest healing. Brig and Zen are used as dps and on average Lucio is on speed boost for 60% of the game.

Healing really isn’t a problem.


If healing was so strong Moira wouldn’t have been dropped from GOATs the second they found out running Zenyatta in her place was more effective, and Moira has the highest healing number output of any healer.


Well there is two who fits that category currently, Baptiste and Ana, both who need to reload and aim to heal. And then I ask you, would you still want them nerfed, which makes even missing even one shot 100% more punishing than it is ? Healing is not the problem here. There is something but healing is not it

I would say that healing is mechanically easier and even Baptiste and Ana, that require more aim, they don’t have fall-off and hitbox won’t matter since their shots do the same amount in small or large hitboxes.

Well yeah, current is maybe an unnecessary word. The power of snipers has always been caused by the state of healing. Just the way that healing is designed in this game as easy to apply and having flat values incentivizes the use of one-shots over consistent damage. It’s pretty much a self-reinforcing cycle.

How so? I know of Mercy’s nerf to 50 hps (but wasn’t it also 50 hps at the very beginning?), but since when did Moira’s healing get nerfed?

And they’re still more than viable. Just goes to show how powerful they were (yeah, I know not because of healing but because of their utility (which is another problem alltogether that they have the monopoly on it)).

Or you can look at it differently: GOATS is based on living through whatever gets thrown at you. That already the 3 lowest healing heroes can do this job, whilst at the same time providing unique utility, should say something about healing in general. After all, when you use more healing than you actually need to stay alive, you only lose in efficiency.

I often see the reasoning that: ‘if healing would be the problem then GOATS would run all main supports’. However, the relation between healing and impact on the game is not a linear relation like is the case with damage, but one with an optimum. There’s always a reason to deal damage to an enemy (save for exceptions like Zarya’s bubble), but there’s not always a reason to heal (there’s no point in healing a full-health target). That means that, if you go over that optimum, you’re having an excess of healing that essentially just goes to waste.

And to see how healing has evolved over the years, you could take a look at Mystery Heroes as its randomness has the advantage that it eliminates some confounding factors that are present in coordinated play. I can tell you one big pattern that happened over the years in that gamemode: overall survivability has gone up. Today, on average much less people die than, say, two years ago. To pretend that healing doesn’t play a role in this is wishful thinking at best.

There, fixed that for you.

Healing isn’t the issue. The only healer with real insane heals is Moira. And maybe brig if it’s about burst healing. Soldier and tracer can out damage all of the healers.

Heroes like Lucio, Zen, and Mercy already have issues keeping up with damage. A global nerf to healing is just as bad as a global nerf to tanks or a global nerf to burst damage.

Yes, let’s make it even more undesirable to play healer.

Because everyone knows healers are in abundance!

I agree completely.

But I don’t think the problem lies with any single support. It’s stacking and burst healing that’s the issue. That’s why I proposed diminishing returns on stacking healing to discourage multi pocketing.

One shots have always existed in this game since day one with little complaints aside from one or two salty kids. There is no reason why it should now be considered an unhealthy mechanic on a whim without looking deeper into the actual cause.

In flat numbers of DPS vs HPS? Yes, you are correct.

But there are a lot more variables to consider such as magazine capacity and reload time and frequency of those two, highly increased TTK, ability to seek cover behind a wall or barrier, and human accuracy.

Soldier and Tracer can’t humanly hit every shot in their mags, reload very often, and the highly increased TTK allows for the shootee to seek cover in time or fight back a winning fight.

Healers have high healing capacity per mag, if not infinite like Mercy, Zen, and Lucio. They generally also have easier aim requirements, if at all. The healing source is mostly stable while the damage source has a much higher margin of error.

I kept saying that the healing is the main problem since the first triple tank meta.

Nothing dies in this game.

I do not personally believe healing is the problem everyone makes it out to be… But if they universally lowered damage… It would be.

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