Healers in quickplay

I mainly play healer and the “Thanks!” goes a long way with me. If another player regardless of their role saves me, whether I’m on heals or not I also try and do it for them. There have been a couple, rare times in which I’ve switched off Healer (in quick play or arcade) because someone(s) was complaining the entire match. I had suggest they heal at that point.

I’d also like to see a ‘cooldown’ button for Mercy’s Ress to share with your teammates. There’s many times when people ask for a res and I’ve already used it. I’m not ignoring you I promise!

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I agree with this, a healers job is to make sure everyone is still alive, nothing more annoying then constantly being on low health looking for health packs because you’re being ignored by your support.

I was the only healer the entire game as Moira in blizz world and all the dps (we had rein, ossia and me but others were dps) kept spamming Need Healing! when they overextend constantly and complain to me that I’m not healing them fast enough. All the while a Pharah kept raining bullcrap from above on me and the Rein who was guarding me.

I love when someone dies a couple times because they either overextended, I didn’t notice them, I was busy and they spam the “I need healing!” button while they’re re-spawning. I generally apologize if I missed seeing someone at low HP and they died, but damn, spamming the “I need healing!” button off cooldown will garner the exact opposite response lol

when that happens I spam
“Group up with me!”
“Group up with me!”

Like sorry, my teleportation and wall-piercing heals are still on the PTR. :joy:

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Hmm interesting, the only attitudes I keep encountering in qp are the healers themselves. “Omg our dps sucks”, “can you guys kill something omaguuurd”, “if you guys don’t kill something I’m going dps”… QP should be renamed “chill the french toast out” or “casual play” will do.

This game has a lot of pineapples in it, QP or Comp. Rude, disrespectful people that don’t even know what’s happening beyond their scope, all they can see is their perspective however small that is.

When things get out of proportions, I crack a joke and it makes people laugh it off and relax. It doesn’t matter if you’re tank, healer, dps we all get our fair share of brute toxic flaring that feels like they are attacking you, but no it happens to everyone.

The honest way to fix this is to just start being nice/funny/chill. If enough people do this we can compile a decent community. So don’t get bitter/toxic/rage and just remember you can say something silly, funny, nice, or sometimes don’t say anything at all and sigh at the pea sized brain of that particular player and it’ll be alright. :slight_smile:

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Mute/Block or leave the game. It’s that simple. If its comp and they want you to pocket them 24/7 then they’re throwing.

Prepare to get backlash because you are implying you didn’t prioritize a charity in which wasn’t a necessity to donate to, and isn’t the game’s target audience rather than the player base you have matches with every single day.

Then I will mute and report them for abusive chat, but I will never let someone bother me like that, it also just a game, lol.

I guess if it’s a DPS in question I can abuse them as much as I want?

Toxicity is bad anywhere, directed at anyone. Receiving it as a healer doesn’t make it any less acceptable than it already wasn’t.

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That is a true statement, but nobody wants to agree with it. Multiplayer games have always had this stigma of DPS are the abusers, Tank are just jaded or don’t care, and Supports get abused. Regardless of it being true or not I think it’s silly how this community blankets it all with that rule, and I am happy to see you can look deeper into the matter.

To be honest, healing in QP is fine, if you:

  1. Report offenders and mute them.
  2. Have your personal goal in mind and don’t care if you win and what the team is doing (and if you care you should go to competitive).

I usually pick healer in QP so when I see someone else doing it, I’ll play some other character.

Not saying I have to be pocketed even at all, but going entire matches getting zero heals when I know I do a much better job as a healer is a little frustrating, even moreso if said healer is ONLY pocketing their duo or people from their premade. I don’t do that when I queue with friends. I’m not off soloing the enemy team, either. These are like situations where I gradually just take too much chip damage and have to walk to a health pack when I’m like, 10 feet from a healer that isn’t healing.

I have a really bad habit of saying “Thanks!” whenever I get healed regardless of the situation. It has lead to many embarrassing deaths haha

More women play this shooter than most shooters out there, and there are plenty of women who play Overwatch.

Lucio why dont you heal me i dont need a speed boost ?!

i hate why people say that I was in speed for literally 3 milliseconds calm down

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I got reported by a Genji when I was on Ana for “Inactivity” because i wasn’t constantly healing him when I was solo healing :rofl:

I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve been actively healing a Mccree or Hanzo that is standing perfectly still and exposed while aiming, or a Rein that goes charging in on his own never putting his shield up, or genjis and tracers that go in and flank but don’t get out when their healing is low and have them spam the “I need healing” line after they die. Then there’s the ones that pay no attention to the kill feed and do it when their only healer is dead or coming back from spawn. Let’s not forget snipers in the backlines that spam it when you’re trying to keep your tanks and DPS alive during the middle of a team fight like I’m going to ignore 4 players at crit health to heal one. :upside_down_face:


When I see someone pick Mercy in qp I feel like a nature photographer that stumbled across a magnificent bird that’s from an endangered species and is famous for being skittish. It’s a chance of a lifetime, but one careless move and it’s gone.

I know from experience how stressful playing her in qp can be, so I’m terrified of doing a stupid and being the reason they switch off Mercy.



  • I know I’m not a spectacular ana
  • That doesn’t excuse this behavior
  • Honestly if you behave this way please get a therapist