Healers in quickplay

My problem with QP and arcade is I never get anyone playing, unless I go healer. So when I do get someone actually playing healer I either walk up and have my character say thank you, and/or I also go healer so it’s not one person solo healing a group of 5 man idiots (me being one lol)

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This made me laugh a lot more than it should’ve :rofl:


Then if you were a healer in my team then I will always say “thanks” :heart:

Support main as well on ps4, can confirm the “Thanks” is real. God I hate the passive agressive thanks


I know that feeling, anoying…

That’s very disgusting behaviour. They played out of your line of sight when you were busy solohealing everyone and on a hero which is designed to self-heal herself and then they start to act pathetic and whine and troll for heals when they still keep playing out of LOS.

I dunno, I get kind of empowered when I am a solo healer in QP… I mean if the 5 dps can’t appreciate you for choosing the roll then they can die (literally, in game). It’s funny when I mention “yo since im the only healer, please come to me flankers if you need heals because I can’t be everywhere at once.” If they die a million miles from me then I Can’t say I didn’t warn them. Most of the time people tend to group for heals since they don’t want to switch off dps.

The best is when im playing Moira and I say in coms “yo genji orb coming your way bro” only to see his dark orange silluehette (sp) running away from said orb. Checks team chat. Genji not in team chat lulz.

yeah, sometimes I really wonder if people realize that the only healers who can heal without LOS are zen / mercy but that only lasts for 3s or so, and moira can use her orb but I wouldn’t consider that “reliable” unless you cast it preemptively. Besides the point though - it was quick play where people shouldn’t feel stressed out about performance so even if I was doing absolutely horribly that doesn’t really even vaguely justify this sort of thing but I see it so often. If I even hear the noise of “I need healing” being spammed I’ll ask the healer who it is and report them for spam. This behavior needs to stop.

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Shout out to those players who dive or get killed deep in the enemy lines then spam X repeatedly after they die.
Or the ones who slam the X key while I’m already healing them…or when I’m dead/running back from spawn.

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ur so nice!!, who hurt you >:(