Healers in quickplay

This post was inspired by a Very Special Someone while I was Mercy yesterday.

If you’re in quickplay and someone on your team is a healer-- being rude to them for not pocketing you 24/7, not rezzing you when you’re in the middle of their whole team or its on cooldown [We have cooldowns too!!], is the fastest way to make sure you never have a healer in your games.

It’s arguably worse than comp, because at least in comp your team understands they need to help you out from time to time if they want to stay alive and win. In QP people dont have that same mindset, which is fine because its a fun casual mode-- annoying sometimes, but fine because hey; what can ya do?

But I actually really enjoy being a healer. I used to main Ana. I used to play a lot of Mercy and Lucio. Sometimes when I see we dont have one or have only one, I’ll switch and remember why I liked doing it so much. Keeping my team alive feels good. I have fun.

Then there’s always that one person who makes me remember why I stopped.

You want tanks and healers. You constantly complain and wonder why you never have tanks and healers.

I gotta babysit 5 people all game. I get solo-ulted everytime I exhale. I’ve got Tracer on me like I owe her child support. But hearing the little “thanks!” from time to time when I save that Genji who over-extended, or pocketed pharah through her ult, or Nano’d reinhardt at the perfect time, and even getting voted for at the end of the match really makes it all worth it.

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside; like people noticed and cared about how hard I tried to keep them alive.

So, I’m sorry I couldn’t out-heal that RIP Tire.
I’m sorry if I had to let you die sometimes to focus on someone else.
I’m sorry if sometimes I panic ult or can’t come help you because I’m being killed by Reaper.
I never claimed to be a t500 healer. I make mistakes too.

But being rude because I can’t stick on you the entire game, especially if I’m healing by myself and they’ve got flankers-- is just going to make me switch off and leave you with no healer.

So, if you want a balanced team comp and somebody is willing to play healer for you-- cut them some slack.

Say “thanks!” every once in a while if they save you at a crucial time. You dont have to worship them all game, but if I get annoyed enough to leave my group with my friend and come into teamchat just to get on mic and say “I AM healing you. I’ve been healing you all game.” – that should tell how how somebody on the team is acting.

And it doesnt feel good.

So just…give your healer a break. We are doing the best we can. :heart:

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I Will Be Your Shield!


My bitter healer heart just grew three sizes.

Bless tank mains. :heart:


Yeah having a healer (let alone a mercy) in quick play is 100% a privilege and a rare one at that. If someone is being excessively toxic in QP when I’m healing then I’ll just switch off healer and tell them to do it. It’s only quick play afterall, amirite?


I had someone insult me because I bought the Mercy skin last night.

Guess which teammate died the most that match?



Nothing better in QP than to have the 5 other players go in 5 different directions and then complain about not getting heals.


I’ve seen people with like 1200+ hours of Mercy in just QP. Lots of crazy individuals out there.


if i have a healer on my team in QP who actually heals when people need it instead of just going full dps, or just pocketing a friend, then yeah, i’ll thank them, and be nice to them.

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We all know it’s about the one teammate far out of anyone’s range asking for healing.


i feel your pain, but its one thing to try and heal and its something different, even more prevalent are the healers that go dps … like the dps only mercys i keep encountering since they bought the skin and want to show off… or the moiras that never ever heal or the anas that cant hit the broadside of new jersey …

yeah, i say thanks … but being a healer in qp is just asking for crap. i dont know why people do it tbh …


I wouldn’t call that crazy, I call that dedication. I know I’ll probably never reach that amount of hours on her.

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Wow, so not only were you rude to your own team mate, you go ahead and brag about it to, that not right at all.


I just don’t understand why people take QP so seriously.

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Well there a difference between taking it seriously, and playing the objective. Some people seem to think that playing the objective is to serious.


I see people mostly being happy about it.

But when they aren’t… oh man. For example today someone flamed our Mercy really bad for no reason, calling them a loser and a b*tch for no reason at all thorought the match. Even when we won they were still being rude. Some people are just terrible…


Same, I only played qp once and I was the only healer ( mostly main mercy) and then I was the “all to blame” so this makes tears to my eyes :heart:

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I can count on one hand the number of times this has happened.

If anything people in QP will suck your diddilydangdong and do anything to ensure you don’t swap off healer so they don’t have to play it instead.

happend me too, I don’t understand that… :confused:

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On ps4 this happens at least once a day or more. People in QP hate wearing the Mic so they take to spamming the sarcastic “Thanks” every single time they die. Its really irritating and will usually force me to switch off healer