Healers in quickplay

This happens to me to, but the second the spam or rudeness starts I don’t always switch, I usually just mute em. One less person to worry about healing I guess :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:

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I have a policy in quick play, which generally goes something like this.

If I’m playing as a support healer then…

  • A team of five DPS, I will ask politely if they’re sure about this (as almost certainly those types of teams lose). If they don’t reply or seem uncooperative then I’ll give them a chance, if the team gets stomped then I’ll go ‘battle healer’ until we get something a little more likely to work. This usually upsets a few DPS instalock players but it generally works in getting them either replaced with other players who will work as a team or alternatively to form a team comp that works better than five DPS and a support healer.
  • If someone moans unjustly about me not pocketing them or healing them then I will tell them politely if they’d like to go healer then. If they continue moaning then I will most likely give them a low priority for healing.

heh, when i see no tank, i will just send a message like, we have no tank, so take extra care to not die, more so if i am the healer, lol.

This may sound kind of bitter, but I feel like the only way I can win games anymore is if I’m constantly playing tank or healer, ESPECIALLY healer. I like to play DPS and I fill a bunch. Junkrat, Pharah, and Soldier are generally my go-to’s, and I love some Zenyatta. But even last night I had to roll healer in all my games because people just…can’t do it right.

I’m never mean to people, I just ask them if they want to switch with me and I’ll roll healer for them.

My point is, I just think every role of people right now are all a little irritated and bitter with one another. Not really sure how to fix it. I just try to be positive in all my games, but deep down I’d love a break from tank or healer (yes, this includes comp games as well).


When i ask for a heal, i always follow up with a thank you! Common courtesy for any support player. I can guarantee if you say thank you every time you get healed, your support will make it a priority to keep getting those thank yous even if you are asking for healing during the match! Its all about the give and take! Kudos to OP!


Ok i get it that people shouldnt take QP seriously, but no one likes to lose, i get that you are trying certain new characters, but when the composition is all messed up i rather you try a different class other than the other 4 DPS, i get it that QP is supposed to be fun but at least try to win, ive been trying the new Hanzo recently and ive been getting really good at it, but when i see we dont have a healer and we have 4 other dps guess who is the one that tries to change and tries to win…this guy. I dont mind loosing but i hate selfish people and loosing to because people dont know about compositions.

Because the comp scene isn’t for them. They’re not playing for SR and yet the game is still serious for them. They also play to win. Subsequently Quickplay to these people fills the same niche as Competitive does to you. To such people Quickplay doesn’t equate to simple throw away. That’s why.

There are many different takes on Quickplay. It’s a continuum of opinions and not binary at all.


It doesn’t matter what game we talk about, it’s always the healers fault.
It’s your fault that the Genji dies at enemy spawn, when you are trying to keep frontline alive (assuming there is one in the first place).
Stupidity cannot be outhealed, so healers get all the blame (even thou sometimes tanks are so awful that they take the blame).


I’m just going to leave this here… https://imgix.ranker.com/user_node_img/50069/1001362608/original/simplifed-photo-u1?w=650&q=50&fm=jpg&fit=crop&crop=faces


Not sure if serious…

They said they purposely let one of their teamate die because they did not want to heal them, that rudeness in anyone book.

Yes, after immediately being insulted by said person before the match even began.

I gave him my response.

I let him die.


Then do not be a healer if you unwilling to heal. Also who cares what they say, report and ignore them sure, but do not throw the game by not healing. that an insult to the other 11 players in the match, 10 if you do not want to count the person.

Who said I threw?

We won.

I healed everyone else, to the best of my abilities as I always do.


um, you’re kidding us, right?

He’s rude for letting someone insult him over making a charitable donation for a character skin, and letting that person die?

Pfft. I’d push that person over a ledge in-game myself if I could. If you aren’t required to be nice to me, or even defend your healer, I don’t see a problem with that healer setting you low on their priority list.


If someone excessively complains, I let them die and focus on the team mates who actually need the healing. I’m not going to follow one single person around while they’re flanking solo near a spawn. I rather make sure I keep everyone around the objective alive. You know, the most important area.

If you want to flank, use health packs.


this is fine. Anyone who tells you that you should or have to ignore snotty in-game attitudes and heal is confusing this for a job, not a game. Give me serious attitude for no reason? You’d better hope my heal beam accidentally heals you then b/c i will emote over your corpse while i keep everyone else alive


two wrongs never make a right. Not healing someone when you can heal them, is always the wrong move. I don’t care what they said to you, but if you pick healer, you heal to the best of your ability, that the only correct answer. Purposely letting them die is being rude, to your team and the other team, who wants a good match too.

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Nah, I was 100% in the right.

I played healer, I chose my priority targets, and he wasn’t one of them.

That’s the benefit of being the healer, and the only one, to boot.


yeah i Choose who lives who dies, im like a GOD buahahahahahahahaha ok im done.

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