Having Mercy be non meta is okay

A small nerf to Mercy 1.0 would have done nothing. She did over double the heals over the other supports and had over double the pick rate of the second most picked hero.

They nerfed her to have 1 rez every 30 secs and that was still op.

I said buff and Mercy 1.0 was underpowered before.

Heals really do depend on the situation plus she was picked a lot meaning you’re going to have a lot of Mercy players in different scenarios healing their teams.

She has always had a high pickrate. Even when she was underpowered. If you want to look at pickrate to prove that she’s balanced or not, you need to look at high level play. If we take a look a glance at that, you will see that Mercy wasn’t overpowered.

That’s not a nerf in any sense? That’s a buff.

A support that can’t keep her team alive…
With a kit that it is fully dedicated to heal and support the team, yet she can’t even do her basics well…
How viable.



(20 characters…)

If there was a hero that stood in spawn, not moving or doing anything, but by existing did an okay-job of helping the team. Not enough to be a must-pick. Kinda bad, but not super-trash.

… That hero would be as fun as Mercy became.

Seriously, the healer that single-target heals teammates but can barely keep them up even when having to ignore other teammates that need healing. Who’s only impact-ability makes her stop dead in place for a bit and in most cases can’t do anything because players often die in stupid positions with no cover and nobody can (or will) put a shield down.

Mercy not only has some kinda-bad winrates (not the worst, again, she’s not “trash”) but my god is she trash in terms of fun.

NOBODY WANTED MERCY TO BE META, GET IT STRAIGHT PLEASE. We just want her to be fun, not a boring specatator.

  1. Our OW population and usage data is flawed at best, and outright wrong most of the time.

  2. 2000 up votes proves nothing.

  3. Quoting devs only shows what they have said in the past. Using their quotes to infer intent is so dishonest it’s cringe worthy.

There’s a difference between a hero being non-meta (see Tracer) and a hero who is left in a state where the only time you want to use them is if you like the hero like how Roadhog currently is. It doesn’t take somebody who mains her to know that she isn’t left in a good state and everything that the devs stated in their developer notes about Mercy is contradictory when compared to the evidence.

She isn’t the go-to healer for raw healing; Ana and Moira take that easily. She has no form of utility that you’d want over what the other supports provide. She has mobility, but so does Lucio and can provide a piece of that same mobility to others along with tools to protect his team from close range heroes whereas all Mercy can do is heal and hope for the best.

Yes, it is.
I think what the Mercy mains are after is her being balanced, which she is, she just isn’t fun which I don’t know if you are able to consider not fun a success.

She’s quite outclassed right now so I she definitely needs some sort of buff.
Most healers are picked for something and if consistency with a low value kit is her power then that isn’t consistency.

Did she? Yes, eventually.

However there were several other heroes who were in a much MUCH worse spot than she was at the time that SHOULD have gotten the rework.

Bastion, Reaper,at the time Ana, and McCree (though he could have just had to more work to his kit).

All four of them NEEDED the rework/adjustments more than Mercy ever did. Mercy wasn’t in that bad of a place. Her win-rates weren’t bad (in fact from what I’m seeing they were better pre-rework compared to now) and had a healthy but not at must-have pick rate.

She seriously didn’t need to be the one to be reworked at the time when when the 4 I mentioned prior we the ones who needed it.

Yes, down the line Mercy would have needed to be looked over; but at the time she was decent. Could have been better, but far from the worse.

Also, they took out everything but free-flight, unlimited ammo, and chains from Valk.

They had to nerf her healing, that had to be buffed in the first place because it was too weak.

They had a “bug fix” that was in there since the start of the game (like they did to Roadie, still calling bull on that).

The rework invested more money and resources that it should have; it FAILED. When Blizz has to start hacking at the base kit of a hero then that means something was royally goofed.


So we can’t ask for Mercy buffs

But people can ask for Ana nerfs because she is too much…

Where would that leave you? A crippled grandma or a chicken with her wings clipped? Or well moira (no hate on moira but she’s not the best at spread out like ana or mercy)

Mercy being not meta for once is fine.
Heck, it’s more than fine. It’s good!
It’s healthy for the game to have the meta keep changing. This keeps the game fresh.
Having only 1 main healer meta for over a year is definitely not healthy.

But, is Mercy also viable?

Her winrate in platinum and lower is below 50% and so is her overall winrate.
(And yes, I do know most heroes have a winrate below 50% in bronze.)
She may need some minor adjustments to reach the perfect balanced spot.

(Being fun to play is a different topic.)

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Where? In Gold and below? Because she’s getting heavily outshined by Ana in Plat and above.

People don’t understand that, since she isn’t fun and isn’t impactful must mean she has to get a change. A lot of said that having a character be good and another be trash is bad when this is what happened to Ana and Mercy but now they switched and its for some reason more of an issue than it was for Ana even though and had it for over 10 seasons and Mercy less than one season so far.

You do realize that Mercy is competing with five (really two if you honor the primary/off support distinction) characters for a vital role on the team. There aren’t enough supports in the game for one of them to be non-viable. (Yes, this applies to pre-buff Lucio and Ana as well.)

Stats are nothing in a game that has very inconsistent metas. Ana’s stats were horrendous until this season when her ultimate got buffed and Mercy lost 10hps.

So, as it stands, Mercy does 50hps while Ana does 70-80 hps (not sure on the numbers since it changes for damage dealt).

Fact of the matter is that Mercy is still viable, but since Ana has much more utility and raw healing, she’s the preferred healer in many comps. And thus is dubbed as “meta.”

I mean, healing is a very insignificant part of the game when practically every hero has some form of survivability. Some have more than others, but that’s up to the support players to recognize and prioritize healing towards and the person with all that sustain to utilize before mashing the life out of their x key. So, perhaps this isn’t so much a Mercy thing as much as it is a collection of players not performing to the highly set standards of Diamond+ ranked players?

It’s a false analogy.

I don’t think you understand what mechanical skill means, you might want to look up the definition of “mechanical skill”.

Ana is second lowest winrate in Platinum. What are you talking about?

Last 6 months probably but the most recent is 50.25% which is far from the lowest.

No, just within the last month. Ana is second lowest in platinum.