Haven’t received Overwatch League rewards

Bump. Still missing everything.

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I submitted a ticket in regards to a few issues, but it is not getting addressed.

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Bump bump. Still missing.

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A bump of the bump. Been checking everyday. Still missing.

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Blizzard’s response at this point is to link you a bunch of links to tell you to keep doing what you have been doing, and that they will do nothing to help you out at this point. They aren’t reading anything here at this point. Giving up on them at this point of doing anything.

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After 3 whole months Blizzard has finally awarded me my sojourn skin from the OWL Finals. If anyone else still has theirs locked though do leave a comment. But for now, congrats to everyone who contributed and helped successfully garner enough public outcry to get the Dev’s attention and have them fix these bugs. GGs all.

And for those who have bugged rewards regarding competitive, I’d encourage you to read about those issues in this megathread: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I would greatly appreciate it.

They only will fix the major bugs. They are nonvisible on all other viewership drop issues.

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I still did not receive my Grand Finals rewards even after I watched 5 hours.

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Keep getting the same responses from the support/bots of the Blizzard support team on this, so no doubt that they will continue to do nothing, as usual.

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If you ask Blizzard support in a ticket, they will provide no comprehensive support and will threaten you with a suspension if you ask for answers, but they will direct you to post here where they will promptly give zero transparency.

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Can confirm. Submitting support tickets too frequently may result in a customer support supervisor hitting your account with a warning of account deletion if you continue. You can read more about that in my post above too. At that point, there is nothing to be gained by continuing provide updates to problems they can do nothing to resolve. Only through promoting posts on the bug forums will the Devs notice our issues and solve them.

Facing the same issue but it seems like whoever is left to run the forums are non-existent at this point, and the people that were the most responsive weren’t even employees but ended up being hired on and also following suit of being non-existent here. Seems like Blizzard policy is to ignore everything, and give zero relevant answers if they can.


Yeah. I seem to have multiple GM’s respond to tickets, but there is little to no response here at all from any GM here. They either don’t know what they are doing or Blizzard doesn’t seem to care. Most likely both.

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My guess is that different games have different GMs with varying levels of capability. WoW for example have GMs that are regularly able to help with minor issues such as missing items, which is a capacity Overwatch GMs seem to lack. Whether an intentional regulatory decision or lack of system flexibility, only the Devs know for sure.

They keep repeating the most vague answers, they only reply: “ it is out of our abilities” and “we are unable to track or provide skins”. I have dealt with Warner Bros. in the last month who were able to resolve (and provide) a missing Twitch drop after being able to look into it. I am not sure if it is incompetence on Blizzard as a company or on support, but it seems like both since nobody from the support staff seems to reply or look at the forums.

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Agreed, customer support seems to be exceedingly lacking in capabilities as most issues end up being posted on the forums anyways. Just this Season, another cosmetics bug as appeared and the white OWL Sojourn skin has been removed from the accounts of some players after they had finally been given it after months of waiting. It’s all so frustrating.

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Yep, I just checked and it’s gone. This is so annoying.

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If you try to issue a ticket while also providing files for proof, support will just end up ignoring and say it is out of their capabilities. I have gone to Ubisoft and Warner Bros. support and both of their support teams were able to look into and resolve the issue to a degree that I have not seen the Blizzard support team be able to provide. The incompetence seems to be more widespread at Blizzard with each passing year.

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Wonder what Blizzard support’s plan will be, given that they tend to respond they’ve responded to only a handful of drops issues out of the numerous ones that everyone has had over the past few years.

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I am also missing sojourn’s “Overwatch 2 Overwatch League White” skin which I had previously.